Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 240: I hate the original crush

According to Morinha’s thoughts, he decided to wait and see for a while to make sure that the other party was not on a whim or something. In case, after the agreement was made here, people would find it uneconomical again someday, and then he would give you some means to let you Can't go on, or change the script in a mess.

Although Morinka can’t say that I haven’t thought about animations and movies, how can I say that the plan can’t keep up with the changes. This kind of unplanned thing also makes Morinka a bit of a headache.

"Does Senxia-kun think there is a problem?" After his father left, Keiko also moved to Senxia's side.

"No, it just feels a bit too sudden, I am not mentally prepared at all." Senxia shook her head.

"I think this opportunity is just right." Qianjia-senpai said, "I know a lot about animation. From planning to preparation to production, it takes about half a year to a year. If we start to make animation now, the most The good thing is that we will be able to play in the new season in July next year."

"Well, let me think about it..."

Morinia had thought about entering the animation industry before, but then Morinia changed her mind. The animation industry looks good, but for Morinia, it is a constraint. This industry requires high-intensity labor. It is thoughtful and risky. More importantly, the time from preparation to completion of an animation is too long. For Morinia, such time is simply not enough.

But you don’t have to do animation yourself. It’s a good thing to expand your influence and let others do it.

But the question is how to do it, and how much autonomy there is. Can the final animation fit my own ideas...

The animation supervisor has the idea of ​​animation supervision, the script creation has the idea of ​​script creation, and the original artist has the idea of ​​the original artist. These superimposed together are the final works. Depending on the company and the style of the supervision, the original author’s will is also respected and disapproving. Respect both.

For example, Xinfang Zhaozhi, known as the original shredder. The magic teacher he supervised and the original comics almost became two completely different parallel worlds; or they hug Xingyue's thighs, some of their scripts were even made by the original author.

For Morinia, his favorite is of course the second one. As the original author, it is of course the best to follow his will, but it is also very interesting to watch it occasionally. So on Morinia's side, this kind of thinking is not absolute.

The question is, if Mr. Saito is allowed to do the whole thing, is it authorization or cooperation? Will the other party give himself autonomy? And the final situation of the script.

If you can't master these, and finally produce a bad movie, it can only be treated as a black history.

Thinking of this, Senxia weighed it in her heart, but felt that it was good to get a live version first. First of all, it was possible to test the water and see the attitude of the other party, and secondly, the live version was a pitfall. There won't be any problems, because expecting the live version is a rare thing in itself, and it is normal if you don't have expectations.

"All in all." Keiko laughed, "Now our main goal is still cultural festivals. The current cultural festivals are only half of the time. Sakano festival is our most important festival!"

"That's what I said." Senior Sister Qianjia looked at the time and said, "The time is almost there. Let's talk later, Morinia. Time is almost up, let's go to the cafe first!"

"Yeah. That's what I said." To discuss with Qianjia-senpai, there are some things it's better to avoid outsiders.

After the two said goodbye, they went back outside. Miss Dahe was also waiting here. After seeing the two came out, she greeted her.

"Miss Takasu, would you like to come to our coffee shop?" After seeing the other party, Qianjia-senpai asked.

Miss Takasu shook her head: "No, I went there with my friends before watching the drama in the morning." After she said this, she took out her mobile phone and shook it in front of them. Continue to say: "Now someone is looking for me, I'm going to leave, let's talk later when I have time!"

"Okay, I have a chance to continue." Senxia and Qianjia-senpai greeted Takasu Dahe, and left here for convenience.

"Okay, let's talk while walking!" Although I still want to talk to the other party, since the other party still has things, Qianjia-senpai changed to another topic, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Regarding the script, I don't think it's impossible to turn it into a real person, but I don't know what Keiko Saito's father thinks." Morinka shrugged, "But the reality is generally not seen, the plot is blind The plot is outrageous, I think there may be problems, so emotionally, I prefer animation."

Realization often makes magical changes to scripts. There are many reasons for this, but except for a few happy brainstorming scripts, he is not very interested in most of the scripts. Relatively speaking, the animation follows the original settings. The situation is relatively more and better.

And compared to the live-action version, the most important thing about the animated version is that the character can be set according to your own will. In the live-action version, you can only choose an actor, and the actor may not really be able to act.

"Realization itself is not a problem, and the impact is relatively small. If you want to spread the gentleman culture, it is better to make an animation," Morinka continued to explain, "If it is really done, I hope I can do it according to my own will. ."

"It turns out that, compared to the fact that my efforts have been ruined by others, I understand the psychology of being able to hide it in the snow. I understand. I will negotiate this matter in advance. Just think about what to do when you read the script. "Senior Sister Qianjia patted Morika on the shoulder, "I will help you get this done later~"

With the assurance of Qianjia-senpai, Morinka also nodded.

"It's a pity that we are going to set up a game club, so even if there is an animation, we can't do it by ourselves." Qianjia-senpai sighed again, "Unfortunately, it is troublesome to do animation. If there is not enough time and manpower support, it is not enough. of."

"So I can only find someone. The funds for animation are not something we can afford." Morinya shook her head, "And it is troublesome for the senior sister to deal with so many people."

"That's right, it's really troublesome." In terms of complexity, animation is more complicated than games. If you say the future 3a masterpiece, it must be more valuable than ordinary animation.

"But if you can have a good animation company to help, it's okay?" Senxia shrugged. Although doing this requires a little communication, if there is a relationship similar to Xingyue, it will be almost the same.

"That's what I said." Senior Sister Qianjia nodded, and while they were talking, they had already arrived at the coffee shop. "Well, that's it. After the cultural festival, we will discuss this issue."


With the experience of the first day, the work on the second day was much smoother. After returning to the coffee shop, Morinia’s work was also easy to do, but there were more people today than yesterday, Morinia and the others were a little busy all the way. Many rests.

"Yo, Senxia."

Waiting for dinner in the afternoon, Tonggu suddenly came to Senxia.

"What's the matter, Tonggu?" Senxia looked at Tonggu with a vigilant look, because this guy had been looking at herself with strange eyes.

"Mori-kun is really exactly the same as Yukino-chan, now, Mori-kun, come here when you are in class in the future, at least you can comfort my injured heart." Tonggu's eyes were hot.

What are you thinking about, Huang Mao!

Senxia squinted at this guy.

"Didn't you already have the cute Mihui sauce?" Morinya continued to mock.

"..." When Tonggu heard Senxia's words, his expression was bad almost immediately.

"Mori Xia-kun, it's my fault, I shouldn't discuss this issue," Kiriya Taka patted Morika's shoulder, "It's only this topic, please don't talk about it, okay?"

Morika: "..."

Mr. Tonggu, how scared of your little girlfriend are you? Why are you so scared as a dog every time you talk about this problem?

Mori Natsumi is a bit inexplicable. Even the so-called non-mainstream killing of Matt is just strange on the surface, and compared to killing Matt, the popularity of this black makeup style in Japan is actually higher, even if it is The impact at first glance feels amazing, but it has been several months now, and these two should be old husbands and wives by reason, but why is Tonggu more shadowy than the original feeling...

"All in all, I don't want to have nightmares anymore..." Tonggu's face was crying without tears, making Senxia deeply sympathetic to his experience.

"Well, look at the starting point, you should look at the other person's benefits, if it doesn't work, you will be cruel--" However, Morinya noticed that when he said the last sentence, Tong Gu seemed a little resisted.

By this time Mori Xia suddenly realized: Tonggu, it turns out that you are a strict wife!

The truth has been revealed, and detective Morinka has seen everything through!

"Tonggu-kun~" But at this moment, there was a sweet cry from outside, and then, Senxia saw a girl come in.

She is wearing a refreshing pink dress and her hair is dyed linen...

Wait, why are you familiar? Where does it seem to be watching?

By the way, it's the photo!


However, at this time there was another person who was more surprised than Senxia...No, that can already be described as panic. At this time, Tonggu-jun looked at the other girl, almost speechless...


The second chapter was presented, and I fell asleep, and there are two more changes. The next chapter is about seven o'clock. (To be continued)

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