Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 313: Time to do business!

"It turned out to be like this. +◆," In the box of the coffee shop, Morika had already told Nana about the general situation. Nana who understood what happened was also amazed at what Morika and Chika did." You are so amazing that you have opened such a big club..."

"No, it's not that strong, and you see, our office hasn't been decorated at all..." Senxia said, while taking a look at the box.

Morinia used to stay in the box of the cafe before, but after the renovation, this place is no different from before.

The whole room is not worthy of being considerate. There are wood carvings and classical European-style decoration everywhere. The whole room feels like a tea salon in the upper class of the 19th century, elegant and delicate.

This place is very good. Compared with Senxia's office, it is a heaven and an underground.

If there is a chance, let the senior sister get the office done early, at least get the floor and wall done...

Senxia sighed in her heart.

"Why do you want to build such a club? Don't you know that this will affect your performance in society? If you want to start a company, you can wait after graduation, right?" After speaking, the Jixiangyuan next to him also inserted a sentence.

"Lihua, what you said is wrong. Time is waiting for no one. If we establish a company one day earlier, we will be able to spread the culture of a gentleman one day soon~" Qian Jia said with a sincere expression on her face. After all, Jixiangyuan couldn't understand what they were talking about as "gentlemen".

But this is also just right. If Jixiangyuan, who has such a strong sense of responsibility, knows the meaning of a gentleman, what will happen after that, uh, I can't even think about it.

"Well. Everything has been done, Lihua, even if you say nothing, it won't help, and if we work here, the frequency of our school club activities will also decrease. Isn't this a good thing for you?" Qianjia fiddled with it. I touched my hair.

"That's right..." Jixiangyuan hesitated, but always felt that something was wrong with Qianjia's words, but he couldn't find a place to refute it.

"Lao Xu, why are you here today?" Seeing that Jixiangyuan was educated (deceived) by Qianjia (negative) here, Senxia turned her head and looked at Lao Xu's side.

"I have been watching Teacher Xia Sen's worldview these days. Then I compiled the world content of the mirror world. But yesterday because of the snow, I couldn't go back at all. I had to stay here." Lao Xu said He touched his own scum.

I have to say that Lao Xu's appearance is too sloppy, and it is no wonder that Nana would regard him as a tramp. In that environment, it is strange that he is not seen as a tramp.

The two talked. Qianjia over there had finished her conversation with Jixiangyuan, turned and left here, and after a while, she was already back here. Then threw a document to Morinka.

"After you get home, you will finish reading this." Qianjia ordered.

"What is this?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"Resume, otherwise you think why I asked you to come to this place with me." Qianjia smiled, "I have been planning for the rainy day. I have prepared these establishments last week. I didn't expect it to be possible now. It’s great to use."

"Resume? This thing is there now?" Senxia's mouth opened wide. However, Morika already knew about Qianjia-senpai's urination, so he was not surprised at this time.

"Of course, this is a necessary condition," Qianjia said. "Our current club has me, you, Himeha, Nana-chan, and the empty sang. Other than that, there are no employees, but this is far from enough. That Mr. Zn came over together, we only have six people. My opinion is that it would be better to increase to about ten people."

"Okay, then what kind of talent do we need?" In fact, Senxia thinks that their current manpower is about the same. At most one more programmer is enough. After all, they are just making games, and the workload is not large, even if it is the crown of crime. In the rpg version, at least half of that work is outsourced, so too much manpower is just a waste. Of course, Senxia did not immediately reject Qian Jia, he thought what the other party thought.

"Well, it's best to have an i and a program, and then a versatile messenger. If you can get a voice actor or something, it would be even better." Qian Jia said her thoughts.

"But we are a game company, why do we want to be a seiyuu? Also, what is that universal smasher?" Senxia is inexplicable.

"Of course it is to help our game dubbing. If we have our own people, things will become very convenient. Doesn't Nana need to practice singing? It is also very good to have a supplement. If it is miscellaneous, of course it will be everything. I can do it, including helping us with decoration, tuning in Zn Sang, and part-time procedures, but you don't need to care so much. We only need a few part-time jobs." Senior Sister Qianjia continued to order.

Can you really afford that versatile handyman?

Senxia wanted to complain.

"Well, if you only need a part-time job, I know a lot of classmates, do you want to help you publicize it?" Nana suddenly interjected, feeling that she should be able to do what she can.

"Ah, it's great to have Nana to help!" Qianjia was also surprised.

" I think I can help too!" Yukino stood up at this time.

"Yuno, the script is different from the script. The effort to write the script is definitely more than twice that, and you are going to participate in the Kendo Contest next year, right?" Morino stopped Yukino. Writing the script did not want to be that simple. I have practiced, but Yukino obviously hasn’t been in contact with this, and Morihatsu hadn’t planned to let Yukino join their ani fan club, otherwise Yukino would definitely be contaminated, and Mori’s elder brother’s duty is to make Yukino grow healthy. .

"That's right, Xueno, you just have a heart, you don't need to be like that." After Qianjia finished speaking, she picked up a piece of paper in her hand, "Speaking of which, this is almost the end. Now that our club has been officially established , Things should be on the right track, and can’t be messed up like before. This weekend, I will sort out the information today. Starting tomorrow, we will start doing business.”


Cough cough, I went to sleep after finishing the code... I covered my face, and then forgot.

In addition, the fan outside for the leader of the lord can also start, cheer oo (to be continued...)



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