Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 282: The fool is indeed a fool...

On November 25, 1997, Huo Yao, Tuesday, sunny to cloudy.

The weather at this time has already begun to become cold, and the physical education class at Sakino Academy has also been changed from the open-air track and field stadium to the indoor gymnasium.

"Sinxia, ​​you didn't come to class yesterday, what's the matter?" As we walked to the locker room together, Takatani asked casually.

"It's just something to do, it's nothing." Senxia didn't want to talk about so many things in the school, that kind of behavior seemed to be deliberately showing off, meaningless.

And Morinka believed that even if he had said this to a fool like Takaya Kiriya, he probably wouldn't understand it.

"And asking for leave or something, it's normal, you see, our squad leader also asked for leave today." Morika did not come to school yesterday, and Erika Aoi did not come today. Although she is a famous school, she asked for leave at Sakino Gakuen. The rate is still high, which is not surprising.

"Well, you are right to say that." Tonggu nodded subconsciously.

Senxia next to him saw Tonggu nodding, but shook his head. This guy can really change the subject by just saying a few words...

After entering the locker room together, Morinka and Tonggu began to change sportswear.

The autumn and winter sportswear is long and long-sleeved. Both men and women have the same style. Compared with summer sportswear, the autumn and winter clothing styles are simply explosive.

"Oh, if I were to be the principal, I would have to replace all girls' trousers with short skirts. There is no beauty at all." Senxia said.

Sakano School is good at everything, but it is difficult to match the aesthetics with Morinka. Whether it is a long skirt or the current sportswear, this is a cheating thing.

The only thing that Senxia agrees with is summer sportswear. Qianjia-senpai's slightly larger sportswear is still in Senxia's memory. Simply praise.

Oh, yes, the dead reservoir water in summer is also good. Sakano Gakuen’s school swimsuit style is still the old-fashioned dead pool swimsuit...

But other than that, various other places can be spit out infinitely. At least the current Morinia is very resentful.

"But in such cold weather, is it really okay to wear a skirt?" Tonggu felt that this was a bit wrong.

"You go to places like Shibuya or Shinjuku, those girls go out in miniskirts even in December!" Inoue leaned over to spit out.

"Yeah, demeanor, not temperature, this is reality. I want to make school sportswear more eye-catching, which is actually nothing." At this point, Morinya showed a smile that boys all understand. , "Not to mention. If the girls are afraid of the cold, they can just prepare silk stockings, which can keep warm and enhance their charm..."

Stockings are the savior of women. Sometimes a very outdated dress, as long as it is matched with stockings, the whole feeling will become completely different. This is the charm of stockings, whether it is pantyhose, stockings or suspenders , These are holy things that can change a temperament!

"Yeah... That picture is really beautiful!" Kiriya Taka thought of the picture Morinatsu described. Instantly felt the extremely longing.

"Well, that's it. We're going to class now. Let's change your clothes first!" Although the picture is cool to imagine, the school uniforms in the real world are cruel, and it is useless to fantasize, not to mention, now Class will start soon.

"Ah, that's true, why don't our school wear short skirts for girls!" Well, at this time, Tonggu started to complain like Senxia... well, or just follow suit.

After taking off the coat. Morika picked up the shirt inside. The standard way to wear winter sportswear is to wear summer sportswear inside. Then put the winter sportswear outside.

There are names on the sportswear, after the exercise. As long as the clothes are put in their own boxes, the school will take them for cleaning, unless they are brought home, otherwise, there is no problem at all.

"..." But just after taking off her clothes, Morinka found that Takashi Kiriya was staring at herself with strange eyes. He felt goose bumps on his body: "Hey, hey, what are you looking at?"

Looking at Morinya, Tong Gu Xiao seemed to be thinking about something very serious. Then, he didn't say anything surprisingly, "Sinxia, ​​your skin is very white, let me touch it."

As soon as the voice fell, Senxia kicked him.

"Hey hey hey, when did your sexual orientation change?" Senxia quickly put on the sportswear, and then began to change shoes.

"No..." Tong Gu Xiao was kicked directly onto the stool in the middle of the locker room by Morinata. He screamed innocently, "I just feel that if Yukino-chan ignores me, Mori-kun, if you can replace Yukino-chan. It's fine, you see, it's like getting a women's dress like last time..."

Then Tonggu was kicked by Senxia Erlian.

"Why don't you try it yourself?" Senxia stepped on Tonggu's body. Fortunately, he hasn't worn shoes yet, otherwise there must be a very indecent shoe print on Tonggu's body at this time.

However, Tonggu looked at Senxia with a very innocent gaze. He sighed, and then looked down at the feet on his chest: "I tried it, but it was ugly. I admit that women's clothing is really comfortable. But it's not up to the level of Senxia-kun...Huh?"

Speaking of this, Tonggu suddenly found that the room seemed to be very quiet. Although Tonggu was an idiot, even he had already discovered that the surrounding atmosphere seemed a little strange at this time.

Not only that, even Senxia, ​​who had stepped on her body, quickly lifted her foot, and then wiped the soles of her feet with a sweat towel, as if stepping on something terrible.

"Hey hey, what's wrong with everyone?" Tonggu asked eagerly.

"...Abnormal." Finally, a voice came to mind among the crowd.

" is a pervert..."

"Really, the first time I saw a pervert so close to me..."

When Tonggu heard these words, he seemed to realize that he seemed to have said something wrong.

"Hey, hey, it's not like that, it was Mie who asked me..." Tongya was half talking, but choked again, because he found that if he explained it, he would involve his "girlfriend" Harada Mie. The school is forbidden to fall in love. If you explain it yourself, then you will simply not confess.

"I'm not a pervert, really, you have to believe me!" Tonggu yelled innocently.

"You can do it yourself." Senxia, ​​who put on her shoes, shook her head and left the dressing room. The others also left here one after another, leaving Tonggu lying in place, crying without tears...


Update update update, honesty, honesty~

To update! For moral integrity! (To be continued)

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