Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1801: 0 good: I'm talking about strategy cheats!

"Is this a demo version?"

For Anmic, the last big thing years ago was probably the demo version of the Swordsman Miko.

The sword maiden is Miyazaki's latest work. But unlike the roll dodge of the previous soul series, the sword maiden is more particular about the competition between swords.

This is a very rare category in this field of action games.

In this mode of game, one of the biggest difficulty in making is the judgment. If the judgment is too small, the block and competition itself are very difficult to achieve, but if the judgment is too large, it is easy to be brainless and the impact is refreshing. Yes, if the judgment is too big, sometimes it will be too late, making the game itself not so refreshing.

After Ichiro Kuroshima gave Ryutaro a bit, he turned his head and touched the sword maiden. Because Ichiro Kuroshima is also responsible for the trial play activities of the game department. The organization of manpower depends entirely on him.

But organizing the trial play is also a later thing. As for now, the game is still an early version.

"The girl in the sailor suit slashed at each other with the sword. This kind of wonderful scenery is really unstoppable~" Ichiro Kuroshima's face was full of admiration.

Leaving aside anything else, at least in terms of visual effects, they are as good as ever. The girl in a sailor suit is now even more advanced in technology than the ninja before it.

Of course, it is incomparable with animation, and the gap between 3d technology and hand-painting is still huge these days.

But simply speaking of modeling and rendering, it is absolutely unmatched in the entire world. Especially the rendering technology is exclusive.

There are actually a lot of people who can do modeling or something. The most important thing in this regard is actually the optimization of the game itself.

But the rendering can be different, a small difference in parameters may be able to appear close to the copycat picture, but it will directly make the whole picture "no taste".

This is the key factor.

The same model, on the Anmic side, can make the characters beautiful and delicious, but if it is replaced by a copycat manufacturer, the picture may not bear to look directly at it.

What's more, the current Animic uses its own engine, it is not enough to know how to render, and the issue of the engine also needs to be considered in depth.

But these are not the points.

The point is that this girl can lick.

"It feels really good."

Ichiro Kuroshima controls the demo version of the sailor suit girl, wandering in the game.

This character is a character used for testing, not a character in the plot, but the developer of the test gave this character a name called "Yi".

Mei Tai, the Taito girl in the sailor suit, was fighting Kanami at this time.

As a popular character in the anime, Kanami will also appear on the scene. When designing the action, Kanami is also given priority.

There is actually another reason why Kanami is used for the demonstration, and that is because Kanami's battles are very enjoyable.

In the game, Kanami's actions are created based on animation and the real world as templates, and then matched with the characteristics of the game.

When parrying, a parry bar will appear on both sides. After the parry bar is full, a "flaw" will appear. If the "flaw" is broken, the character's "writing" state will end.

"Writing" is equivalent to a life, if it is broken, it is equivalent to a life missing.

This method is very close to another world line of "Sekiro", but this was not proposed by Morinatsu, but by Miyazaki himself.

Not to mention, this resurrection design really fits perfectly with the original design.

However, the game's AI is obviously not adjusted, but Nami has a great look and feel when fighting, and every attack has a rhythmic feel, but will she stop twice? More importantly, the decision was still there when the move was stopped, so the difficulty was increased in disguise.

Although there are still some minor shortcomings, the game of "Swordsman Miko" has shown creativity that is different from the previous "soul series".

On the basis of inheriting the soul series, this game has been further developed and updated.

If "Devil's Soul" is enhanced on the original soul series, then "The Swordsman Miko" is looking for another path at this time.

To be more specific, this game has already begun to segment the market. The characters of the previous soul series were all biased towards realism (ignoring the player's MOD), but the current "Blade Maiden" itself is a two-dimensional system.

This style is completely different from the original, with the **** battle, it really has a special flavor.

"Sure enough, the girl × the monster is the best." Ichiro Kuroshima sighed.

"... Didn't you say that the girl × robot is the best yesterday?" Miyazaki said coldly.

"Ahem-yesterday was yesterday-yesterday I am not who I am now."

Yesterday, Ichiro Kuroshima was communicating with Ryutaro over there about AZ. Because the relationship is based on robot battles, the two chatted and talked, and suddenly it was about letting the girl go to boot the armor. on.

At that time, Miyazaki had just returned from North America. When he was serving dinner, Ichiro Kuroshima said so.

"But I found it seems to be really interesting." I didn't pay attention before, but after being spit out by Miyazaki, Ichiro Kuroshima suddenly discovered a strange place.


"I found out that if we replace all the male* protagonists with female protagonists, it is surprisingly funny. By the way, Boss Morinha seems to do just that!"

Hearing what Ichiro Kuroshima said, Miyazaki didn't recall it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he was surprised to find that it seemed that this was the case.

In MUV, players can drive Titans or march by themselves, but the biggest feature of this game is that most of these soldiers are sisters.

The same is true for the Ninja of the demon afterwards.

The current sword maiden still does.

These games do not talk about other aspects, but at least in terms of visual perception, they are the best among similar games.

Try to think about it, in the game, do you want to see more sister papers or more Han papers?

Even if it's a girl, I'm afraid there are many who choose big-eyed cute girls.

This blind spot is really amazing!


"And don't we have statistics. In those games where you can pinch faces, the number of women has approached 80%."

This is not bragging.

In the game "Sword Art Online", the number of female characters and the number of male characters have reached 82% at this moment.

This is not to say that there are so many cute girls in the real world, but the number of characters in the game. If you really say the gender of the player, I am afraid this ratio will be reversed.

Ichiro Kuroshima not only knows this data, but he also has a wonderful discovery, that is, many players who have established male characters, the second character will choose female, even the third and fourth are the same...

Miyazaki doesn't actually have much opinion on this, but Ichiro Kuroshima is obviously interested in it.

But at this point, Ichiro Kuroshima is a little strange.

"But what is strange is that, according to the market research we did, although everyone likes female characters, if they can create characters, they still hope to have male characters..."

Yes, although everyone likes Mengmei, when creating characters, they all hope that the game allows players to create male characters when creating characters.

"I don't need it, can't you not?" Miyazaki thought of what Morinya had said, or rather, it was Morinya's once complaint.

"That's it. The function is there for players to see. Actually, this is also a kind of operation." Kuroshima nodded, indicating that this is very interesting.


"By the way, when can this game be more perfect?" Kuroshima Ichiro's topic finally returned to the game itself.

"After the New Year, we will release a demo version. E3 will definitely be fine. But it's hard to say whether it can catch up with Christmas."

There will be no show for Christmas this year, but maybe it will come out next Christmas...if there is no delay.

"In the first half of the year, I can also start organizing manpower here." Ichiro Kuroshima nodded.

"Yeah." Miyazaki nodded and continued, "I will optimize the content here. Let's show Morinatsu before Christmas."



"Um... this event is really crowded."

Morinya still doesn't know the news of "The Sword Girl Miko".

In fact, Morika was in "Sword Art Online" at this time.

Although they are fighting with cold weapons, the former is more realistic and the latter is more freehand.

However, as an online game "Sword Art Online", it actually catches the hearts of young girls. Especially in a certain eastern country next door, because of this cool move, it is really surprising.

Speaking of it, this is also an interesting place, that is, in Nibang and a certain eastern country, the age of the players is obviously older, the latter is smaller, the latter has weak spending power but a large number of people, and the former has a small number but rich .

However, Senxia went online not for this, but because of Qianjia's reminder that made Senxia think of the poetry here.

Sure enough, when he climbed the mountain and returned to the Internet, Senxia saw the poetry sound that was brushing.

"In the next edition?" Senxia sent a message to Shiyin.

However, just after Morinya sent a message here, Shiyin there suddenly went offline.

What's the situation? I was leaving when I first came?

After a while, the poems here were online again. It's just that she changed her number this time.

"Oh, I just seemed to be practicing the trumpet." Senxia understood.

"what's up?"

I spoke over there.

"Are you doing an activity?"

Senxia asked.

"have not do yet."

Hey, aren't you always online?

Senxia had strong doubts.

Shiyin should have been online before, but at this time, Shiyin said that he hasn't done any activities yet?

"Could it be that you are losing your temper? It's impossible."

"It's really possible." Senxia just spit out casually, and Qian Jia next to her spoke coldly. The one who knows her sister best is her sister, "She is talking to you deliberately now pretending to be indifferent, but in fact she must be happy. But you should not show it, otherwise, the poetry may be true. Will be angry."

Qianjia would sell her sister without hesitation.

"Well, don't mention the thing about our vacation this time?" Senxia asked.

"Yes, you know how to infer other things, Senxia-kun, it's not bad." Qianjia looked at Senxia in surprise.

"It's so so. Although the time spent together is not as good as that of senior sister, I can barely understand a little about poetry."

Morinka is not very familiar with Shion, but it is impossible to say that it is completely unclear. After all, the two have had many in-depth exchanges.

Qianjia poked Senxia again.

"Do activities together?" Senxia tapped on the keyboard.

There seemed to be stunned for a long time, and after a while, Shiyin replied: "Okay."

A very simple word.

Senxia laughed blankly, and then directly invited Shion to form a team.

After forming the team, Morinya saw Shion's place.

"She's in the lower zone?"

The opponent's icon flashed past, and soon appeared in front of Senxia. This was a team teleport function.

"Let's go together." Senxia invited Shiyin.

"Yeah." Shiyin's answer was concise and concise.

Obviously it is the appearance of Miku (Hatsune), but it has three expressionless expressions like Kuroiwa. Shion looks like the current situation is really quite subtle.

There are many Christmas copies, many of which were modified on the original map, but a lot of interesting content has also been added. What Senxia brought with her poems was a scene of ice and snow.

BGM is a classic Christmas song, and the enemies are special monsters in Q version Christmas costumes. After being defeated, these monsters will also drop Christmas gift boxes and banquet ingredients.

The copy itself is not difficult, but I don't know why, the poetry sound here seems to be a little absent-minded.

When she was copying, she was holding a bow and arrow and shooting instinctively.

"Senxia." Qianjia said.


"Ask her out. Are you free tomorrow?"

Tomorrow will end the hot spring trip and go home.

"Well, yes. But if Shiyin is invited to go out now, will she agree?" Senxia felt that Shiyin's situation was a bit wrong. If you invite Shiyin at this time, God knows if you can succeed.

"That's why I'm the older sister~" Qianjia poked Morika again.


Senxia started typing.

"Shiyin, are you free want to come out together?"

Shiyin stopped moving.

She didn't move for a long time.

"Shiyin?" Senxia tried to contact Shiyin again.


She is offline.

Morika: "???"

He turned to look at Qianjia, but Qianjia was expressionless.

Then, Senxia suddenly received the news.

Shiyin went online again, much shorter than the first time it went offline.

"it is good."

She actually agreed...

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