Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 316: Am I numb?

"Xuno?! Why are you here?!" After Senxia got on and off the subway, he actually saw Xue Na, she was standing here at the subway station, obviously waiting for Senxia and the others to come.

"Of course it was to look at the books that were printed. It's a great feeling to be able to see my own book published." Yukino smiled.

"Does your training over there matter?" Senxia asked, "Do you have training today?"

Yukino shook his head: "It's okay, it's not that I am complacent, but I dare say that even if I haven't trained for a year, those people are still not my opponents~"

This kind of complacency is probably only Xue Nao dare to say.

But Morinka was a little embarrassed when he heard what Yukino said, because Qianjia and Morinya said that after moving things, they had to try on cos clothes. Morinka was already ready to fight, but Yukino suddenly appeared. Let Senxia at a loss...

"By the way, will you go to winter in Yukino? That's a very interesting exhibition, and you can buy a lot of good things~" Qianjia strode over, and then took Yukino's hand.

"Um... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid it won't work that day." Xue Nai shook her head very reluctantly. She seemed to want to go, but she really couldn't.

"Well," Senxia also leaned to Qianjia's side at this time, and said, "There was a second-generation master's signing that day. It's not appropriate to invite Yukino at this time?"

The appearance of the second generation goal is very mysterious, the whole person is tightly wrapped after coming out, but this has increased the second generation goal mysterious temperament, as a loyal fan of the second generation goal, Mori summer wants to get the second generation goal anyway Adult's signature!

However, this matter conflicted with Yukino’s schedule again. If Yukino would pass, then Morinka would have almost no way to find Erdaime to sign. For Morinka, it would be good if Yukino was not there. Things. Besides, there are many things that adults can only see. Yukino is only a teenager now, how can he bear such mental pollution? This is the responsibility of my brother, and Mori Xia is bound to it.

"Okay, that's it." Senxia looked at the time, it was not too early now, and at some point, there were clouds in the sky and the snow outside hadn't melted yet. After the weather becomes bad, if it snows again, it will be troublesome.

After leaving the subway station, the three of Senxia came outside. There was snow everywhere outside, but the road was cleared to ensure traffic.

"It's really cold..." Coming out of the relatively warm subway station, the temperature outside seemed to drop a lot, and the cold made Senxia shiver.

After leaving the subway station, Morinka and Xueno followed Qianjia to a bookstore near Qianjia. The books purchased by Qianjia are stored here.

"Hey, there is also Kadokawa's bookstore here, I haven't seen it before." Morinka sighed.

"Well, but this kind of regular bookstore is not so good. There is no way to buy the books of the second generation teacher." Qianjia did not say much, but pointed to a large box of books next to it, and then began to talk Senxia was transported together.

Although there are 18x items here, Morinia and Qianjia cannot buy them through normal channels. Compared with those small places, this kind of bookstore is spacious and tall. But Senxia didn't linger.

Three hundred books, say too much is not too much, say less is not too much, people on the street may not even be able to sell one tenth. But the popular clubs may be able to sell ten times this amount.

"Huh...finally got it done." A few times back and forth, the three of Senxia and I finally moved all these books to Qianjia's apartment. Fortunately, there is an elevator here. Otherwise, it would be enough to walk the road several times. Tortured the dead.

Rao is so. Senxia and the others were tired and sweaty.

"I've been waiting for a long time, now it's dinner time." While Morinka and Yukino were resting, Qianjia went out again, and when she came back, she held a bag of takeaways from KFC in her hand.

"Kfc again?" Senxia asked, raising her brows.

"Because Senxia-kun, you don't seem to go to McDonald's." Qianjia said as she put the food on the table.

"No, I mean why it's fast food..." Senxia's voice became smaller and smaller, because he found it meaningless, and Yukino seemed to run over happily.

Dinner is hamburger fried chicken and french fries, in addition to a bottle of coke.

"It's December in a blink of an eye. Time flies so fast." Qian Jia sighed while eating roasted wings.

"Yeah, I always feel that this is so fast, time is always not enough." Xue Na also sighed.

"I'm the only one who thinks time flies slowly?" Senxia murmured.

"Well, these are not problems. After you finish eating, you can take a bath, Senxia-kun, then change this." Qianjia said, taking out a bag and handing it to Senxia.

"This is... Eva's battle suit?" Senxia opened the bag, and there was a white tights inside. He reached out and touched it. It was probably glued. Next to it was talcum powder for wearing clothes. .

"Didn't you say it, let you cos Ayanami." Qianjia said with a shrug, and then took out a set of clothes, "At this time, my clothes, my cos is Asuka."

"But it makes no sense, why don't you let me cosine Shinji?" Why can't I cosplay a man?

"I think your body shape, cos Ayanami is better than Ikura Shinji, and the heroine must be more popular than the male protagonist in the cos conference, right?"

Although the last half sentence makes sense, what the **** is the first half sentence?

"Brother, I want to see it too." Xue Na also smiled.

"Well, let's talk at that time." Morinya shook his head. He has no joy or sadness at this time. Although he was very opposed to at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he seems to feel that Nothing, he found that he really seemed to have adapted.

Is this numb?

Senxia was shocked. He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. At this time, what should we do?

"Huh... Forget it, let's take a shower first." After he was full, he took a rest, and Senxia felt almost done. He decided to take a shower first, and then wake up. Today's affairs must be hurry up It's over, or it's too late

"It's snowing again!" As soon as Senxia was about to take a bath, I heard Xue Nao running to the window in surprise.

"Hurry up." Senxia turned her head and went into the bathroom...



The full version of the cover has been drawn, Master Painter is expanding it to a 16:9 ratio, and it will be made into a 4k wallpaper. (To be continued.)



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