Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1813: True Hitomi: Let's come again at night...

Elohill Paradise is an indoor park, but there are also some open-air scenes and hot springs.

Morinka now sees the girl’s open-air bath, and if he continues on, he will reach the mixed area, which is the end of the boat.


There are so many people here, many men and women walking around, there are boys and girls, there are boys and boys and girls, there are also boys and girls and girls, and there are even boys and boys and boys...

As soon as the three of them got off the boat, they attracted a lot of attention.

After all, all three of them are quite embarrassed.

But no one came forward to molest or strike up a conversation. Firstly, this is the rule of the paradise. Secondly, the traces of these three people seem to indicate that they have "famous flowers", but I don't know that the man is so powerful and can deal with three girls at the same time. ...

"Eh, you can't strike up a conversation? I thought something interesting would happen." The **** Morinka made True Hitomi roll his eyes.

"There is a special area for chatting up. There is a mixed bathing pool in front, or you can go to the bar on the third floor and the swimming pool on the top floor." Qianjia still remembers these rules.

Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to strike up a conversation and molesting others.

In general parks, this kind of thing is very common, but Arohir Paradise is rare, because Arohir Paradise itself is not an ordinary paradise, so this kind of thing can not help it.

"But we are like this now, it's better to wipe it clean!" Zhentong was a little uncomfortable, because after the three people covered their bodies in embarrassment, the two dudes seemed to find it very interesting, when they passed the second cave. , Not only didn't wipe it clean, but got worse and got some hot spring water to dress up.

"It's okay, but it means that we all have'men'." Senxia feels very strange, anyway, it's not a dirty thing, and it will be gone after a bath in the hot spring. This kind of "pretending to be your girlfriend" The feeling of "one" is quite wonderful.

"Except for the open-air pool, other places are at a constant temperature, so don't worry." Qianjia patted Zhentong's shoulder after she finished speaking. Qianjia just applied some hot spring water to her body, and now it is still hot and humid. True Hitomi was a little uncomfortable.

More importantly, it is embarrassing to be seen by others. It's just that Qianjia and Morinka are nearby, so I feel a little relieved.

But seeing Senxia pretending to be her own sister here is indeed very subtle.

And Senxia's **** dress and the stains and water stains on her body...Well, sure enough, it is the man who knows men best.

But Senxia's disguise is also very powerful, anyway, Zhentong can't see the difference between true and false. Before, she saw that Senxia needed to wear men's clothing when she was dressed as a girl, so she immediately noticed it by wearing a tight-fitting compression corset, which shows that this disguise is really well-equipped.

"Ah-that, it's Teacher Wei Deng!" At this moment, there was a commotion in front of him.

"Weiden? Oh, that's the manga artist who recently started to draw pseudonymous manga. I saw it at the fan show."

Yes, there is not only Alohir here, but also other big players. Including the past and the present.


"Well, Mr. Weiden Shishu." Morika didn't walk over, "There are serialized works, but they are more famous in the fan industry."

"Eh, is that true? But everyone here seems to be very current, why would anyone read fan magazines?" Zhentong was a little confused.

"It's not that you don't want to watch it when you charge it, but in the environment here, everyone can remove the mask on weekdays. Well, this is probably the reason why Elohill Paradise is so popular."

In the mud bomb, the more elite, the more life wearing a mask, so this place really has a feeling of letting people release themselves.

"That's it." Zhentong seemed to understand.

"The latest work of this teacher Wei Deng is not only very popular in the fan show, but also has a high reading volume on our P station. The single-talk comics have a reading volume of more than 100,000."

"Eh? So amazing?!" Zhentong also looked over, and the other party seemed to be quite ordinary, and also a little shy.

"It should be the subject, he recently published a work on the subject of pseudo-girls. Isn't this subject very popular recently?"

Morinatsu introduced Zhen Hitomi.

Because of the popularity of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister", this era, pseudo-mother stories were once quite popular.

The other party claimed to be influenced by Mr. Xia Sen and also drew a pseudonymous cartoon.

"Because Wei Deng's original style of painting is very unique." Qian Jia also said, "and the pseudo-mother in his works, but it's a real play."

"Really?" Zhen Tong didn't understand even more.

"Yes, when the actor's mind was not enough, he chose to pretend by injecting physiological saline, and he made his debut as a girl."

Qianjia's words made True Hitomi's mouth become O-shaped.

After that, Zhentong subconsciously drifted towards Morinia.

So-is this true?

True Hitomi started to doubt life.

"Well, the future expansion will be interesting." Senxia smiled lightly.

He has read each other's story.

How to put it, it's interesting.

Moreover, the actor is still playing off behind, because too many injections have resulted in hyperplasia and can't go back.

However, it is a pity that the story itself did not focus on the male protagonist's shyness, and the other party's masculinity is sometimes quite powerful.

In this world line, the other party was actually affected by Morinia, and even started to draw such cartoons from the beginning, which is quite subtle.

I don't know if the world line will have wonderful changes.

It is a pity that this inner world **** has been in a semi-retired state following another world line, and has not caught up with the Internet tide, so the topicality is not as good as those of the future gods.

There are many reasons why he is famous, and Senxia remembers the other party because there are many colorful comics in his works. It is different from the full color of a big eastern country in the future, but the kind of full color that can be viewed without a sense of violation even if it is switched to black and white.

Of course, the world line is different, and the story must be different. Anyway, the story written by the other party is similar to that of Mori Xia seen on another world line, but the content is different...

The three did not continue to join in the fun, but moved along the other side. Here is a corridor. On both sides of the corridor are displayed characters of the same size. These are all heroines written by the generation.

"Why keep looking at me?"

Morinka noticed that True Hitomi had been looking at herself.

"Ah-no, nothing -" Zhen Tong shook her head, but refused to say directly. She looked around, and suddenly thought of another question, "By the way, Morinya, you pretend to be a girl, physiological Is it okay? If you disguise, it will hurt people a lot, right?"

"Maybe there are ordinary people, but my physique is a little special. This level is nothing." Morinka said, "It's not as good as it is, because of the disguise, when wearing tight clothes, it feels very refreshing."

"Special physique?" Zhentong tilted his head.

Speaking of it, she seems to have done the same for the past few days. In short, her waist is no longer sore, and her legs are no longer sore. Sleeping for three hours, she has been full of energy for a whole day. True Hitomi felt that he hadn't done anything strange either, that is, he had done exercises with Morinka.

Well, even regular exercise is good for physical and mental health.

"Boys wear girl's clothes, especially some low-waisted tight trousers. It is actually very hard. With artificial skin, it is much more convenient." Mori summer said, "It is a little empty when wearing big pants. Yes. But this kind of low-rise swimsuit is very convenient."

Senxia came over.

"No way!"

True Hitomi took two quick steps.

"What are you afraid of? There is no one here. And we are all girls. It doesn't matter if we get closer?"

"No way, no way!"

"Stingy... Qianjia..."

"No way."


"Girls will be jealous too, Mori. Although today is special, you are so brave if you invite another girl in front of me."


"Sorry for what's the use? But I heard that there are some interesting things in the hotel here, Mori, since you have such a good appearance, do you want to try some activities unique to girls..."

In the lobby in front of Alohill Paradise, the building is actually quite tall, and several floors are hotels.

Senxia tremblingly took a step back, with a rejection smile on her face.

"Forget it, time is almost up." Qian Jia glanced at the time.

"Oh oh oh!" Senxia, ​​who was still scared just now, suddenly ignited.


"Yes, the second generation will send blessings to the paradise today, because there is no relationship between people, so there are only images."

"That's it."

The two of them continued to walk forward, and when they reached the front, there was a large hall.

"This is the inside of the mountain, right?" Zhentong was a little surprised.

"It was said that this place used to be an air-raid shelter, but after an earthquake, a hot spring emerged, so it was abandoned." Qianjia explained the origin. "It became like this after the renovation. The engineer said that there is no problem in transforming the structure into a paradise. Someone just wanted to develop it before. Well, it seems that the cost of mountain reconstruction has exceeded expectations. Coupled with the financial turmoil, it is unfinished."

"Thank you all for coming to Erohill Paradise..."

On the stage in front, a host was talking, but Morinka’s late relationship seemed to be finished.

But for Morika, this is just right, because at this time, the blessing video of teacher Erdaime was put on the big screen.

"Oh oh oh, it's the second generation teacher!"

After the host went down, the screen was on.

The one who appeared was the second generation teacher.

Teacher Erdaime is wearing a latex costume with a head wrap.

"This is the image of the younger sister in the previous serialization!"

This is a story about the elder brother's over-protection of his sister. The heroine came to the castle where the brother and sister lived and worked as a servant. She found her younger sister who was buried under the floor in a box in a latex suit.

At first, the heroine thought it was her brother who was crazy, but only after she unlocked it did she realize that it was actually her brother's twisted protection for her sister.

Because of the childhood relationship, the elder brother always twisted to protect his sister, not letting the younger sister see people, and because of the childhood relationship, the younger sister can only feel safe in a narrow and dark place.

At the beginning, the first volume of the story was suspenseful, and Mori Xia also thought that the heroine was going to be murdered. This was a story from the perspective of a victim, but later, the offensive turned into pure love. But it's not over yet.

The female protagonist finds that she is also in love with the male protagonist, and is also wrapped up by the male protagonist under the help of her sister. But at this time, the heroine discovered that the person who had been controlling her physical condition was not the hero, but the sister. It turns out that my sister also likes this girl who is struggling for herself.

The second-turn offensive sick sister.

It is precisely because of this inversion and delicate writing that Morinatsu was impressed.

All in all, I, Senxia, ​​blow up.

"Welcome everyone to Erohill Paradise..."

On the stage, the Erdaime teacher who couldn't see his face still thanked everyone.

"Huh? I always feel this figure..."

And the real pupil over there suddenly felt some subtle sense of violation.

"Oh oh oh, I am really worthy of being a teacher of Erdaime. Every time I meet, I pretend to be a task under his pen." Qianjia is also a fan of teacher of Erdaime.

"..." Zhentong looked at the two people next to him.

Forget it, I should have thought about it too much-the girl felt like she was thinking about something strange.

The blessing of Teacher Erdaime was over soon, and Morinya also felt unfinished, but unfortunately there was no more.

"Let's go to the hot springs." Qianjia said.

"Let’s go to eat first. This place just finished, everyone must go to the event." Senxia said, "Wait for the evening, go to the outdoor pool."

"Oh, that's a good idea." Qian Jia actually agreed.


True Hitomi realized something was wrong.

In the evening, the open-air pool... It is also open at night. Rather, many people actually prefer evening activities.

However, at night-Zhentong remembered that there seemed to be no street lights over the outdoor pool.

Is this really no problem? !

This is a safety hazard! This must be a safety hazard!

Zhentong took a step back subconsciously, his cheeks flushed, and he was dreaming.

"Let’s go and eat something first." Qianjia saw the appearance of and walked over and took Zhentong’s hand. “The restaurant here is also very distinctive. There are also various kinds of simulations. The food is interesting."

"Forget that." Zhentong shook his head. "It must be at night?"

"It's actually okay now. Speaking of it, it's actually fun to fish in troubled water when there are many people." Senxia thinks it's fun to go to the hot springs together now.

It's like watching the scenery. Sometimes when many people go to certain places, it's actually just to join in the fun. Few people are not happy.

"--I'll come back tonight."

True Hitomi decisively changed his words.


This part is almost done. After 2003, it’s time to write a career, well, but after all, after so long, the author may occasionally be unable to suppress his interest, but it’s okay, it’s all within the controllable range. By the way, I can promote the role relationship 2333~

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