Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 291: Don't talk about this topic that makes me tight!

This car is black all over, and Moriha doesn't know much about cars, but she still knows the famous brands. The brand on this car seems to be called Maserati or something, which seems very high-end.

"Why haven't I seen you driving before?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Even if there is a car industry, it is impossible to drive here to the school," Qianjia looked at Senxia strangely, "Did you not read the school rules? If you are picked up by someone, the car cannot be parked in front of the school."

Uh...Well, Morinya really doesn't care about this kind of school rules, but when you think about it, it seems that there really is no such thing...

"This is my car, so it doesn't matter. Get in the car." Ji Ye smiled at Senxia, ​​then opened the front door and walked in.

"Let's go." Senior Sister Qianjia took Senxia's hand and sat in the back row together.

Although the car looked a bit small from the outside, the space inside the car was quite large. Ji Ye was sitting in the front, and beside her in the driver's seat was a middle-aged man in a black suit.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to meet those people soon. If my work can be recognized by them, it will be very interesting!" Ji Ye exclaimed, "Although it is between girls and girls Story, but I feel like I was also inspired..."

Speaking of which, what inspiration can a rotten woman learn from the story of the fake lily? Senxia was a little inexplicable, he asked casually: "What?"

"I was thinking, since a boy can appear in a girls' school dressed up as a women's dress, why can't the same thing be put in the boys' school?" Ji Ye smiled.

"Huh? A group of boys and a girl, that's not meat... ahem, isn't that a sheep's mouth?" Senxia almost said the word toilet, but fortunately he realized that this place was out of them. Three people outside. There is also an outsider.

"Of course it didn't mean that, I mean, in a boys' school. A boy dressed as a girl... Well, if that's the case. It would be fun, right?" Ji Ye smiled.

"--Oh, it seems really wonderful!" When Qianjia-senpai heard Ji Ye's statement, she came to the scene in an instant. She turned her head and looked at Morinia, "By the way, doesn't Teacher Erdaime also have such a work? "

"That's what I said." Senxia said as she glanced at the driver, but the driver was really good. Although I heard so much strange content from them, I still don’t seem to be distracted at all. This is really professional...

Eh, wait, it's not right!

"But in such a script, are all boys?!" Sen Xia Jiao was charming.

"Yeah, it's just because it's a boy, it's so interesting!" Ji Ye smiled, "Think about it, my good friend tomorrow and evening. One day I started to wear women's clothing for a special reason, and then because of the good The actions of the friend had a huge impact on themselves and on the whole school. Everyone began to doubt their sexual orientation, and then the good friend gradually found that he seemed to like this kind of being more and more under the care of the boys every day. The feeling of being protected...isn’t it super wonderful!"

Indeed, from various angles, this kind of script that bends people seems to be very pleasant to see. When a group of people yell "~" or something, how comfortable is that?

But I don't know why, when Senxia's eyes met Ji Ye's, he shivered from the bottom of his heart.

"That's pretty much the same. You like it." Senxia wisely decided not to discuss this issue while talking to Ji Ye. Senxia always feels that her chrysanthemum is cold.

"Hey, Senxia-kun. Have you ever thought about such a script, it seems very interesting!" However, Senior Sister Qianjia did not stop, she immediately grabbed Senxia's hand, "Look, this script is used for It seems to be very good at spreading gentleman culture!"

"Is that so..." Senxia subconsciously sat down, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"But what on earth does it take to make women's clothing boys appear in the script reasonably?" Ji Ye seemed to be a little distressed. "Although women's clothing is not considered orthodox in the love of boys, such scripts are actually very convenient. Let ordinary people enter the script..."

Ji Ye thinks this way of presentation seems very good, but how to rationalize the script is what she finds the most troublesome.

"It's not easy!" Senxia is also very interested in the script itself after all. Although there is always a feeling of a chrysanthemum crisis, Senxia still says that he is very happy to see it. He continued: "Look, we can design this school to be a boys' school, and then in this school, the students feel a lot of pressure because they have no access to girls and the pressure of learning is added. The school is to relieve the students. Under the pressure in their hearts, they designed a measure for the school, which is to choose a few boys in the school every year, let them wear women's clothing, and act as'girls' in the school, so as to relieve everyone's mood s method."

This kind of script is simply countless in later Japanese manga, and it can even be said to be routine. Among them, there is even a manga named Princess Princess that is even animated.

But then in the future, and as for the present, such plots can be said to be rare.

"Oh, it looks pretty good, I decided, I will paint this on Xia cm!" Senior Ji Ye looked very excited.

"But senior, you didn't seem to say that last time?" Senxia was ashamed. He glanced at Jiye and Qianjia. Both of them were very surprised. It seemed that they were affected by Senxia's words. Inspired.

It's just the appearance of these two people that made Senxia a little uncomfortable.

"It used to be before, now is now. After all, the content of Xia cm has not been confirmed yet, but if we can draw such a cartoon, it seems to be very interesting!" Ji Ye exclaimed.

"Senior, if you are really interested, why don't you just submit your paper and make your debut?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Nonsense, if it's a magazine, then there must be a yardstick limit, it's different for the same person. Except for those self-deceiving mosaics, there are almost no yardsticks among the same person!" It was the senior sister Qianjia who spoke.

Senxia glanced at Qianjia-senpai, then at Ji Ye next to her. She also seemed to agree. Why do these two people always have a strange obsession with boys? Senxia couldn't figure it out.

The car soon arrived at Musashino. After being liberated from that small space, Morinka felt a little more relaxed.

"By the way, when we were in the car, we had been discussing that kind of topic. The driver heard it. Is there really no problem?" After getting out of the car and watching the car gradually move away, Senxia was somewhat doubt.

"No problem. Because we often talk about scripts there. When I was a fanboy, I discussed it with Senior Sister Qianjia." Ji Ye smiled.

"So..." Although there were still some doubts, Senxia nodded temporarily. However, Morinya also had some doubts in her heart. Although she knew that Senior Jiye seemed to be very good, she didn't know what kind of identity Jiye was...

"Okay, that's it, the next thing is business!" Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder, and Ji Ye next to him noticed Qianjia's movements, and then she turned her eyes to Senxia. There seemed to be a somewhat clear expression in front of his eyes.

The three of them didn't say much, but walked into the hotel next to them, Xinfang Akiyuki, Manishita Koichi and Horikawa Kenji. This time has been waiting here.

Although it has not been formally established, the club "Musashino Animation" can be said to have been registered. Although they still lack some funds, it is enough to make girls fall in love with their sisters. As for The rest of the job is to see if Sony will come over. With Sony's sponsorship, they will be more relaxed in later production. If there is no Sony... Well, there is no money and no money. Isn't the new house children's shoes the best at saving money in the future?

"Good noon, everyone." Morika went up to say hello, and then introduced Himeha to them, "This is my senior, Shiina Himeha, Senior Himeha, these three are the backbone of Musashino Animation. "

To be precise, there are only three people in front of Musashino...

"Please advise!" Everyone greeted each other.

After sitting down, everyone is not in a hurry to order food. After sitting down, Morinka said: "Since everyone is here, let's discuss the business first. Jiye-senpai’s work is something I trust very much. I hope you like it too."

After Senxia finished speaking, he nodded towards Ji Ye. Ji Ye understood, and then took out his own illustration from the schoolbag, and handed it to the three of them: "This is my understanding based on the script, as well as the personality created by the discussion with Senxiajun. Here is me. In previous works, I also liked the script of the girl falling in love with my sister very much."

In the past few days, Jiye-senpai has already set up Miyakoji Mizuho’s people, and the other three protagonists have also made a line draft. Because of the limited time, the other characters have not done it yet, in order to let Musashi The three people from Ye Animation realized her level, and Ji Ye simply took over all her previous works.

The three nodded, and then accepted each other's drawing.

Although they really want to trust each other, the three of them have actually prepared for the worst. Although Senxia is very powerful and can come up with a very good script, it does not mean that every high school student is so against the sky. The standard of an average high school student... that's really nothing to expect.

On the surface, they have already said that they want each other to be the character set, but the three of them have discussed it in private. Here, let's be perfunctory. After the confusion passes, let's let the future painting supervisor make a change to the character set...

However, when they saw the drawing, they were all stunned, because the style of the drawing was very delicate, and the coloring made people's eyes bright, just looking at the Gongxiaolu on the white paper. Ruihong, there is even a vivid feeling on paper, which makes people feel deeply moved.

Is this really the work of a high school student?

The same doubts appeared in the minds of the three people, and they picked up other manuscripts and began to read them.

The pictures that Ji Ye showed to the three of them, in addition to their own personal design, there are also various illustrations that have been drawn before. These are all fine works.

The works above the standard gave all three people a sense of surprise.

"It's awesome, this Gongxiaolu Ruiho, it seems to be alive!" Xinfang said with incomparable emotion.

With flax-colored hair, delicate face, and amber eyes, Gongxiaolu Ruiho fully demonstrated what is called "Yamato Nadeshiko" against the backdrop of a black noble school uniform. Just looking at the picture in front of them, there are already countless scenes of Mizuho Mizuho in their minds. This "girl" was uneasy about entering Shengying Academy for the first time, and gradually merged into it later. Distressed and worried, these images seem to show up before their eyes.

"The works of famous artists are nothing more than that..." Mashita Koichi also admired.

"At this level, even if Mr. Sadamoto sees it, he will express admiration." Kenji Horikawa also nodded.

Morinia was also a little worried, but when he saw these three people in such awe, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great, Ji Ye!" Senior Sister Qianjia turned her head and smiled at Ji Ye, then turned around and said to three more people, "So, there should be no problem with this kind of plot? I trust everyone's judgment. This kind of work, even in the industry, must be very good!"

" Xinfang nodded," In fact, there are many newcomers who can’t come up with such a good setting. If based on this setting, there will only be people setting it. I think Can arouse everyone's enthusiasm! "

The other two nodded desperately, agreeing.

Ji Ye is indeed a rare talent. Her work is so beautiful that all three people seem to like it very much.

"Since the person can be set up, let's follow the current situation!" Senxia said, "I don't know how your preparations are going on here?"

Hearing what Morinya said, Xinfang Zhaozhi also took out some sketches from his briefcase at this time: "This is the storyboard of the first season I did. What do you think?"

However, after just saying this, Xin Fang Zhaozhi's gaze suddenly shifted to the set of Gongxiaolu Ruiho next to him, and he frowned: "...That, I actually have some new ideas..."


Two-in-one chapter (to be continued)

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