Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 219: If you take off the fat times now, I will admit that you are 1...


Jixiangyuan looked at Qian Jia. Under the majestic aura of the other party, Jixiangyuan was like a pitiful puppy, squatting in the corner shivering.

"Think about it. You wear something like fat every day, in contact with your own body, and in contact with the most hidden and important part of your body. You actually treat this kind of obscene Things are in my place...Could it be, Jixiangyuan, are you very hungry?" Senior Sister Qianjia seemed to think of something, her face became very surprised.

"No! No!" Jixiangyuan immediately retorted.

"Oh? Then why do you wear such nasty things? If you take off the fat times now, I will admit that you are not a nasty person." Senior sister Qianjia pressed hard, and the poor Jixiangyuan seemed to be I was about to cry.

"If you take the fat off now and throw it away, I will admit that you are an upright person!"

Qianjia-senpai's eyes are burning, and the momentum is pressing!

Jixiangyuan's ability is not weak, but under the pressure of Qianjia's senior sister, Jixiangyuan's ability can't be displayed at all, she is shivering like a child.

"Ahem, if you don't wear fat times, that would be strange..." Senxia came out to make a round, "Fat times itself is not indecent, only in the eyes of obscene people will feel that fat times are indecent."


However, Jixiangyuan was sluggish in an instant when he heard Senxia's rounding off.


Senxia realized Jixiangyuan's reaction, and she just made a fill-up against Jixiangyuan.

Fatty itself is not indecent, so it should be... Jixiangyuan himself?

Does this count as the pig teammate's magic knife?

Senxia made a comment in her head.

"Ahem. Fatty itself is only a part of it. The nasty ones are the guys who insist on taking out Fatty to tell disgusting jokes!"

Yes, those who can write such vulgar jokes are usually the kind of yellow hair that can't survive three chapters. They make fun of others and disgust others. What kind of ghost? Such gangsters are simply disgusting.

Gentlemen like us. Usually the fat is put on the face, preferably the kind worn by girls.

Senxia's words had some effect anyway, and Jixiangyuan finally relaxed a little at this time.

"Mori Xia made sense, so the maid dress or something is just a kind of spirit and belief, such a wonderful maid dress. I think all of Japan should be promoted!" Senka-senpai actually brought the topic back...

Senxia silently wiped the sweat off his forehead. Speaking of which, our topic shouldn't have been skewed to such inexplicable places.

"But this kind of skirt is too short, even the garter belt can be seen, it is really...indecent!" Jixiangyuan seemed to cringe when speaking. It seems that she is afraid that Qianjia-senpai will take this trouble.

"This is the essence of the maid! The long skirt like our school is the problem, right?"

In fact, school uniforms such as sailor suits in reality have long skirts, but the school uniforms of Sakino school are purely long skirts. You can shorten the skirts of sailor suits yourself, but the skirts of Sakino Gakuen , There is no way to modify it.

Although Senxia felt that Qianjia-senpai had been talking nonsense before, she had to admit it. The words that Qianjia-senpai just said resonated with Morinya.

"Yes, short skirts are the future development trend. When will the old antiques in our school understand. Only short skirts and miniskirts can lead the future of the world?" Senxia couldn't help but add.

"Well, Morinya, you are right! Only that open design can make our school more fresh and natural!" Senior sister Qianjia turned her head and gave Morinya a thumbs up.

This is the case between gentleman and gentleman. Everyone can communicate with each other with a word and a smile. This is a gentleman.

"So that kind of thing is impossible at all. The female students of our Sakura School should be quiet, dignified and virtuous, in miniskirts or something. It's too frivolous!" The president of Jixiangyuan still has his own persistence.

However, for gentlemen, miniskirts are the future of the world. Is the truth in the world...

"But now the mainstream is short skirts. The school uniforms for girls in our school have become like this because they inherited the school uniforms for nuns left over from the previous school, just like the Shengying Academy in "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" , But our school is not a church school now, so it’s the right way to follow the mainstream.” Mori Xia instigated, “Besides, don’t you have a lot of short skirts in your uniform, the president of Jixiangyuan? There will be fewer fabrics for banquets. , But because of this, will anyone think that such clothes are nasty?"

"It seems to be so right..." The president of Jixiangyuan nodded subconsciously.

Huh, but it always feels strange, is there something wrong with it? But what went wrong?

After being fooled by Senxia, ​​Jixiangyuan felt that his head had become a mass of paste at this time.

And Qianjia-senpai smiled knowingly and gave a thumbs up to Senxia.

It seems to be a very good thing to allow the president of Jixiangyuan to enter the world of gentlemen. In Moria's view, Jixiangyuan's character is indeed a bit awkward, but if it can be managed by a gentleman (wu) heal (ran), it will be interesting, right?

Senxia suddenly thought at this time that Jixiangyuan once said that she had never seen anime works, whether it was anime or manga, and she thought she didn't even know about light novels and games.

Do you want to start from this aspect, find a way to let Jixiangyuan watch animation and so on, and then gradually guide her into the new world and open a door for her?

"Um..." At this time, Jixiangyuan seemed to have finally recovered. "Since your time is so free, come here to help me check things out now!"

Jixiangyuan knew that if he continued to talk to Senxia and the others, he would definitely lose his sanity.

The investigator whose san value is zero, the final outcome can only be tragedy and cheating...

So Jixiangyuan made a wise decision, which was to divert the topic: "It just so happens that you are here early, so let me finish the rest of the work together! Soon the people from the football club will come and help, Chiba , Senxia, ​​I beg you."

"Well, well, business matters." Although Qianjia senior sister is very interested in bullying Jixiangyuan, she also cares about this drama, so this time Qianjia senior sister temporarily let go of Jixiangyuan.

Seeing that Senior Sister Qianjia stopped struggling with her question, Jixiangyuan was finally relieved.

"But if you are in this place, the president, is there any problem with the student union?" Speaking of which, the president of Jixiangyuan is here. Usually it is okay, but the cultural festival will be coming soon. Jixiangyuan will come to rehearse. Problem?

"Well, rest assured, I have already made plans and plans in advance over there, so there will be nothing wrong, not to mention, after the rehearsal, I have to go back... but rest assured, this matter It will not affect our rehearsal later." Jixiangyuan has already arranged things.

"Really worthy of being the chairman."

Senxia also sighed. Although she was bullied in front of Qianjia in various ways, Jixiang Academy itself is still very remarkable. The work of the Student Union and the work of the drama club can also be completely independent of each other, arranged properly, and prepared in advance. There are very few people who can be so meticulous.

In fact, many people basically start working hard until they die, such as rushing homework all night on the last day of summer vacation...

"Good morning! President, Qianyu-sen, Mori-natsu-kun!"

At this moment, Rena actually came here.

"Ah, Qianyu-senpai, are you wearing a maid costume? That's amazing!"

Rena just said hello when she noticed that Qianjia was wearing a maid outfit.

"Good morning, Rena Chan, haven't you said it before? Just call me Qianjia kindly." Qianjia smiled and walked in front of the other party, then turned around, showing her maid outfit.

Well, Senka-senpai wearing a maid costume is very attractive, and Rena's gaze was immediately attracted.

"It's great, is this a show in Qianjia's class?" she asked curiously.

"No, this is Morinia and they are going to open a maid cafe, so I asked them shamelessly if they took a set of clothes. I think this design is very powerful!" After all, it is a maid outfit designed by a gentleman, senior sister Qianjia Of course I felt the resonance.

"Since you are here, Rena, let's help. If there are more people, things will become troublesome!" Kichijoin said to Rena.

"Well, okay, I have worked hard for the president. Obviously this should be the job of our drama club, but you have to do it, the president..." Rena felt a little sorry.

"Nothing. In fact, this is also part of the work of the Student Union. We have to register before the cultural festival, which is nothing."

Jixiangyuan didn't take this matter to On the contrary, the senior sister Qianjia who was next to her saw the appearance of Jixiangyuan, but she shook her head and sighed slightly.

Senxia stood next to Qianjia-senpai, and could feel the breath of the other party, the relationship between Jixiangyuan and Qianjia, what really seemed to be hidden in the middle?

Senxia was very curious, but the cultural festival was about to come, so he temporarily stopped his thoughts, just stood quietly and watched...

Although there is no chance now, they will always have time after the cultural festival. You must know what happened between them...

Morika secretly made up her mind in her heart.


The san value is reason, which comes from the myth of Cthulhu.

There will be a double monthly pass this month, so please keep your tickets and work hard at the end of the month~ (to be continued)

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