Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 251: Who said the second D can’t pinch his face... Wait, let’s play first...

"The Legend of Heroes 6: Trails in the Sky" and the resulting series of "trajectories" can be said to have caused a huge response in the future rpg world, and it is also a rare bonus for otaku and gentlemen. The game, the trail of the sky and the series that follow, can be said to be far-reaching.

Mori summer has naturally come into contact with this series. In fact, Mori summer prefers the third to fifth generations of the legend of heroes, that is, the Kakabu trilogy, but in the combat mode, Mori summer thinks the progress of the Sora no Trail series And innovation is greater.

"We can use a high degree of freedom mode to interact and connect the entire world, which is very helpful for the development of the story, and then the battle mode uses a mode similar to slg." Morixia explained.

"It sounds like this style is biased towards European and Americanization." Senior Sister Qianjia also has a wide range of games. Hearing Morinha's ideas, Senior Sister Qianjia immediately understood.

"The stone of the mountain can be used for jade." Senxia smiled, "The open world is a very important element for the game. Although it is not suitable for every game, it is indeed a very important element. Interesting element."

"That's what Teacher Xia Sen said. If the game has various elements, it will definitely make people feel very novel." Xu Yuanxuan nodded and agreed with Senxia's idea.

"Of course, things are not just that. If you simply learn that style, it may cause discomfort, but we can improve it slightly." Senxia continued to add. Games like Shenmue are also available in Japan, so Morinka is not particularly worried, as long as you don't do something funny. There is basically no problem.

Morinka continued to paint and draw with the pen and paper placed on the coffee table: "Our control mode is to use a mouse, if it is a home computer, use a joystick... Well, yes, do you want to use the q version? Lie painting..."

Morinka depicts the movement patterns of the characters on the drawings. This kind of movement mode that uses the mouse to indicate the direction of movement is not uncommon, and even 2d is fully adapted to this movement method. Although the trajectory of the sky is 3d, it does not matter even if it is 2d, because this mode can be used even if it is 2d. in use.

What Senxia is thinking now is whether he should learn the pattern in the path of the sky. Design the character into a q version.

"Since Takichi is so cute, just use ordinary ones, why use the three-headed body model?" Qianjia-senpai felt that Senxia's thoughts were a little weird.

" seems to be the same..." The senior sister said it seemed reasonable.

"But if it is a mini walking figure with three heads, this kind of walking figure should be easy to customize. In this respect, it should look better than the usual way. As for the characters, we can express them through the vertical drawing. "Xu Yuanxuan started from Senxia's idea and felt that this design would be better.

Senxia thought for a while, and felt that this seemed to make sense.

"Well, if the protagonist can be customized, this seems to be fine, but if it is to make cg, it will be more troublesome to use this mode?" Senior sister Qianjia also put forward her own opinion.

indeed. If you can customize the protagonist, it feels good, but because this is not the 3D era. There is no real-time calculation, so if you want cg, you have to draw pictures one by one. But if you use a customized protagonist, there will be problems on the cg-because you can't make a complete picture of the protagonist!

"Well, this is indeed a bit troublesome." Senxia also felt something wrong. Without cg, I am afraid that only a senior gentleman can make brain supplements. This is indeed a problem.

"Perhaps we should start from the very beginning." Xu Yuanxuan suggested to sort out the script from the very beginning.

Senxia thought about it, and thought it was so good: "Well. First of all, our main script is the script, and the protagonist is Sakura Manji. The heroine is Ichi, and the script is based on one main trunk and various branches. ."

The heroine of the Guilty Crown is Yuqi. After hearing Senxia's words, Xu Yuanxuan understood Senxia's thoughts.

"Then Teacher Xia Sen wants to use RPG as a supplement, or what kind of idea?" Xu Yuanxuan asked curiously.

"The production cycle of rpg is longer than that. Even if we make it at the same time, this game will definitely be released later than the crown of sin, but the volume of rpg itself is very large, so it should belong to a different one based on the same worldview. The story, if the reputation of the evil crown is very bad, we can change the vest." After thinking about it, Mori continued, "Of course, if the story is good, we can let a character like Kaori come on, like Yeqi, such a cute sister paper, must be on the stage!"

If it’s another story, let’s talk about it separately, because whether the popular character is an official reservation, it’s really a bottomless thing. There are definitely many things like counterattacks by supporting characters in history. But the Guilty Crown is different. In this story, there is no character that can be compared with Takichi. The most popular among the Guilty Crown is not running away. Based on this element, Moriha wanted to be the first time Qi Qi pulled over.

"Indeed, if Sakura Manji is used as the protagonist, it would be a bit too repetitive. A game manufacturer that has to fry even this kind of cold rice is really going to be over. If it is to be done, then Expanding the worldview a bit, as a supplement to the worldview." Senior Sister Qianjia followed Senxia's thoughts and was also thinking. The radio waves of Morika and Qianjia-senpai are relatively compatible, so Qianjia-senpai did not object to Morika's ideas.

"So our protagonist is the original protagonist." Morika continued, "This is divided into several situations."

Whether this original protagonist is pre-set or completely customized by players is a very important matter.

If it is a newly added character, then some cg can be produced. Both the male and female protagonists can have new pictures, but if it is an original protagonist, the protagonist will be more troublesome.

Ke Senxia's positioning model here is to adopt an open world, and the player's degree of freedom is high. In this case, the use of player customization and originality will feel more.

"Yeah, this mode is really troublesome. If you can pinch your face at will, that would be great..." Senior Sister Qianjia sighed.

"Actually, cg is okay. If this is not an 18x game, the importance of cg will decrease." Xu Yuanxuan put forward his own opinion.

"But Liehui is at least needed. If there is no image of the protagonist, it must be very troublesome." The senior sister was also worried about this.

"Let me think about it." Senxia heard Qianjia-senpai's words as if she had caught something.

The 2d aspect cannot be compared with the 3d aspect.

In a 3d game, pinching your face is an important part, but it seems that you cannot pinch your face...

Wait, 2d seems to be customizable too!

"Paper doll system!" Senxia suddenly lit up, "If we split up the face shape, hairstyle, nose and other images, then the characters can combine these face shapes, clothes, etc., so that they can be customized. Right!"

"Hey, this seems to be good too." Senior Sister Qianjia also thinks this method is a good solution.

Xu Yuanxuan’s words gave Senxia a sense of rush. At this time, Senxia has become more and more aware: "Our game is not 18x, but we can develop some 18x. We can not only use 18x. System, we can also use a character import system, so that players can import their own characters into it. In addition, we can let players shape the character itself at the beginning of the story. In this way, the options will change... "

"Oh, this is great!" Qianjia-senpai seemed to understand Senxia's plan.

"But in this case, will our work be more troublesome?" Xu Yuanxuan was a little strange, "If the workload is enough, we can't do it alone."

"No, there are three other people who can help us, and the details such as these options don't need to consume too much effort, it's purely a design issue."

Anyway, the difficult thing is just for programmers. As scripts, they only need to be responsible for designing the story.

"Are there any other employees?" Xu Yuanxuan asked in surprise.

"These are the ones we mentioned before. To be precise, they should only be regarded as half employees." Senior Sister Qianjia explained.

"Well, I will take you to see them when the time comes. After all, we will depend on them for our future work, but they are now at the end of work, and now is the critical moment of the task."

Plants vs. Zombies are about to be don't think that because there is a problem at this time, the game will have some bugs that shouldn't be there, it will definitely be quite bad.

As soon as the conversation changed, Morinya said: “In short, we can do more in the system. If we can, we can also do some things. For example, we can add the setting of favorability so that the players can get married. ..."

These are some of the settings that Morinia borrowed from future stand-alone games, especially Morinia's favorite Fallout and The Elder Scrolls series.

In fact, Senxia also wants to add a Gwent card system similar to the one in "The Witcher 3: Gwent Card", which will definitely be very interesting.

But Senxia thought for a while, and still thought it was fine, because something like the Gwent card seemed a bit too distracting.

"By the way, there is another system..."


Code word code word code word!

It’s really hurt that the monthly ticket list does not show the number. Asking for ticket support... (to be continued)

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