Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 221: Brother, this is fate!

"Sakano school is famous?" Xiao Ma was sitting in a cafe in Shinjuku, where he and his friends were eating. At this time, because Xiao Ma mentioned this place, the other party was surprised.

"Yes, that friend of yours turned out to be from Sakino School. That's amazing! That's a famous school in Japan. I heard that the descendants of rich Japanese are going to school here! Hey, Brother Xiao Ma, you can It's really amazing to have a relationship with them!" The friend on the other side was surprised at what happened to Brother Xiao Ma.

"Oh... that's the case." Xiao Ma probably understood, it turns out that Senxia is so amazing!

Their family must be local tyrants, if they can get along, they must be very good...

"Are the two people next to you from the celestial dynasty? It seems that what they are saying is from the celestial dynasty?" Hetian and Mushroom were also chatting between the two.

After hearing the two people who were talking, Hotan was a little surprised.

Not only did I meet the companion who had a good chat with me before, but also there was a foreigner sitting next to me, which was really interesting.

"Yeah, this world is really full of surprises." Mushroom was also surprised.

"No one is chasing you today?" Hotan noticed that Mushroom seemed to be very calm today, which was completely different from the cringe of the other party the last time he met him.

"Ahem, it was an exception last time. I wrote the script halfway and came out to relax, but I sneaked out, but I didn't expect it to be caught!" Mushroom was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Script? Are you a game maker?" Wada asked in surprise.

Mushroom scratched his head: "For the time being, but we are doing fan games or something..."

"Oh! Ah. I like it too!" Hotan's eyes lit up at this moment.

Both of them not only like Teacher Xia Sen's work, but also like it. This kind of thing can no longer be described by fate.

He Tian only felt that the person in front of him was becoming more and more lovely.

Ah, being able to communicate with people so happily is really a very refreshing opinion thing.

The mushrooms are also very comfortable at this time. This is the first time in recent years that I can communicate with people so easily. The last time I was so comfortable, when I was communicating with Takeuchi... It’s just that Takeuchi has become a bit scary recently, and it is really scary to communicate... …

However, when communicating with Hotan, Mushroom felt as if he had regained his past self. This comfortable feeling is really pleasant for the body and mind.

"Actually, I also did game scripts before, but I have resigned." Wada said.

"Eh? Such a good job, why resign? Is it unpleasant at work?" Mushroom asked curiously.

Hetian shook his head: "How can I say it, I just want to change my mood and environment. I'll look for a job later, the same is scripting."

Mushroom nodded: "In this era, there are very few people who can stick to their dreams. Although I am embarrassed, I actually worked in a game company before, but after resigning a few months ago, I concentrated on writing scripts at home. Now I am basically in a state of being completely covered and raised."

Takeuchi is responsible for Mushroom's funding. The residence and food are in charge of Qingbingwei and others sometimes visit the mushrooms. This feeling is really the same as being controlled.

This feeling is really very bad. Although Mushroom likes this kind of life very much, because it is completely inaccessible to the game, this feeling is really broken.

For mushrooms, games and careers are equally important. If possible, it is best to have a game. Then play games for two or three years, and then wait when there is no money. Just fry cold rice and make half a game. Then play games for a few more years, and then cook some cold rice, and do half of the game.

…Hey, how come when this happens, only fried rice and playing games are left?

Well, but this kind of life seems to be pretty good too, if you can, it seems to be very interesting to experience this kind of rice bug life...

Okay, how can I have such thoughts in my heart? This must be a sequelae of my over-exhaustive effort in writing scripts now, well, it must be a sequelae!

"By the way, I heard that Mr. Xia Sen is also going to do a game." Mushroom showed off the other party's news at this time.

"Oh, that's the case." Hotan also nodded, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was a little mysteriously clinging to Mushroom's ear, "In fact, the new club I am going to has something to do with Teacher Xia Sen! "

Maybe others have only seen Teacher Xia Sen’s House of Witches, but whether it is Hotan or Mushrooms, they have seen other works of Xia Sen. They can say that they remember the talent of the other party in their hearts, otherwise they would not admire that much. other side.

"Huh? But isn't Mr. Xia Sen a high school student... Oh, he seems to have said before that he is going to set up a club..." Mushroom thought of what Senxia had said.

After that, both he and the other party were stunned at the same time, and they almost exclaimed at the same time: "Do you know Teacher Xia Sen?!"

My soulmate!

it's fate!

Neither of them expected that the other party was actually an acquaintance of Teacher Xia Sen!

"Nice to meet you!"

The two greeted again. At this moment, they really knew each other again.

I really didn't expect this kind of thing. The world is so small, and the other party and Teacher Xia Sen are acquaintances. The probability of encountering this kind of thing is really small.

"The game you are going to do now is teacher Xia Sen's new game?" Hotan immediately asked about mushrooms impatiently.

Mushroom shook his head: "No, but our game engine is being developed together with Teacher Xia Sen. It's just starting now. I heard that it won't be fully completed until the next year."

Mushroom actually thinks this is good. For him, it can be regarded as reducing the workload. The later the engine is made, the less urgent the demand for scripts. Isn't this situation worth cheering?

"That's it," Wada nodded, "Actually, the club I am going to is Teacher Xia Sen's club. Actually, I am the teacher's number one fan. Ashamed, we have been communicating on the Internet, but in fact once I haven't really seen it, but next year Sakano Academy will open a cultural festival, and Mrs. Xia Sen is going to meet with me."

"It's such a coincidence, I'm going to see it too. The drama over there is said to be made by Teacher Xia Sen. It must be worth looking forward to!" Mushroom was also very pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, yes, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the healing script made by Xia Sen." Wada is very interested in Senxia's script, but he is still a little worried. "But the script of high school students should be Subject to various restrictions, it should not be very free. The teacher's performance is restricted. I am afraid it is difficult to have such wonderful works as the Earth Defense Boy and the Witch's House!"

"In fact, everyday life is quite interesting, but I was really surprised. Teacher Xia Sen can not only write scripts, novels, but also scripts for dramas. I believe that this script will not disappoint us. !" Mushroom trusts Teacher Xia Sen.

Hearing this explanation from the other party, Hotan also nodded spiritually, yes, we should have confidence in Teacher Xia Sen anyway!

I don't know what will happen to tomorrow's performance?

The two are very looking forward to tomorrow...

"Aren’t Japanese people very qualified? Why are these two people still yelling in the coffee shop?" Xiao Ma sitting next to him, hearing the startled voice here, really felt a little strange , What is going on with the two people opposite?

"There are many high-quality people in Japan, maybe they are Japanese Koreans." His friend replied.

"Japanese-Korean?" Xiao Ma has always been in the country. How can I ever hear such a statement?

"Many cases in Japan were initiated by Koreans of Japanese origin, and other groups. Many of them are actually Koreans of Japanese origin. They are considered the most unqualified group of people. Anyway, 60% or 70% of the cases in Japan The incidents are all related to them. These Koreans in Japan are usually the lowest-quality group of people. Anyway, I have developed a habit now that as long as major events happen, ten of them* are all caused by them. I think it’s definitely correct. ...Don't say, my idea is quite right, and the correct rate is basically about 70%."

"Oh, I seem to understand." Xiao Ma nodded, but he was a little weird. There seems to be no problem with this principle, but why is there a strange feeling? Do these people seem to have something to push to the Koreans?

Oh, that's not bad. It can protect your reputation and hack your stick. It will kill two birds with one stone.

Xiao Ma has no prejudice against Koreans, but after coming to Japan, he discovered that Koreans have such a bad reputation here.

At this time there was another refreshing whisper from the opposite side. At this time, Brother Xiao Ma couldn't help turning his head to look, but found that the two people sitting opposite him were staring at each other with fiery eyes. There was a spark of enthusiasm in their eyes!

Well, maybe this situation should belong to another kind?

Xiao Ma turned his head wisely.

Well, it turns out that Japanese people have such a hobby.

He sighed to the companion opposite: "You told me that Japan has a beautiful youth culture. I always thought you were joking and disgusting me, but now I feel as if this thing is really grounded!"

"Oh..." His friend was a little inexplicable, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.


Although fried cold rice with shaped moon is a very cheating thing, to be honest, compared to manufacturers like Capcom Cards, this is simply a conscience...

The two shifts are completed, and morality will be recovered from today! (To be continued)

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