Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 270: The concubine can't do it!

Mori Xiawan never expected that this somewhat thin, spectacled, shameless man was Kenji Horikawa.

Shiraito, Hanakai Iroha, angel_beat, etc., are all produced by the same production company. This company is called, and this company is founded by Kenji Horikawa.

Compared to Manishita Koichi, Morinka felt even more excited to hear the name Kenji Horikawa-we are finally worth it!

Kenji Horikawa's own works may not be good, but I can't bear this with a very good company!

"Since we have all met, it's easy to say. Horikawa-san once participated in the production of eva, and he is also a rare talent." After seeing the three of them have known each other, Qianjia-senpai said again. , "Today I brought Senxia-kun here, just to let you know each other."

Sister, -!

Senxia sighed secretly in her heart.

After saying this, Qianjia-senpai turned her head to the two: "After the establishment of the club, "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" written by Mori Xiajun should be your first job."

In the opinion of Senior Sister Qianjia, the two of them should be very happy, and the animation production process will go smoothly. However, she did not expect that after she said this, she found that the two of them looked at each other a little embarrassed. Glanced. She was a little strange. Looking at the two people who wanted to talk, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

It seemed that Koichi Manshita and Kenji Horikawa had made eye contact for a long time. After that, Koichi Manshita sank his face and said, "I'll be honest, although this script is very good, it will be more troublesome to perform. The content of this script is difficult to be used in animation Reflected in it. I think the script may need to be revised."

Script revision is a common thing, the supervisor and the screenwriter discuss it, and then make a major change to the script. Such things are not uncommon, and Morinia understands it well. But this explanation made Morinka a little bit reluctant. Say if you are not satisfied, why do you say I am unprofessional? !

"I think my script is very standard." Senxia said.

"No, no, please don't get me wrong." Makiko hurriedly waved his hand, "The script itself is very good. After I discussed it with Horikawa, the views were the same."

"But didn't you just say that the script of Senxiajun needs to be revised?" Senior Sister Qianjia is also inexplicable, what exactly is going on!

The two looked at each other, before Zhen Xia Genichi said, "Let's sit down and talk slowly."

at this time. The four people are all standing on the side of the hall, and it is indeed not appropriate to stand here to discuss.

"I'm going to make tea." Morinatsu and Chika walked to the room and sat down with Makikoichi, while Kenji Horikawa went to the kitchen to make tea and bring them to the table.

Four people sitting on both sides of the table, Senxia holding the green tea in her hand, looked at the two people who were a little embarrassed with puzzled eyes.

After a while, Mashita Koichi said: "Tiankai-kun's script is very brilliant, and Horikawa and I appreciate it very much, to say, there are many monologues in the script, and there are many contradictions and collisions of ideas. For animation, It is actually very difficult to show this."

Kenji Horikawa also added: "This feeling is somewhat similar to the monologue in eva. I think Amami-kun should also like this work. But it is actually very difficult to imitate this structure."

Senxia and Qianjia-senpai looked at each other, and they didn't expect these two to come to a conclusion like this.

"But I don't think there is a stream of consciousness in my script..." Morinya felt a little inexplicable, "Although the collision of monologues and thoughts is a bit difficult to express, it is completely different from eva. ."

In Morinka's view, although there are similarities between the two, the actual feeling is completely different. The Lily Opera has the rhythm of Lily Opera, Lily Opera and other scripts. Fundamentally, there is a huge difference. Lily is special. Lily is sacred, lily is gentleman's.

In "Girls Fall in Love with Sister". Although Miyakoji Mizuho is a boy's paper dressed in women's clothing, the keynote of the whole drama is lily. Although it is a pseudo-lily, in this world, the femininity and femininity of "Sister Lord" is beyond doubt.

Therefore, in Morinka's mind, the feeling of this drama was completely different from other scripts from the beginning.

"..." After Kenji Horikawa heard Morinka's words, he set his eyes on Morinka, and he saw the persistence on Morinka's face. He had a headache: "Well, if that's the case, it would be even more troublesome. In the case of eva, the stream of consciousness, we have some experience in any case, but I can't understand the words of Tianhaijun."

"Although I am very interested in this story, as far as the current script is concerned, Horikawa and I do not have the ability to supervise it. This is our first script. If an experimental work is produced, I am afraid it will not be very good. ." Zhen Xia Genichi also sighed.

If this work is after they become famous, they might be able to try it, and as the supervisor, it is their freedom to make the script beyond recognition.

Now their company is just a start-up. If they produce an experimental script, once they fail, they will have no confidence. But if they don’t do that, the two immediately get angry and withdraw the script and take away the investment. It's more troublesome.

An animation company needs a lot of accumulation from its establishment to independent production of animations. Just like the famous Kyoto animation in the future, it was also outsourcing various activities at the beginning. It was not until I had accumulated that I started to produce independent animations.

Mashita Koichi and Horikawa Kenji are now in conflict, because if they can make a successful work, it will be of great help to their future, and they can skip the initial accumulation and accumulate reputation. But now, an important question lay before them, that is, they are somewhat unable to start with the script in front of them. Looking at the meaning of these two people, it seems that they want to modify the script, which seems to be a little troublesome.

"People always have things they are good at and what they are not good at..." Qianjia-senpai understands Although she always likes to ask people to do some weird things, but those things can be said about them. It should be in the category they can do. But if you can't do it, you can't.

"I can't control it..."

Senxia also has some headaches. The two in front of him are considered predecessors of her own, but there is no way if they are not professional. A Chinese expert who studies quantum physics cannot be done by a concubine!

The two of them are also in a hurry. They can't get the investment, and they can change people, but their company is in a tragedy. It has been delayed for so long. Now if you come here again, the time will be more delayed.

"By the way, there is someone, I think it should be possible!" Kenji Horikawa seemed to remember something, and his eyes lit up!


Friendly reminder, when watching the Mori summer girl fall in love with her sister, please do not bring the original memory...

Go on with the code word, and give it to the festival~ (to be continued)

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