Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 332: Winter rain

The rare good weather after the blizzard did not last long, and sparse raindrops drifted in the sky, making the already deserted air even colder.

Jixiangyuan exhaled a sigh of nothing, and then put aside the work at hand, this is the student union's expenditure statement for this school year.

The hands are already stiff. Although the feet are covered with woolen carpets, they can't make the feet feel warm. The damp and cold air seems to have turned all the heat into nothingness.

After moving her body, the blonde girl stood up and walked slowly to the window of the student union.

The long-lost physical activity seemed to finally warm the body a bit, and the sluggish spirit seemed to cheer up a little at this time.

"It's Christmas soon..."

The water vapor completely obscured the scenery outside the window, Jixiangyuan gently wiped it with a handkerchief, and then looked out.

There are almost no people in the empty campus, but occasionally a few students and teachers hurried past with umbrellas.

This is natural. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon, and it’s still a while before school is completely over. But the outside world is already very dim at this time. There were originally students in club activities, so most of them have returned home at this time. Staying in such a cold and humid campus, even with air-conditioning and heating lights, this cold atmosphere cannot be reversed.

Of course, not all departments have ceased their activities. Many clubs are still active. In some places, the lights have been turned on at this time, and the lights are showing through the windows.

"Well, where is it?"

Now see the research department.

The Modern Vision Research Association, a very strange name, a few months ago, Jixiangyuan was thinking of banning that weird society, but in the end, she didn't do it.

But this does not prevent oneself from disgusting associations, because these people simply do not do their jobs.

It’s just that I haven’t seen this club’s afternoon activities for a long time recently.

Reasons. Kichijoen herself knew that this was because Chiba Chika, the president of the club, set up a club by herself. As a result. It seems that most of the activities of this club have moved there.

How should I put it, I was very tired of seeing the light there every day, but I didn't see it for a long time. Sure enough, there will still be some loneliness in my heart.

The student union is almost done.


Go check it out.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and the window that had been cleaned was once again covered by the water vapor.

Putting down the files in hand, sorting out the things on the table, turning off the lights and windows, Jixiangyuan walked out of the empty student union room.

The student union room and the activity department room of Shiyanshiyan are not in the same teaching building.

Coming to the bottom of the teaching building, Jixiangyuan opened the umbrella and walked out.

Walking in the thin winter rain, somehow Jixiangyuan thought of what had happened before.

Because I forgot to bring an umbrella. So he was sent home by that person, and the result was more than once.

At that time, I was actually a little embarrassed, after all, the other party was a boy.

But thinking about it now, it's fortunate that I didn't refuse the invitation of the other party at the time. Being able to know someone, being able to understand someone, and being able to communicate with someone so happily, this feeling seems to have not been felt for a long time.

"No way, no way, what am I thinking!" As an upright student council president. Jixiangyuan seemed to be aware that his thoughts seemed dangerous.

She suddenly stopped, seeming to be hesitating.

As the president of the student union of the school, Jixiangyuan Lihua should lead by example and must not produce impure behavior. Abiding by the rules and regulations is also the heartbeat of Jixiangyuan's survival to this day.

As the president, it is necessary to lead by example. As a student of Sakino Gakuen, the school rules must be obeyed, as the successor of the Kichijo Academy. Behavior must also be checked.


"It's not necessarily him who is staying in the department now..." Jixiangyuan murmured.

Yeah, and even if it was him, it didn't matter. We were all students at Sakano Gakuen, nothing more.

After thinking about this, Jixiangyuan took another step.

At the door of the teaching building, Jixiangyuan collected the umbrella in his hand, and then walked in gently.

The corridor was very quiet, there was no one. She walked to the door of Xianshiyan and knocked it gently.

"Hey, here it is." A somewhat absent-minded voice came from inside, and the door was then opened.

"Ah, the president?" Morinka appeared from the office, but he didn't seem to expect that the one who would appear in front of him would be the president of the student union, so he was taken aback.

Also stupefied was Jixiangyuan herself, but she quickly calmed herself down, and then smiled at Senxia: "Good afternoon, Senxia Jun."

Tianhaisenxiajun, he is an interesting person.

Although she was a little cramped when she first discovered that there seemed to be only Senxia here, the long-term cultivation made her calm down immediately, and then faced Senxia with the most graceful posture.

"Is there anything wrong with the president coming over?" Senxia also reacted.

"At this time, just call me Lihua." Just after this sentence, Jixiangyuan first discovered how bad her sentence was.

Probably because he had said something similar to Morinka before, so he subconsciously said this sentence at this time. But after saying this sentence, she realized what she had said.

"Well, this is the school. I'll call you the president. I've already said it before." Senxia didn't take it seriously, but Jixiangyuan was relieved.

She silently looked at Senxia's face, really, because this face was so deceptive.

Tianhai Senxia has the same figure and appearance as his twin sister. The two are almost exactly the same, plus the other's original hair has grown a lot, so when she saw each other, she was immediately confused.

Jixiangyuan has no doubt that as long as the other party does a good job of a girl's hairstyle, and does not even need makeup, he will probably be recognized as a girl, even if he is still wearing a school uniform.

From the outside, there doesn't seem to be any so-called "manly" spirit in the other party.


I don't know why, Jixiangyuan always feels that he is attracted by the other party inexplicably.

She didn't quite understand what this emotion was. This feeling was completely different from when she was with Qianjia, and she didn't feel it at all when she was with other people. This was the first time she had such a feeling.

"President? President?" Senxia called Jixiangyuan several times before she seemed to react.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted." Jixiangyuan quickly replied Senxia.

"Well, does the president have anything to do? Could it be that she came to see Qianjia-senpai?" Morika asked curiously, "but I'm sorry, she is not here now."

"No, it's just that the student union affairs are done, I'm just walking around now." Jixiangyuan replied.

Senxia nodded and invited Jixiangyuan: "The president might as well come in and sit down. It's raining outside now, it's very cold."

"Then... Excuse me." Generally speaking, at this time, I should have rejected it, but after recovering, Jixiangyuan found that he had agreed to the other party in a ghostly manner.

"Please sit down, there is some coffee left by Senior Sister Qianjia, please wait a moment." After Senxia invited Jixiangyuan to sit down, she went to the cabinet on the side and started making coffee.

Jixiangyuan sat in a chair, and she turned her head and looked at Senxia's back.

Senxia-kun’s appearance is easy to get close to, but what attracts Jixiangyuan is not that appearance, but other things inside.

This is a trait that cannot be felt in girls. Jixiangyuan is also a girl, so she understands this.

It is precisely because Mori Xia-kun is a boy that he has such a wonderful quality.

"Please use it." Senxia put the coffee in front of Jixiangyuan, and then sat next to her. He sighed: "It's really rare to see the president of Jixiangyuan here."

"Occasionally I will inspect the school. If I just stay in the student union meeting room, I can only say that I am disqualified as the president of the student union."

The voice of Jixiangyuan was so serious that Morinya was also in awe.

"But having said that, Senxia-kun, it seems that you haven't been here for a while." Jixiangyuan pretended not to care, and seemed to ask casually.

"Well, because the club is busy, but it's very quiet here. If you want to talk about work, it's better to be here." The club is not a place where you can write quietly. I want to write there. It is tantamount to mental suicide.

"...Then Senxia-kun, do you mean that he will be here later?" Jixiangyuan asked.

"Hey, after all, it's very far there. The time wasted on the road is enough to write two or three thousand words... President, can't it?"

" nothing like that." Jixiangyuan denied, "If Mori Xiajun is just writing, that's great, and I like the work very much."

No, it's not really like that...

Morinia wanted to explain clearly to the other party, but when he thought that Jixiangyuan didn't even know the concept of the game, he could only forget it.

After saying this, both of them fell into silence.

But this silence is not a cold field, but a kind of tacit understanding.

Not talking does not mean cold, just simply relaxing and feeling. In this season, on this day, the world seems to be different from usual, with a little ethereal and a little melancholy.

In any case, it can make people feel a sense of enjoyment, some sad, some lazy.

There was no sound in the house, and the rain was beating against the windows.

It was a winter evening, and the sky was drizzling. (To be continued.)



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