Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1794: Senxia: I am now the summer of light, you have to believe me!

"Huh...Finally at peace."

Enjoying the winter BBQ, Senxia feels much more comfortable.

Although it was an outline, it was not easy to get it all done at once, so seeing that the time was almost the same, Morinka suggested that everyone should have dinner together.

Barbecuing is a great joy in life.

Not to mention there are hot springs.

Ah, ah, this is the most interesting thing in this country.

"Does the actor really want to write according to Paul?" Qianjia took the skewers and moved to Senxia's side.

"No, that's not the example you gave. Using "Steel" as a metaphor, it seems a bit too unlucky."

It is indeed a very strong book.

But... AZ is not that style thing!

Although I have made an analogy before, it is actually just an analogy. Morinka actually did not consider conflating it with his own design.

Animation or something, or the happy ending of the hero and heroine together.

Hei Shen can't do it.

"Have you changed sex?" Qianjia looked at Senxia suspiciously.

"I am Teacher Xia Sen of Light now." Sen Xia looked righteous.

Morinka is full of light now!

he! Tianhai Senxia! Now is the embodiment of positive energy!

"...It seems that if my sister goes to study abroad, the blow to you is really not small." Qianjia sighed.

"It's all said, because I am the embodiment of positive energy now, the legendary teacher Xia Sen!"

Senxia shook her head.

In fact, he was really sad during this time.

After bidding farewell to Yukino, Morinatsu actually wanted to go to the teacher Erdaime for life talks. As his favorite idol, teacher Erdaime can always become his soul harbor.

But sadly, the Erdaime teacher said that he went out to gather and write, and he was not in Tokyo at all.

This is sad.

"Speaking of which, is AZ going to be gamified like other works?"

Many of Moriha's major productions are gamified, and some are even two-pronged.

This is actually a reason why Musashino's funds are so healthy. However, ordinary animation companies can't do such a thing, because their starting capital does not allow, and it is difficult to have as many talents as Morinia.

First mover advantage.JPG.

But Senxia knows that it is really worthwhile to wait for the start of web and mobile games.

Of course, there is money in the Order of the Phoenix, but it is better to make clear between the company and the company. What's more, the AI ​​technology and neural network that are in progress over there are also big money collectors.

"I haven't thought about this yet." Senxia shook her head.

"Kukukuku ~ Is this a feast to welcome this queen?" At this time, a girl walked in proudly from the door.

"Lily, you are finally here." Lihua walked over.

The one who came over was Lily, wearing a winter dress, and the girl proudly walked into the courtyard.

Although she is also a member of Current Vision Research, Lily was a little busy today, so she only came during dinner.

"The protagonist of destiny always appears at the grandest time~" Lily smiled.

"...What bad idea do you have?" Qianjia noticed that Senxia was looking at the second-year-old girl with a curious look.

"You said, would it be fun to make an animation with the theme of'Second Diseases'?"

Senxia rarely "copy homework" now.

But if copying homework can reveal the dark history of others, it might be interesting.

"If you hope that your family will never have a peaceful life, there is no problem. Don't think Lily is always like this, but in fact, she is a very persistent person by accident."

Qianjia and Lily have spent much more time with each other than Senxia, ​​and she understands each other's character.

"That's fine." Senxia was a little pity.

"But I'm actually quite interested. After AZ is finished, why don't you try it?" Qianjia was quite interested in this.

"Huh? But Senior Sister, didn't you just say--"

"Anyway, the unfortunate thing is that you are not me. Can you try interesting things?"

"...Forget it."

After spending time with Secondary 2 for a long time, Senxia is afraid that she will become ill with Secondary 2.

Eating the fragrant skewers, the cool breeze blowing in just right blows away the overheated air, making everything pleasant.

"Speaking of which, how do you plan to do the next plot?" Qianjia was still quite concerned about the unfinished outline.

"Well, I have thought about it." Mori Xia said, "After a long period of...I mean the strategy has been transferred, he came to a place that can be used as a basis...I mean the base. On the other side, at After getting Deucalion, the princess also met with Slein and got the opportunity to talk to her grandfather..."

However, at this time, the princess finally knew the emperor's heart.

"Wait a minute," Qianjia thought of an unreasonable place, "Why hasn't Her Royal Highness learned it before?"

"Because the princess's father used to learn it, but her father died, so Ethelam became the first heir. Oh, yes, here we can also extend a conspiracy... …"

In the original book, the heroine Ethelam’s father died very early, and an illegitimate daughter was left behind.

Although later, the girl looked like a new role abruptly entered after the second season's plot could not be edited.

So Senxia had an idea at this time.

"By the way, here we can rationalize everything in this way." Senxia said.

"How to do it?"

"First of all, the first heir should have been the father of the heroine Ethelam. But he died. There can be a conspiracy here."

The original work has been thrown away by Senxia, ​​now it is Senxia's brain time.

"First of all, we have to make sure that although the Martian knights are limited by the emperor, they also have their own conspiracies. The young prince is capricious, passionate, and young, which makes the Martian knights coveted..."

"...So he was killed by the Martian Knights?" Qianjia understood.

"No, we leave it blank to help the audience."

Some plots do not necessarily need to be told.

On the contrary, if you give the audience a brain supplement, things will be easier to say.

"Moreover, if you leave it blank, if we meet a Martian knight who looks pleasing to the eye, we can also wash it away."

"That's true."

Yes, one of the benefits of the unclear setting is that it can facilitate the whitewashing of characters... hehe.

"In addition, if this prince has an illegitimate child outside...No, if it is an illegitimate daughter, then the plot of the initial assassination will be more rationalized. This second prince also has the blood of the emperor and can activate the Martian black technology. , And is completely controlled by those Martian knights, so the conspirators can be confident. The Martian emperor did not treat these knights hard, but also because of this point..."

The emperor is a ruler with the emperor's heart.

Martian knights are the upper class with the spirit of Kakashang and the style of Showa Red Deer.

Princess Ethelam is a deep boudoir lady who sympathizes with the people.

This is the role at the beginning of the play.

"Okay. I'll continue to think about it." Senxia bit a piece of roasted green pepper, and then said, "After learning about grandpa, our dear princess thought this was inappropriate, so she hoped that she was a childhood sweetheart. Because he can help himself. Slein's first half of the story is the kind that can save his life for the princess, but he hesitated when he heard the princess's unreasonable truce request."

"He thinks he is doing good for the princess, right?"

"Of course, wishful thinking male number two, this is not a standard design."

Well, very classic design.

"Slein thinks he is helping the princess. He believes that such a princess is the perfect princess. Although Slein is an earthling, at this moment Slein has already sat on Mars..."

The **** decides the head.

The sitting position determines the decision itself.

"Looking at the gradual change of her childhood sweetheart, Her Royal Highness realized the alienation of human beings... Not only did she disagree, she strengthened her own ideas. But Slein believed that this was because Her Royal Highness was too naive and did not know the world. For this reason, the two even had a big fight."

Don't say, thinking while eating skewers, the inspiration really flows.

"Slein took the princess to walk around the bottom level, and the princess finally knew how naive he was. And Slein also let go of his heart. But the next day, the princess ran away. Because the princess had already Realizing that Slein is no longer the Slein she knew, her illusion about her childhood sweetheart was completely broken."

"Really a standard male number two. I feel a little sympathetic to that Slein." Qianjia was shocked, "You are not the summer of light, why do you suddenly abuse the male number two again?"

"The second male has no human rights. If you are the protagonist of the losing dog, of course the worse the better!"

The writing of Teacher Xia Sen of Light, read as Teacher Xia Sen of Darkness, is not merciful here.

"The more miserable the male number two, the stronger the setback. This is common sense~" Morinya said that she didn't know the common sense of which country, and then continued, "The heroine who disguised herself as a running away was of course going to find our hero. It's Hina Inai. But it's not that easy on the way."

"It's like those rich people experience the poor people's daily programs?" Qian Jia still remembers that there were some interesting content in variety shows that can be used for reference.

"Of course, but the experience for the rich is the experience of the poor every day. Well, if I just flee all the way, I always feel as if there is no way to reflect the enlightenment of the princess after she has fallen to the bottom."

It would be a tragedy if it was just an escape, but it is not a real tragedy. Because this kind of tragedy is "fluid", "escape" is a process, but "life" is daily.

"Let me see, if there is a war buffer time of six months to one year in the story, it would be fine." Mori Xia muttered, "It seems that I have prepared some information for Lihua."

Moriha has also watched similar variety shows. Many times in the film, it is not because the lower-class people do not work hard, but because they have been squeezed out, and those who have done their best to survive, why do they not work hard?

Japanese variety shows are always a bit exaggerated, but when Mori summer thinks about going to a certain port, she seems to have seen similar things...

"Well, it's good to learn from it. After all, it's a show, not all. Let's watch "Investigation" written by a great man..."

Well, sure enough, it is more appropriate to find from the literature.

"How to design this part?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, let me think about it. Being a farmer...No, this is not appropriate. It seems better to work in a factory..."

The peasants do not conform to the national conditions. Although the peasants are not particularly moisturized here, they are not bad.

On the contrary, workers are fine, even if it does not meet the national conditions, but because many people have the influence of various historical teaching materials and literary works, they have a foundation.

"Go to the palace of the princess to be a female worker? You can't figure it out, Senxia." Qianjia rolled her eyes.

"The peony in the greenhouse is beautiful, but Aoxue's winter plum is even more touching. It's not good to say that, without experiencing the severe beatings of the society, how can the princess be tempered for thousands of times? Oh, oh, I finally said it, "social beatings." "Such a handsome and poisonous line, it's awesome." Morinya actually wanted to say that all the time.

Senxia thought for a while: "This story should be enough in two to three words. I think about it, yes, that's it. At first, the princess used optical camouflage to disguise herself and turned herself into a A low-level woman who is not very beautiful. But she is still in danger, because for many low-level criminals, it doesn't matter if she looks normal, as long as she is a female."

"...I thought you would say that even a man is fine." Qian Jia glanced at Xiao Tou.

"Ahem, it's still normal here. Then our princess is naturally extraordinary. Although she was suddenly attacked, she still countered the other party, but accidentally killed the other party. When she waited the next day, she thought she was When it would be exposed because of the murder, she found that the death of someone did not attract attention at all—at the bottom, the dead scum is worthless at all, and death is worthless."

"...Wait a How do I feel that you are not talking about the future world, but the flesh and blood factory of the nineteenth century?" Qianjia felt that it would be right to bring it in.

"Theatrical is dramatic." Senxia waved her hand, "And if it is too realistic, it won't be posted. You must set a suitable template."

It's okay to apply real-world templates, but in that case, Morinka feels that even if her own works can be made, the future may not be bright.

"And who is right about the future. Maybe because of the development of AI and artificial intelligence in this world, the number of unemployed people has soared, and the bottom level may be even more impoverished." Moriya said, "Although we can't say cyberpunk. , But this kind of extreme gap manifests, we can borrow it and it will be no problem."

"Okay." Qianjia didn't object to the plot, but felt that she had a sense of sight. After asking the question, she naturally stopped the dark Xia Sen and told how he would continue to abuse the hostess...


After finishing the code, I admire the author who went to work overtime... I have been very busy recently, ahem...

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