Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 298: Burberry? A third-rate brand that you haven’t heard of...

The Tokyo Disney Amusement Park can be repeatedly entered. With the martial art of a day trip, you can enter and exit the amusement park.

"The time is right now. After we buy the scarf, we can go to lunch." Senxia checked the time, and the time is right now. After eating, she has time to continue hanging out. Senxia is at the booker's afternoon. The plan is, "We went to Phantasialand and Cartoon City before, wait a minute to see Tomorrowland, then to Adventure Land and Westland, and then to Animal World, and then we will go to Fantasy Land and Cartoon City in the rest of the time. ."

"Arrange so carefully what to do. Since it's here to play, of course you have to be calm. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Yukino held Senxia's left hand intimately next to him, and then rubbed him. If you’re around, there’s no problem at all. I want to play with my brother, so that’s fun~"

For Yukino, the important thing is not the scenery, but the moment of being with his brother. At this time, whether it is an amusement park or a garbage dump in front of him, there is actually no difference. The important thing is not the scenery, but the feeling of being with the closest person is the most important thing.

Yes, this mood is the most important thing.

Senxia also understood this, and he also gave a knowing smile. It was like traveling. The important thing is not the scenery, but the mood when looking at the scenery.

~∠~∠, x. "Well, then where to see, where to play!"

Senxia shrugged.

Although they are out shopping, in fact, Morinka and Yukino are not kids who love shopping, so they didn't go shopping around, but looked for stores purposefully.

"The one over there is Kasai Rinkai Park." There is another Kasai Rinkai Park near Tokyo Disneyland, and Morinatsu suddenly thought of it.

"Brother wants to go shopping?" Xue Nao asked curiously.

Senxia shook her head: "No, I'm thinking, if Disney doesn't have a Ferris wheel. When will they get one over there."

"I think it would be more appropriate for Disney to build one. After all, this area has been expanding recently." Yukino felt that the Ferris wheel in Disney seemed more romantic.

"Well... probably."

I can never tell you, is there such a thing as Japan’s No. 1 Ferris wheel on the opposite side...

Morinka forced to play the terrible, but Yukino couldn't understand it. Kasai Linkai Park will not build Japan's tallest Ferris wheel until 2001. As for now, there is no root hair.

But it is also uncertain. The butterfly effect is said to be more obvious as time passes. Maybe it will wait until 2001. Really, Disney got a Ferris wheel first.

"Brother, come here!" Not long after, Morinka and Yukino came to a shop. Morinka looked up and said "brberry" on it. I don't know which brand it is, but this is not a shopping street after all. , We can't ask for so much, right?

There are no people in the shop, but it is very delicate. The whole shop is decorated with light-colored wooden boards, with various bags and clothes on it. There are signs of "brberry" everywhere here, which is obviously a specialty store.

"Welcome." Seeing a guest coming. A young girl came over. She was wearing spectacles and some freckles on her face, but she was well dressed. Although a little immature, he is indeed a qualified employee. She smiled and looked at Senxia and them: "Do you have any help for the two guests?"

"Thank you, let's see for ourselves." Senxia declined the other party. He prefers to watch and think by himself.

"Hi, please do it yourself, both of you." The other nodded, and then stood aside with a smile.

Well, having said that, inside, at this time, it should be the clerk who saw the two student parties come in, and then all kinds of eyes were above the top, and then the **** despised, and finally the protagonist was beaten with money...

Senxia suddenly thought of some kind of inner routine, once this kind of plot happened, it seemed very interesting. But then again, if the protagonist is irritated and reckless because of this matter, isn't it just a stimulus or something? Could it be that the clerk plans to pass?

Senxia shook her head and threw this strange situation out of her head. This is the sequelae of too much writing, and things will always get in unconsciously.

Besides, this is just a very ordinary shop. Could there be any mess, brberry? Sorry, I have never heard of it!

Er, okay, Senxia is not completely unconscious. It always feels like it's a mother or someone, who has said something, but clothing or something, Senxia doesn't care anyway.

Xue Nao looked around here for a long time, then suddenly her eyes lit up, and she walked to a model and said with a smile, "Brother, what do you think of this?"

This model is wearing a black trench coat, which is somewhat similar to that of Senxia, ​​and around the model's neck is a scarf.

Very ordinary plaid scarf, but with clothes, it gives people a very harmonious feeling.

Senxia touched it with her hand. The material of the scarf is very good, at least it feels very comfortable.

"It's not bad, the color is great, and the hand feels good." Senxia nodded, and then began to look around.

"What is elder brother looking for?" Xue Nai asked curiously.

"I'm looking to see if there is a scarf that suits Yukino," Morinya said.

"I'm going to be the same as my brother!" Yukino didn't plan to use other styles of scarf.

Morinka thought for a while, then put the scarf on Yukino's neck: "Don't move, let me see."

Yukino nodded and stood in place obediently, watching Morinka Manman wrap herself with a scarf with expectant eyes.

"It's so warm~" Xue Nao exclaimed.

"Um..." The Morinya who stood next to me stood here for a long time and nodded, "Yoshi, that's it, it's pretty good, Yukino, I didn't expect this scarf to be so good, black and white clothes are very good Match it."

"That's it!" Yukino seemed very happy.

Senxia nodded, looked back at the employee just now, and prepared to take out his wallet: "Sorry"

"Let me come!" Yukino hurried up in front of, how can you let Yukino come? "Seeing that Xue Nao was so active, Morika was a little strange.

"Please, brother, my brother made me so happy today, and now please make sure that I also give my brother a little, it's nothing~" Yukino said, walking towards the girl facing each other, "Sorry"

Seeing Yukino took out a black credit card, Morinka chuckled lightly.

It is rare for Xue Na to look so positive, and Morinka is not easy to refuse, anyway, her birthday is coming, so it is good to make up for Xue Na when the time comes.


I woke up in a daze today, found that Steam actually cut the price, immediately bought the game, and then found... my money was swallowed! Swallowed!

Tossing the game for a long time, almost forgot to update, really because of the low character... (to be continued...)



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