Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 211: My little horse in neon

Ichiro Sato had already booked a hotel for Brother Xiao Ma, but the hotel was in Kanda Ward, not in the same direction as Setagaya Ward, so I just leave things in Sato’s office temporarily. After dinner, In the afternoon, Senxia will take him to Tokyo for a stroll, and then they will drop by to get things.


   all the way to the north, after coming out of the Haneda Airport, they walked all the way from the Ota area to the port area.


   "Tokyo is really an amazing place!" Xiao Ma looked at the receding scenery outside the window and exclaimed.


   Compared with the ever-changing Special Zone, Tokyo is not much different, but Tokyo feels cleaner and the interface is cleaner. Humans are actually naturally comfortable watching such clean and tidy pictures. Brother Xiao Ma looked at the scene outside the window and felt extremely emotional in his heart.


   Some people say that in the first year, Japanese people will fall in love with this country. This is probably because of this. The atmosphere of such a clean and tidy metropolis is really impressive.


"In fact, it's the same after living for a long time. The atmosphere here can smother people to death." Senxia waved her hand, noncommittal. People who have lived for a year will love it, and those who have lived for ten years will hate it. The former It is because of Japan's glamorous appearance, and the latter is because of the awkward character of the Japanese.


   As the saying goes, it is not easy to live in Japan without breaking out in silence, but perverting in silence.


"But the small parks and courtyards of shrines and temples are quite interesting. If you want to go, I can show you. The feeling is like artificial bonsai in the metropolis, very delicate." It's like Toba Shrine. That way, but the craftsmanship of these scenery is too heavy. Too deliberately, it's almost enough to look at it once, after all, it is just a bonsai, without the mystery of nature, which is pretty good.


   Just let Morinatsu choose. In the 90s of the Celestial Cities and Tokyo, he decided to choose the latter. At least the people here are of higher quality, the streets are more pleasing to the eye, and more importantly, there is his sister Yukino.


   "Xia Sen. Your uncle's Chinese is also very good." Xiao Ma has also met some Japanese before, but few can master Chinese.


   "I taught myself, because of the needs of my work. I read books faster than I speak." Ichiro Sato answered Ma's questions in Chinese word by word.


   After hearing that, Xiao Ma nodded.


   "Oh, yes." Morinka thought of something, "My little Ma, you don't understand Japanese, do you have any plans to do it?"


   "I have a few classmates in Japan, but they are all outside now, so I can wait to see them tomorrow." Little Ma didn't come here unprepared, but there was a little coincidence in time.


   "That's right," Morinka also smiled, "I also have a cultural festival here. You will go shopping in Tokyo these days, and you will have time to discuss together in a few days."


"I think so too. Japan is a developed country. It has some reference for us." Xiao Ma has part of his mind to learn from the past. His vision is relatively broad, and he can gain experience here. a good thing.


"Actually, I suggest you go to the university." Mori Xia said, "Tokyo University is considered the best, depending on international students. Waseda also has more. As for things in reality, I think you can refer to science and technology. Come on. The stone of the mountain can be used for jade, but other social experience and other things. I don't think it is necessary. After all, the national conditions are different."


Although "different national conditions" are often used as excuses, Mori summer's sentence is here, which means it is true, especially after getting used to the cleanliness of Japan, other dirty and messy places are indeed difficult. The sensation in the eyes may even have various discomforts.


   Xiao Ma has obviously been taken down.


   "This is the Minato area, and the embassy is also here. If you have something to find the embassy, ​​Ma Xiaoma is fine here." Even so, Senxia believes Ma can live.


   "The division of Tokyo is similar to ours." Xiao Ma sighed.


   "Well, many of them are similar, but there are differences." Morinka replied.


   When I arrived in Minato, I was close to Ichiro Sato’s office, and soon they arrived there.


   The car stopped slowly, and Morika explained, "This is my uncle's office. He is a lawyer, and this is his special office."




   Brother Xiao Ma was amazed and nodded repeatedly. However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a few little loli quarreling in front of the office.


   "Ah, those three fools..."


   Double ponytail fool Yueyong Shuizhi, single ponytail fool Nangong Mika, and the other is a side ponytail, what is her name?


"Uh, wait a minute, Morinatsu, first take your friends to put your luggage." After seeing these three loli, Sato Ichiro's face suddenly became bad. After getting out of the car, Sato Ichiro immediately Went up.


   "Hey, is it a lost pupil again?" Little Ma didn't think there was anything.


   "Ahem, I'll take you upstairs first." Senxia started to talk about the young girl's halo, that kind of sad history, Senxia feels that it is not appropriate to tell Brother Xiao Ma.


"Uncle Sugar!" The elementary school Mori over there saw Sato Ichiro coming, and immediately rushed forward, looking at the somewhat depressed figure of Uncle Sato, Morika could only sigh silently in her heart. You are so hard... …


   "Lawyers turned out to be such a rich profession." Brother Xiao Ma didn't expect it.


   "Almost, it's a golden job in Japan, but it's a relatively difficult thing to get admitted to a lawyer." Morixia explained.


   "Oh, it seems pretty good, can justice be done..." Xiao Ma smiled.


   "Ahem, it's really nothing to be a criminal lawyer. The most profitable person should be a commercial lawyer, but my uncle has also done criminal work before and is quite famous."


Lawyers like Ichiro Sato, even ordinary entrepreneurs, are polite to them. If possible, Mori can even contact Sony and the others through the road of his uncle, but when it is not a last resort, Mori Xia still doesn't want to take this path. Human connections are resources, and resources are limited. The key things should be used on the key road.


   And Morinatsu is different from ordinary rebirths. In his opinion, sometimes there is no need to use others as a stepping stone. It would be good if there is a win-win situation. For example, Mr. Ma next to him, Senxia never thought of putting him under his banner. It was not that he was lazy, but that he could not do it. People like Mr. Ma were born with a big heart, otherwise he would not. I will choose to quit my job and start a business when I have a high salary. Similarly, there are another brother Ma and the Monkey King who developed Xiaomi. If you have the opportunity, you can get acquainted with it. It is good to find a chance to cooperate. It doesn't matter if it is level, or maybe one day you will see your own development team run away, leaving an empty shell for you, and it will be too late to cry.


   Brother Xiao Ma was still looking at the new geographical environment of Japan at this time. He didn't even know Morinatsu's thoughts. He sighed at this time: "I think there are more single-family buildings in Japan."


   "Well, there are more earthquakes here, and everyone is accustomed to living in single-family houses, and many of the houses here are made of wood, just for earthquake resistance." Senxia replied simply.


   "Oh, earthquake, I know this."


   There are many earthquakes in Japan, but you get used to it.


   "Xia Sen, you are still a high school student, why do you seem to know a lot?" Brother Xiao Ma was a little surprised, "and he also spoke orderly about our situation over there, really amazing!"


"Actually, I am a prophet. I know everything about the next 20 years." After Morinya said this, he found that Xiao Ma was looking at herself with strange eyes. He scratched his head and then changed his words. "It's nothing. , It’s just a normal inference, and I also recognize many international students."


   The latter reason is obviously easier to accept, Xiao Ma also nodded.


   "Here, I will open the door first. You can put your things here. When you come back in the evening, we will come and get them."


   After putting down the things, Morika went downstairs with Xiao Ma. At this time, Sato Ichiro finally sent away three elementary school students. At this time, he was sweating profusely. Seeing Sato Ichiro’s appearance, Xiao Ma was a little bit sorry. The lawyer's work must be very **** weekdays. Now he is still hanging around on his own. ...


   got in the car again, and the three of them continued toward Setagaya Ward.


   "This is Setagaya Ward, my school is here." Morinya introduced to Xiao Ma.


   "Oh, your senior sister is here." Little Ma nodded.


"Senior Qianjia, she is still at school in the morning, but took a half-day off. We will have dinner in a restaurant near the school later. By the way, we will listen to what she has arranged." Senxia replied, "My uncle still has business in the afternoon. We want to talk, so we won't accompany us, when the time comes, the three of us will go there together."


   Hearing Morinka’s explanation, Xiao Ma nodded.


   After a while, I saw the side of Sakino Gakuen in front of me. Morika continued, "This is my school."


   Brother Xiao Ma looked along the road, but he saw the wall. He asked, "Is this here?"


   " This side is facing our school, the door is on the other side, and I have to sit for more than ten minutes." Senxia replied.


   "Your school is quite big, like a university." Xiao Ma once again admired the developed countries.


   "Fortunately, our school is rather special. There are too many auxiliary facilities in it. Things like racetracks, grand theaters, and sports halls take up too much space."


   Hearing Morinka's words, Xiao Ma was stunned again.


   But Senxia doesn’t blame the other party for making a fuss, Brother Ma, it’s not your fault. If you want to blame, blame those onions...




   Neon is the Japanese transliteration


   The starting point was convulsed last night, I can't log in, and I can't get in the background.


   I can’t get the verification code after I get up, I almost broke down, there are so many advertising registration machines, but I can’t do it if I want to log in... (to be continued)

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