Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 305: Did something happen?

"Although the other side is interesting, there is something, it's better to have fun by yourself." Senior Sister Qian Jia turned her head excitedly and stopped eavesdropping, but ran to the closet and started to look at it.

"Qianjia, what the **** are you doing?" Jixiangyuan stood up speechlessly, "You can't wear that kind of clothes at all, right?"

"Our clothes are soaking wet now, do you still want to wear such a dress? What's more, role-playing or something is actually really interesting!" Senior sister Qianjia is full of gentlemen's thoughts, she is at this time His face is hot.

"Hey, Lihua, look at this suit, it seems to be very good!" Qian Jia took out a translucent middle school sailor suit.

"Eh? Why do you use this kind of clothes? The clothes inside will be seen!" Jixiangyuan does not understand gentleman culture, but this kind of clothes looks very bad, which makes Jixiangyuan wary." Qianjia, you must never wear such immoral clothes!"

"The clothes inside? You can't wear anything in this costume," Qianjia tilted her head, "this is the essence of the love hotel."

"Absolutely not! We still have our own clothes! Qianjia, it is because of this that you are always not serious, thinking about some messy things, and become like this. If you want to be a real lady, this kind of mess It is absolutely impossible to do it again!" Jixiangyuan said righteously.

"Ah Lala, I never thought about becoming a lady. I'm just doing what I like to do. Isn't that good?" Qianjia said as she put the sailor suit back and began to examine Other clothing.

"This is really stupid. Temperance and restraint are necessary. If everyone does what they want to do, the world will be messed up." Jixiangyuan was full of upright Qianjia, "Cheer up, Qianjia!"

but. Regarding Jixiangyuan's advice, Qianjia-senpai didn't care at all on her face. At this time, she took out a school swimsuit, which is the legendary dead reservoir water.

"Qianjia. What are you still doing?" Jixiangyuan frowned.

"I just said that, we are going to take a shower now, but the clothes we used to wash before," Qianjia said naturally, "Since there is no clothes to wear. Wearing all clothes is definitely a must."

"What, don't you need to change it?" Jixiangyuan frowned.

"What are you talking about? We used to sweat a lot before we came here," Qianjia-senpai said as she took out the dead reservoir swimsuit for observation. "And the bathing does not change clothes, this is the same as not having a bath. What's the difference!"

Senior Sister Qianjia is stubborn, which makes Jixiangyuan no longer know what to say. She wants to refute, but she knows if she has to say something. Qian Jia would definitely use three sentences to refute it. Those crooked Ricoh just think about it, which makes people feel irritated.

"I really don't know why things turned out like this..." She sighed, and after thinking about it, she found that what Qian Jia just said was not just a fallacy. They came to the hotel this time as an accident. Blizzard asked them to I was caught off guard and didn't have any clothes ready at all. If I really washed them all according to Qianjia's words. Then they really can only wear these clothes, although it is a bit embarrassing, but this is also nothing.

"Then...choose a more normal dress." Jixiangyuan could only compromise in the end.

"Well, let me see... Nah. This leather corset looks good!" Qianjia's eyes lit up.

"Never, this kind of clothes can't even cover the key clothes!" Jixiangyuan glared at Qianjia, "Moreover, don't want to wear those weird clothes yourself. I definitely don't allow you to do that kind of thing!"

Qianjia originally wanted to make a joke, but after seeing the upright and persistent look in Jixiangyuan. She suddenly took a sigh of relief. Every time she quarreled with Jixiangyuan like this, it didn't mean anything...

"Well, by the way, this seems to be good~" Suddenly, Qianjia's eyes lit up and she took out a dress from inside.

Fishing socks, red tights, rabbit ears and rabbit tail, this is a bunny girl costume.

"This is not bad, right?" Senior Sister Qianjia said while holding her clothes in front of Jixiangyuan and making gestures.

"What a joke, I will never wear this kind of dishonest clothes!" Jixiangyuan blushed and opened his eyes.

"Well, but I don't think there is any more suitable clothes for you here. If you like larger clothes, there is no problem at all~" Senior Sister Qianjia showed the wardrobe to Jixiangyuan generously.

"This..." Jixiangyuan's eyes wandered, but she quickly found a sportswear, and her eyes lit up, "If this is the case, there is no problem!"

However, just after Jixiangyuan finished speaking, Qianjia’s ruthless voice sounded in her ear: "Well, if you think there is no problem with open crotch pants, there is no problem with wearing these."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Jixiangyuan's face flushed with a jerk: "I will never wear that kind of shameless clothes! Why is there such kind of shameless clothes here!"

"Then you still?" Qian Jia said, holding the bunny **** Jixiangyuan's body while making gestures. Jixiangyuan gritted his teeth and looked at the closet unwillingly.

After watching nervously for a while, Jixiangyuan seemed to have discovered something, and the eyes suddenly lit up: "That set of policewoman uniform seems to be okay, right?"

"Are you sure?" Senior Sister Qianjia looked at Jixiangyuan, her eyes seemed to be a cat looking at a mouse.

"Wh, what's the matter? Although it's a bit strange to wear a police uniform, it's barely a formal dress." After seeing the police uniform, Jixiangyuan seemed to be a little relieved.

However, Qianjia did not speak, but looked at Jixiangyuan with a smile.

"Um, this dress... doesn't it seem to be a problem?" Jixiangyuan looked at Qian Jia nervously, seemingly at a loss.

Qian Jia shook her head, and then pointed to the skirt on the uniform: "If you think this skirt can cover it, then it's okay."

Jixiangyuan looked at the skirt. Indeed, without even thinking about it, it was possible to tell that the skirt was indeed incapable of covering at all, and the upper body was relatively short, showing the navel, and there were only two buttons on the chest... If so, it seems that it is really not as good as the high-fork one-piece bunny outfit.

"No...there must be better!" Jixiangyuan continued to search for clothes to wear inside, but she found desperately that those seemingly normal uniforms were always tragedy in key places, either opening the file or opening the chest. In this way, it seems that Qianjia’s bunny girl costume and dead reservoir water are the only ones that can be suitable. However, for the sake of Qianjia’s integrity, Jixiangyuan absolutely does not allow Qianjia to wear those "shameless" costumes.

In the end, Jixiangyuan could only sigh: "Let's do this for now."

Qian Jia smiled slightly, then walked over and took Jixiangyuan's hand: "Well, let's go take a bath~"

Qianjia was very happy that Jixiangyuan was completely taken by her into the ditch. She had to change clothes, which is very strange in itself. In fact, even if you have to change clothes, there are many options, such as mixing and matching...

Of course, Qianjia will never tell Jixiangyuan about this...


A few hours later, Morinya is here.

"Brother, are you okay?" In fact, the content in the film is not as long as a few hours, but Yukino thinks bullying her brother is very interesting, so she has been watching TV with Mori. She held Senxia's arm with her hand, and Senxia couldn't resist.

Probably because she knew she was wrong, Xue Nao flushed all over her face.

"Um...what? It's okay..."

Senxia shook her head, and Yuuki had been riding on her face for several hours. At this time, Senxia felt that her brain had been completely deprived of oxygen and died, and that memory of Senxia had been blurred.

"Is it okay?" Xue Nao shook her hand in front of Morinia a few times, still seemed a little worried.

"Gudong." Senxia swallowed her saliva, "Well, it's no problem, it's just that she lay down for too long, and the saliva is a bit too much and a bit salty."

"Brother, are you really okay?" Xue Nao was really shocked when he saw Morinya's dazed appearance.

"It's okay, your brother and my body have been transformed by aliens. I am absolutely immortal. This is a secret, Xue Nao don't tell others."

Xue Nao's face changed drastically when she heard Morinka's words: "Brother, brother, you can wake up for a while!!!"

Yukino pressed Senxia's shoulders and swayed Senxia. After a long time, Senxia finally recovered.

"Um...Xuno?" At this moment, Morinya finally woke up...Well, at least she could recognize Xue Nai.

Seeing that Senxia's eyes became clear, Xue Nao breathed a sigh of relief, but then she asked worriedly: "Is there really nothing wrong with brother?"

"Well, it's okay." Senxia waved.

"Then I just did something wrong, can my brother forgive me?" Xue Nao looked at Senxia with some worry.

"Huh? How could Yukino do something wrong?" Senxia replied seriously, but Yukino found that although Senxia had returned to normal, it seemed...Uh, the spirit had not recovered?

"What happened just Brother remember?" Xue Na asked again.

"Just now? Well, yes, it's okay, isn't it just a sailor suit, it's okay, anyway, just wear it for Yukino." Senxia smiled.

It turns out that elder brother no longer remembers what happened before...Xuno breathed a sigh of relief, and she staggered to stand up, but because of an unstable center of gravity, she fell to the side, and Morinya hurriedly held her.

"Xuno is all right!" Senxia asked concerned.

"It's okay, but the legs are a little soft. I am a little thirsty now. I want to drink water. Brother, do you want to drink?" Xue Na took a rest and finally stabilized.

"No, Xuena, go by yourself, I'm not thirsty... Well, I want to go to the toilet."


I forgot to post... I cover my face, I just found out the codeword.

I wanted to say it was for a gentleman...qaq(~^~)



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