Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 245: There seems to be something wrong, but there seems to be nothing wrong...

"Really?" After being rejected by Senxia, ​​Senior Sister Qianjia did not behave strangely. She was as free and easy as ever, "Fortunately, I have a backup candidate, so be it."

"...Alternate candidate?" Senxia's heart was alarming.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Qianjia-senpai smiled when she saw Senxia's strange expression, "you seem to care."


I don't know why, but I always feel like I'm very upset.

Qianjia tilted his head and looked at Morinia: "If that's the case, why did you refuse my invitation again? This is a golden opportunity."

Senior Sister Qianjia is indeed a beauty, but because her personality is too weird, very few people dare to come and contact her. But rarely does not mean there is no. There are definitely a lot of people who yearn to dance with Qianjia-senpai.

Senxia also knew that it was her fault for her to reject Qianjia-senpai, but when she thought that Qianjia-senpai would dance with others, Senxia felt very painful.

"I'm sorry, but this really doesn't work." Although Morinya wanted to agree, but this thing was definitely not going to work, "Anyway, let me do anything afterwards, but it really won't work today."

"Let you do whatever you want, then you have to be psychologically prepared afterwards, waiting to bear my anger when I was rejected~" Qianjia chuckled slightly, "Let's do it, I'll go find a dancing partner first. You go there too quickly, don't let the girls wait too long."

After she said this, she left without looking back. Senxia looked at Qianjia's leaving figure and sighed slightly. Fish and bear's paw can't have both. It's really not a simple thing to want the best of both worlds.

But Senxia has secretly made up his mind. If there is any "yellow hair" who dares to dance with Qianjia-senpai, she will definitely let that guy go around...I'm so stingy, can't I?

After separating from Qianjia-senpai. Senxia went in the other direction.

Next to the track and field, a girl was standing there. She declined to invite her classmates, but still just waited there.

The girl was dressed in school uniform like everyone else, but she seemed to have dressed herself carefully. There is a light makeup on her face, elegant but not rich, with a student-like youth, and some eldest lady-like reservations.

The ponytail was put down on weekdays, and there was no decoration on the black long straight hair. But the hair should have been carefully maintained, so it's black and translucent, just like a black waterfall.

While she was dealing with the classmates around her, her gaze was constantly scanning the surroundings, seeming to be looking for something.

Probably because she didn't see the person she wanted to see, her black eyes looked a little melancholy and a little worried, just this expression. It makes her look a little soft and lovely, which makes her look away.

Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something. The eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly said goodbye to her classmates, and then trot over.

"Have been waiting, Xue Nai."

Seeing Yukino walking towards her, Morinka smiled and greeted her.

"It's nothing, it's better to say that my brother can dance with me. I will be very happy!" There was a smile on Yukino's face.

In fact, Morika refused Erika and Senpai without thinking. It's because Yukino invited Morinatsu last night.

This is called winning at the starting line series, the fetters that have started before birth. Undoubtedly the most profound.

As for Morinka, Yukino’s affairs must be put first, letting Yukino dance with other boys, this kind of thing is never allowed!

"Brother, we should go, the After Night Festival is about to begin!" Yukino grabbed Morika at once, and then walked towards the track and field.

The last festival of the cultural festival is the Houye Festival. Countless students have gathered here at this time. Whether they are boys or girls, they are smiling and talking with the strangers beside them.

If it is a weekday, the teachers have probably come over to reprimand them at this time. This kind of communication can no longer be described by normal communication. This should be similar to an intimate relationship between boy and girl friends.

Although on the surface it is forbidden to fall in love at school, who knows about private matters...

In addition, there are many people who are taking advantage of this special opportunity to confess today. For everyone at Sakino School, I am afraid that today is even more grand than Valentine's Day, right?

"Everyone is so happy." Looking at everyone who was talking, Yukino couldn't help but clasp Morinatsu's arm tightly.

"Ahem, it's too tight, Yukino." Morika felt a little uncomfortable when she was hugged by Yukino like this, "Although today is a little special, it's still too intimate."

Indeed, although the atmosphere at Sakino Gakuen today is somewhat unusual, there is really no such bold and intimate move.

However, Yukino disagrees with Morinha's warning: "What does it matter? Anyway, we are all brothers and sisters. Everyone will understand this when we look at us. Since we are brothers and sisters, what is the problem? "

Instead of letting go of Senxia, ​​she hugged her tighter. She pouted slightly: "Many people here are actually guys with impure motives. Many people have invited me before, but I know They just want to find a girlfriend. But my brother and I are brothers and sisters, we don’t need such a relationship at all, so we are the purest!"

There seems to be nothing wrong, but I feel that everything is wrong...

"Well, in fact, I think the school is a bit too overwhelming. Everyone is always in the mood. After today, it is a one-off outbreak..." Mori shook her head, for Sakino Gakuen, which does not allow dating. Today is indeed an opportunity to vent your emotions. Everyone is so enthusiastic about the after-night sacrifice. This is probably also a very important reason.

"I think this is good. We should study hard in school. For us, those impure things are absolutely forbidden!" Xue Nao smiled.

"Xuno, your attitude towards love is too strict, right?" Morinka felt that Yukino had said a little too much.

Yukino put down Senxia's arm. He held his chest with his hands and pouted: "How can this be overstated? In my opinion, it is absolutely impossible as long as it is holding hands! The relationship between students must be pure!"

"This kind of practice is very old-fashioned, Yukino." Senxia felt sweat on her forehead.

"No. Students should study hard. Many of our practices here are wrong. Sakano Gakuen's school rules are not strict enough, which is not good." Xue Nao paused and continued. , "What's more. It's not allowed to fall in love now. If you are allowed to fall in love, your brother will definitely be snatched away!"

After speaking, Yukino smiled and leaned close to Senxia, ​​and then took Senxia's arm. Rubbing his head against his shoulders: "So it's good to have me next to my brother. If you can't fall in love, the closest person to your brother can only be me!"

After all, they are brothers and sisters. When there is no lover, Yukino is always the closest to Morika. This is the blood relationship, between parents and sisters. That's it, the girlfriend can be dumped, but the relationship cannot end.

Yukino's head rested lightly on Morinka: "So it's great that our school doesn't allow dating. It's enough for everyone to maintain a pure relationship. This is enough. My brother will always be mine."

Morinya scratched her head. This sentence seemed correct, but there was always something wrong with it...

By the way, dance partner!

Speaking of dance partners. Senxia immediately became vigilant again.

Before meeting with Yukino, Morika almost forgot about Chika-senpai. But after the other party's words, Morinka was reminded again. Yes, where is Senior Sister Qianjia at this time? !

Senxia glanced around immediately.

Because it was close to night, the surrounding light was a little dim, but Senxia's eyesight was very good, so he could almost see the surrounding environment.

The thought that Qianjia-senpai might have to dance with Huang Mao makes Morinya feel uncomfortable.

While dealing with Yukino absent-mindedly, Morika glanced around.

The effort pays off. Senxia immediately noticed Qianjia-senpai who was not far away from her. She seemed to be talking to someone, her face was very happy. Not only that, Senxia also noticed Qianjiaxue. My sister actually painted a light makeup on her face.

Damn it, really yellow hair? !

At this moment, Senxia noticed that the person who was talking to Qianjia-senpai had really blonde hair. It was only because of being covered by someone that Senxia could only see the top of the other person's head.

"Brother, the prom is about to begin!" Xue Nao noticed that Morika seemed to be shaken.

"Oh, sorry, I'm a little lost." Morinya apologized to Yukino.

After saying this, Senxia's gaze turned to the front again, and Qianjia had already reached the yellow hair at this time.

Morinia is extremely unhappy now.

However, in the next moment, Qianjia-senpai took the other person and walked out. That person turned out to be... Jixiangyuan.


Jixiangyuan is Qianjia's dancing partner?

The Jixiangyuan at the moment is actually wearing a costume, that is, the men's clothing of Gongxiaolu Ruiho in the girl falling in love with her sister, although it is very heroic.

Morinatsu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was a girl, so it didn't matter, it was girls and girls anyway.

No, there seems to be something wrong, but after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be right.

Girls and girls...

"Brother, it's time to dance!" Xue Nao brought Morinya's attention back again.

"Ah, okay!" Xuena is still the most important thing now. No matter what is right or wrong, it will be fine for now...


However, it is going to be severely cracked again. The self-examination before, this time is more stringent than the report. Everyone thinks there is a possibility of overstepping. Please tell me, I will change it immediately... It is really a toss, it should have been changed...

The next update will be a bit late. I will try my best to get it done before 10 o’clock, and contact the editor to change the article. Now speaking, I really thank him for reporting the party before...

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