Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 346: Do you in your family know how much money you spend?

These few people are like underground party gangs, low-key and calm. network

When the book with the little black cover appeared in front of them, all of you smiled from the bottom of your heart.

Now that everyone is so familiar, the next thing is naturally easy to talk about.

After all, everyone is a gentleman.

"Then I will explain the status of eva-retake first." Anno Hideaki said, "This kind of article itself is not a big deal, but if it can be seen as a story derived from eva, it will be very interesting. In fact, no It's just this kind of story, we can also take other routes, anyway, as long as it is interesting, the group of guys will buy it if they think it is eva, even if the story is completely different."

Damn it, Mr. Anno Hideaki, what hatred or resentment does the otaku have with you, you want to treat them like this?

After hearing the plan of Anno Hideaki, Mori Xia really sighed for the otakus. Eva is worthy of the legendary "New Century Money Scam Project", and Hideaki Anno's method of saving money is simply unmatched.

"Well, even so, I still want to know what the development behind this story is like." Anno changed the conversation and brought the topic back.

Senxia nodded, and then recounted the plot roughly.

"In the end, was Shinji-kun and Asuka together?" Sadamoto Yoshiyuki nodded when he heard Morinka's ending. After all, at the beginning of the script, the story was suspected of following Asuka's line.

But after saying this, Sadamoto Yoshiyuki raised his concerns from another angle: "If we follow the Asuka route, will Ayanami's fans feel unhappy about it?"

"Don't worry, we have published a novel for Asuka, and then we are playing a game for Ayanami. I think that beauty. Female DreamWorks is not bad. We can make a game based on this game model. "Anno Hideaki is very paranoid about Eva, eh. This is true when it is not related to his great cause of defrauding money.

"Ah, I can still create a heroine to make a game or something at that time." Mori Xia followed to complain, because Anno Hideaki really did this kind of thing.

"Yeah. Morinka-kun, I admire you more and more. Your idea is really good." Anno Hideaki didn't seem to have any clues at first, but after hearing Morinka's words, his face suddenly flashed a shrewd light.

Damn it. Is it true that Girlfriend of Steel and the real name of Kirishima appeared for this reason?

Morika almost fell off the chair.

"Uh, I think it's pretty good, but to be more specific, it is better to capture the characteristics of eva's fire. Otherwise, if you make four differences, your reputation will be ruined." Mori summer kindly reminded Anno Hideaki in hopes of the other party. Don't overdo it.

Many things are actually based on the theme.

For example, the rebellious Lulu Xiu, this is a sister-controlled movie, you talk about mecha settings in the sister-controlled movie, it must be very strange. But if you talk about the launch of a missile in the Gundam series, where the theme is "Gundam", it will definitely be very interesting. It's a delight to see tanks hitting Gundam.

Of course, people have their own ideas, and some people just want to see this kind of plot, and they like to hear it, and there is no way.

But eva did too much. It was a novel, a warrior, and a cultivation, in addition to various peripherals. But the problem with eva is that this article is too dazzling, and the content of these fans is too casual, so it has little influence.

Morinia carefully analyzed one of the problems. It is because the quality of the game is not high and the content cannot be expanded. Another reason is that there is no theme that fits the story.

For example, fate, each fate is carried out around the Holy Grail, even if it is the magical girl Eliya, the Holy Grail also occupies an important part of it. And eva's various stories are basically a hammer to the east and a hammer to the west, which is really unclear.

Even if it is scam money, it is necessary to scam money with technical content.

Morinatsu, who was defrauded of money by Hideaki Anno, is now thinking hard about how to make this money deception more concealed...

"Mori Xia-kun, did you say that the writer of this novel is your sister?" Anno asked.

"Hey, I wrote the outline. My sister wrote the novel. By my own words, I was too busy to spare time." Senxia still has two novels at hand, so there is no extra energy to go. Whole this?

"That's it, but this level can be said to be a master." Sadamoto Yoshiyuki sighed. Although he is a cartoonist, the ear narrative methods and descriptions shown in this novel are really impressive. There is a kind of invigoration on paper.

"So, when is your sister free? I plan to have a good talk with her." Anno Hideaki asked.

"Xuno said that friends have invitations these two days... Well, if it must be within the year, it should be possible on the 31st, otherwise, it can be anytime before the beginning of school next year." Morinka and Xuena don't have to go back to Hokkaido, so their time Can be at your disposal.

"Then it would be good years ago, then let's discuss it carefully." Anno nodded.

"Hey, why don't you make something more interesting?" They just finished talking, and Qianjia leaned over here. "Whether it is anime or manga, it is very interesting, right?"

Anno also nodded: "Yes, it's just a test of the water. If the work is popular, it's okay to make an animation."

In fact, what you want to say is "As long as you can collect money, you can do it", right!

Senxia habitually complained in her heart.

"Then when can we publish it?" Senxia asked again inadvertently.

"It's okay anytime, those people got a little nervous by the theater version, and now they take it out, just to make them pay." Anye Xiuming's method of collecting money is almost frantic.

Senxia glanced at Qian Jia. Although she still had a smile on her face, the corners of her mouth were twitching.

Obviously This is also the one who was pitted by the other party using the theater version...

But I have to say that Anye Hideaki has a pretty good eye. I just gave the reader a glance yesterday, and now I have a reborn fellow to soothe everyone’s souls. Then those sad people will definitely buy and buy...

Well, but you can make money, right?

At least Qianjia was relieved after struggling for a while.

After the meal, Senxia and the others returned to the exhibition. The winter cm is not over yet. As for the detailed content, it will be discussed in two days...


Kirishima's real name comes from Eva Steel's girlfriend.

Blind, I actually saw Lena Imbas’s book in Middle-Earth, CP is still Gandalf...

But I still have to complain, Gandalf, aren't you a melee mage? What about your sword!

The second more get (to be continued.) (www..)

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