Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 321: Actually you are pedaling 5 boats, right?

Coming out of the third floor, Senxia and the others did not walk through the gate, but came to the side door, which was the door that Daisuke Ono and the others had just moved up. ", x.

"Why are you going here?" Coming out of the warm room, Miss Dahe felt the cool breeze blowing on her body, which made people shiver.

"There are so many people at the door, no matter how inconvenient to look at it, and my club is on the top, is there any problem with walking here?" If possible, the place is slightly decorated. In fact, it still feels very good, Morixia I have been thinking about this, but for now, it can only be a future thing...

"Mori-natsu-kun!" While talking, Nana ran up happily, "Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, am I not late?"

Senxia shook her head: "No, it's better to say that you came a little earlier. I originally thought that Senior Sister Qianjia would arrive before you."

"What's wrong with Qianjia?" Nana was curious.

"She went to your previous office to get the information, and also to contact you where you still work." Senxia said.

"Um, I don't really have anything..." Nana was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I haven't had any decent work since I debuted. Most of them are passersby."

No, Nana-chan, although you started to prosper in the 21st century, you do have an important role next year...

In fact, compared with other voice actors, although Nanoha’s voice actor has had its ups and downs, it is always full of hope. Many voice actors can only make their debut in one or two scripts, and have since disappeared. The background of successful people.

There are many reasons for this, such as business reasons, personal reasons, or unspoken rules. Nana can succeed. The accidental factor cannot be said to be completely absent, but the main reason is that Nana has enough talent.

"This is my editor-in-charge Takasu Ogawa... Wait, let's go to the house."

Don't even look at Ono Daisuke and they are wearing two clothes. That's because they are doing physical work. The corridor is very cold, and a cool breeze blows through, making people tremble.

Opened the door to let Nana and the others come in. Under the warm air of the air-conditioning, Morika and the others felt comfortable.

"Nana-chan, let's first have a warming drink. Do you want coffee or juice?" Most meals in Japan are made of aa. But Senxia is not used to this, especially when she is with girls, this is called demeanor.

"Then have a cup of hot cocoa!" Nana knew Morika's character, so she was not hypocritical. At this time, she smiled and ordered a drink.

Senxia pressed the button used to call the maid on the table. After a while, a maid walked in with a smile: "Three masters, wait a long time!"

Mini skirts and garter stockings, as well as stylish maid outfits. A lovely maid with this attitude, no matter how long she looks at it, she won't feel bored. It's no wonder that it's only the first day of opening. This place is already overcrowded.

Senxia smiled at the other party, and then ordered: "A cup of hot cocoa, thank you."

"Hi, master, please wait~" The maid closed the door with a smile. Leaving here temporarily.

But before the three of them could start the topic again, the door was opened again, and by the way he heard a voice outside: "Another cup of hot coffee. Thank you!"


It was Qianjia-senpai who opened the door and came in. She walked in from the outside, then exhaled and sat on the sofa: "It's finally done, Nana-chan, Takasu-san, Mori-natsu-kun, how are you? "

"Senior sister, you still have the demeanor as always." Senxia's complaint to Qianjia has become a passive skill.

"Well, don't say that. In short, things are already done. Miss Takasu, is there any problem with Kadokawa?" After Chika finished talking to Morinka, she turned her head to Takasu Oga. Seeing this attitude, it was simply It is the same as the superior command to the subordinate.

The latter is also very compatible with the former: "At least there is no problem with Fujimi Study. I am not sure about the head office."

"Well, let's be like this. It's really cold." After Qian Jia finished saying this, she pulled a blanket from the side and put it on her body... Well, I've already said it before. , This place was requisitioned by Qianjia as their temporary office.

"Senior sister, you are too cool to wear yourself? You only wear a pair of stockings under your skirt. It must be very cold, right?" Senxia noticed her black stockings through Qianjia's skirt.

"Silk stockings are very warm, Mori Xia-kun, please be clear about this. If you wear a thin stocking under your pants, it is definitely more effective than a pair of long trousers. I just forgot to bring my scarf. It's because the snow has been drilling into her chest." Qianjia took the cup of Senxia's warm coffee as she spoke, seeming to warm her hands.

She went on to say: "But I didn't come here to discuss that kind of boring thing. Let's talk about business now. Morinka, you open my schoolbag, Nana's information is in it."

Qianjia shrank in the blanket to keep warm now, so she simply instructed Senxia, ​​Senxia was not hypocritical, he took the other party's schoolbag directly, and then took out the documents inside.

"...What's wrong with you?" When Morinka took out the file and looked up, he found that Nana and Miss Ogawa were both looking at themselves with weird eyes.


Then Miss Dahe sighed after taking a look at Senxia: "I'm an old husband and wife..."

"That's what I said..." Although the voice of Nana next to her was small, she nodded in agreement.

"Hey hey hey hey, this kind of time is not a time for joking, what are you thinking about." Senxia didn't want to complain today, but the reality is forcing him, and he can't help it.

"Well, it's nothing, the old husband and wife are old husband and wife, I feel very good!" Qian Jia actually followed up with a booze, not ashamed, and even said that Qian Jia at this time still has immense interest in his eyes.

"I can't keep up with your brain circuits!" With this peculiar mode of thinking, Morinya really didn't know what was going on.

"Masters have been waiting for a long time!" At this moment, the door was opened. A maid smiled and walked in.

Then Morika was shocked: "Ayana?"

"Huh?" The other three people all looked at Senxia.

"Ah-it's Senxia-kun!" The maid also noticed Senxia, ​​"It's been a long time, Senxia-kun!"

The maid put down the tray in her hand, and then made a very standard lady's gift to Senxia. She did not look like a maid, but a big lady.

The girl is quite beautiful, not comparable to powerful opponents like Qianjia and Xuena, but she has a good temperament and a very good figure, which adds a lot of points. And most importantly, the girl has a pair of purple pupils, which is really rare.

"Ahem... introduce, this is Amamiya Ayana, a friend I met in Sapporo when I was in elementary school." Morinatsu's hometown is just over Hokkaido, and this Amamiya Ayana also met in Japan.

"Hello, everyone." The other party greeted the three of them.

"Hello, I am Chiba Chika, the senior of Mori Natsuki. This is Kondo Nana and Takasu Okasan." Chika took the lead and stood in front of the three.

"Please advise." Everyone greeted each other.

At this time Nana asked curiously: "Amamiya-san, are your eyes, are they cosmetic contacts?"

"No. Ayana is German, so the eyes are purple. This kind of pupil is rare, right? It's the same as Elizabeth Taylor. She lived in Sapporo before. So I met occasionally, but I remember after Ayana Are you returning to Germany?"

After hearing Senxia's words, the three also noticed the difference in each other's body. Although Ayana has black hair, her skin is whiter, and her figure is a little different from that of Asians.

When she was a child, Senxia generally didn't remember much, and Senxia had not been in contact with the other party for a long time, but because the other party had a pair of super rare pupils, Senxia still remembered her name.

"Lihua is also a mixed race, but it feels completely different." Qianjia exclaimed.

"Hey, I only came back to Japan a few years ago. I was invited by Erika...that is, the owner here." Ayana nodded and followed Morika's words to explain.

"Eh? Aya Chennai and Eri ...... Ahem Ahem cough, Aya Chennai Aoi you and Sang know?" Plascencia almost has to tell Erika's name, and this kind of thing in private say okay, but the next high What Miss Xu Dahe heard, the ghost knew whether she would ridicule again.

God knows how such a big mouth became the editor in charge. Perhaps it is because of the gossip soul of the other party that it has always been the editor in charge?

But Morinka didn't ridicule too much, and Miss Takasu is not a bad person, Morinka still knows this.

"Hey, Erika invited me to come over. I am also very interested in this kind of maid cafe, so I came here. Do you and Erika know Mori Ka-kun too... Alas, time seems to be running out. Sorry, Mori-natsu-kun, if you have time, please wait until my work is over! "Ayana has spent a lot of time here. Today is a busy time. Although it is a pleasant surprise, work will continue.

After saying goodbye to each other for a while Ayana left in a hurry, then he turned around and found that all three of them were looking at Morinka with curious eyes.

"What are you thinking about again?" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"It's nothing, I just think Mori-kun, your relationship with a woman is really good." Nana also sighed.

"Indeed, Senxia doesn't have many male friends at all, but you know a lot of girls." Qian Jia also discovered this.

As for Ms. Takasu Ogawa, she thought of a more crucial point: "Meeting her childhood sweethearts and horses she hadn't seen for a long time, and then sparking a new relationship. Isn't this script great, Mori-kun on five boats?"


The last chapter was originally completed yesterday afternoon, but I forgot the time, and then I forgot it today!


For today’s birthday, it’s just a change, come back tonight to continue. (To be continued...)



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