Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 249: A gentleman should be serious

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"Master, this is your coffee milk tea~"

When the sister Dousang walked in front of her, and then kindly placed a cup of milk tea in front of her, Senxia felt that her body and mind were healed.

Ah, we first started a maid cafe, didn't we just want this feeling? Although this maid café is not open yet, anyhow we can be considered as getting what we wanted, right?

Anyway, Morinka feels very comfortable now. It is a kind of enjoyment to be able to enjoy the service of a lovely maid...

"Thank you~"

Holding up the milk tea with a happy face, this kind of inner satisfaction is the most important thing.

Milk tea milk tea milk~

"It's a pity that we haven't prepared here yet, otherwise we can actually eat here today." Senior Sister Qianjia said with some regret.

"No, I'm already satisfied with the service brought by the maid Sang!" Mushroom exclaimed.

Morika glanced at Nasu mushrooms strangely. He actually likes the maid cafe so much? That's not right. In Mushroom's article, there seems to be no such plot. Is it because of your own influence?

Morinka remembered that Takeuchi was the one who liked the maid the most, but Takeuchi was lowering his head and thinking at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Why is this situation a bit reversed?

Well, Senxia feels that she should abandon prejudices and look at affairs with a developmental perspective.

"Speaking..." At this moment, Takeuchi suddenly said again, "What do you think about 18x? In Tsukihime. We originally wanted to design some scripts like this, but Nasu's text is not the same. It's like boiled water, it doesn't feel at all..."

Having said this, Takeuchi sighed, while Mushroom whistled at the sky. As if he was not talking about himself.

After hearing Takeuchi’s statement, Mori turned his attention to mushrooms. Mushroom articles are very flavorful, and its unique writing style is even called "Nasu Yue". It can be said that the writing is very good, and it is also in the middle of the second. Burn. It's really good.

But there is a problem with Nasu's article, that is, the content of 18x is the same as plain boiled water. It belongs to the kind that will not even be harmonious after removing the sensitive words. Takeuchi lamented. Of course.

"Nasusan, are you going to do an 18x game?" Xu Yuanxuan didn't know this, so after hearing Takeuchi's complaint, Xu Yuanxuan became interested in Tsukihime, "Although it is good for all ages, But 18x ​​decisively is the article that can completely express the taste of the article. With 18x, you can express your thoughts unscrupulously. What a wonderful thing!"

"But Nasusan's article. 18x is a bit superfluous. If that content is removed. Maybe it would be better..." Takeuchi was not the only one who said that. Kiyobei ​​also agreed with Takeuchi's statement. .

"Hey, what I wrote about 18x ​​is so bad!" One person said it was okay, but two people said that mushrooms really couldn't stand it.

"Well, if it's not 18x. The audience can also be wider, and maybe you will be able to enter the console platform in the future." Senxia comforted the mushroom. For joining the console platform or something, Senxia has actually said this before. In his opinion, if Yue Ji can also enter the home console platform, it seems very interesting, which is better than that kind of 18x article that is even more tasteless.

"Is it really impossible for me to write 18x?!" But the mushroom quit, he felt that he could definitely write his own article.

"But can you really write it?" Takeuchi looked at the mushroom with contempt.

"Uh..." Mushrooms instantly lost their confidence.

"Well." Senior Sister Qianjia said.

Hearing Qianjia's voice, Mushrooms were a little embarrassed in an instant. When they talked about it, they even forgot about Qianjia's senior sister. It was really embarrassing for them to discuss this kind of thing in front of a girl. , After all, this is a gentleman's topic.

But Senior Sister Qianjia didn't realize this, and instead patted Senxia on the shoulder: "If you really need to write such content, I think Senxia Jun can help you a lot!"

"Huh?" Several people were taken aback. They didn't expect Senior Sister Qianjia to have such an attitude. What's the situation?

"When Mori-kun wrote the gentleman content, he was very powerful. Mori-kun, who has mastered the art of art, can be said to be very powerful." Senior Sister Qianjia came to Mori's side.

"Oh oh oh..." Takeuchi and Mushroom nodded stupidly when they heard what Qianjia-senpai said.

"It turns out that Teacher Xia Sen is so powerful in writing this kind of content..." Xu Yuanxuan exclaimed, don't forget, this famous work is also 18x.

"Although 18x content is not conducive to our access to platforms such as ps, I thought about it. This kind of content is necessary for many times. 18x not only includes male and female content, but also blood and violence. Yes, it can be said to be more helpful for the performance of the topic of the article." Senior sister Qianjia continued, "I don't think it is a problem to add some 18x content. If you want to enter the console platform, this kind of script is actually great. "

"I think it should depend on the situation." But the gentleman Morika put forward a different opinion, "I think if the content is too simple, the homogeneity is actually very serious. It is just a plot similar to the role of the Raiders and the recycling of cg. Everyone has actually tried it. This kind of work can make money, but it is very difficult to stand out from it. What's more, if we want to take this opportunity to whiten it afterwards, it will be a little bit difficult. "

"That's what Xia Sen said. If you have a long-term plan, simply selling meat is not a good idea." Mushroom was the first to agree with Sen Xia's idea.

"Sinxia-kun, are you embarrassed to say that you are a gentleman? Or, you just want to be lazy?" Senior sister Qianjia looked at Senxia with contempt.

"Who said that? I think we can do it in an orthodox way at all!" Senxia has a different view on this. "It is completely possible to sell meat in a serious manner. We can do this with orthodox works. This kind of plan, and this method also avoids the embarrassment that everyone causes when recommending works to friends."

Yes, you can never tell your parents that your favorite works are actually 18x? This is the biggest embarrassment for the work. On the contrary, if the work itself is not 18x, then there is no embarrassment in this regard. After that, there are actually many ways to make the work gentle, such as secondary creation, fan-based, and so on.

Of course, if possible, Morinia also wants to make a pure 18x game, but unfortunately, this idea is temporarily impossible, because Morinia and the others need a prestigious work, which is the Crown of Sin.

A closer look reveals that works that are purely meat-selling works are often hard to get everyone’s approval. On the contrary, works with plot oriented such as fate and ad tend to have high popularity.

Senxia summed up this. Among these works, one of the elements is that the characters should be cute, the other is the plot is better, and the third is the ability to sell meat and strategy roles.

"Ms. Xia Sen is right!" Mushroom is now a loyal fan of Senxia.

"Nasu, you just simply don't know how to write and don't want to write such content!" Takeuchi saw through the inner world of mushrooms in an instant!

As a good friend, Mushroom's real idea that day was crushed instantly.

"Well, it actually depends on the situation. I am a gentleman, and I will never reject gentleman's works. But if we want to make our works prestigious, this is definitely a must." Mori Xia said, "But there are some things we have to take slowly. If our plan is not the work of The Crown of Sin, we can think of a way."

Hearing Morinha’s statement, Qianjia-senpai nodded: “I remember that you seemed to have said this idea before. Indeed, 18x is not good for the company’s prestige development. If possible, we may be able to adopt a vest strategy and establish Another club or something, and then specialize in 18x..."

Qianjia-senpai and Moriha also have a strong gentleman spirit. Although she has been persuaded by Morija, Qianjia-senpai did not feel discouraged by this, but thought of another strategy.

After saying this, Senior Sister Qianjia looked at Mushrooms again: "By the way, what are your plans for your work?"

Hearing Chika-senpai's words, Takeuchi and Mushroom were also in deep thought.

Although playing games is what they think in their hearts, it does not mean that they have no ambitions.

But the people of Xingyue just have an idea about their future at this time. They joined the community more because of interest Maybe they can use alternative methods? Launch the all-age version, and then match it? "Senxia Brain Hole thought of a strategy.

"?" Mushrooms looked at Senxia strangely.

Seeing their gazes, Senxia had some reaction. It seems that there is no such thing in this era. That is, to put it bluntly, it is the expansion of the game released in download mode, but there is no Internet yet.

"Well, it's an expansion in short, or we can also release two versions or something." Senxia changed her words.

"I think it will work!"

Mushroom was the first to jump out to agree, and then he greeted Takeuchi's contemptuous look...


Today’s second update, there is a problem with the monthly ticket list, but it doesn’t matter. Continue to ask for monthly ticket support

Go on with the codeword, (to be continued)

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