Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 372: To the 2 generation teacher

Before dinner, Senxia was moving her luggage. Obviously, she couldn't live in this big room anymore, otherwise she didn't know what would happen after her father saw it. {We don’t write about text porters. -<>

Today's dinner was made by the maids brought by Qianjia. It is a classic Japanese cuisine. Although the amount is small, it is very delicate.

"Now, Senxia, ​​do you think of a way to deal with Dad?" Because Dad Qianjia didn't show up here, Qianjia unscrupulously approached Senxia and asked him about the countermeasures.

"Well, let's take one step at a time. After all, it's a story without precedent, and I don't know what Uncle wants to ask me." Seeing Qianjia's worried expression, Mori Xia smiled and then comforted. "Don't worry, it's not a problem. My uncle said before that I want to conduct research, so now I want to ask me questions about the audience of the story, and then it is convenient to do research or something."

Hearing what the other party said, Qian Jia nodded and felt relieved.

"Really, why would my father not allow me to go? It's a pity." Qian Jia sighed.

"At this time, it would be the most troublesome thing if you let your family show up? If it's your family, then there are some things that can't be said?" Xueno understood.

"Well, Senxia-kun, in short, you should be careful, as long as you don't make things wrong, if you really don't get it done, just tell me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must not be missed. We must not let it go." Qianjia warned. Mori Summer.

"Well, you can rest assured, I will take care of it."

After eating, Senxia said goodbye to the two of them, and then came to the study.

"Boom boom boom." He knocked on the door of the study.

"Please come in." Dad Qianjia's majestic voice came from the door.

Senxia took a deep breath, then walked into the room: "Excuse me."

Father Qianjia was sitting in front of the desk, looking at Senxia, ​​he was holding a notebook in his hand, which was altered. It seemed to be evaluating Senxia's plan. After seeing Senxia coming, he put down his pen and looked at Senxia.

"About your game. I am concerned about something, I want to ask you."

Senxia nodded, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed that he was beside the other side's notebook. There is also a familiar black-skinned little book, and more importantly, this black-skinned little book, I have read the other side before, and now I see it again, Senxia found this black-skinned little book, it seems a bit familiar.

"Huh? Is that book... the work of teacher Erdaime?" Morinya noticed that the book on the other side's desk seemed to be the work of teacher Erdaime.

"You know Teacher Erdaimu? Are you still a minor?" Father Qian Jia was a little surprised, he even forgot his own question.

bad. No export!

Senxia was a little upset, but the other party didn't seem to care about it, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Morika nodded, and then Yoshimasa said: "The works written by teacher Erdaime are very good. I like the work of teacher Erdaime very much, but it is not for any evil purpose. In my opinion. The works of teacher Erdaime can almost be compared with the world famous works. In this world, there is no gentleman's work comparable to her. Teacher Erdaime is artistic, gentleman, and even more sacred!"

"That's it, we are really like fellows!" Qianjia's father's original serious face has melted, and then gradually solidified into a smile, "This book is signed by the second generation teacher. It is really not easy. Get it."

As they spoke, the two of them didn't remember what happened just now. They both fell into the intoxication of the Shenzhen culture and the second generation teacher.

Or for them, this matter is more important business...

"For uncle, this kind of thing is not difficult, is it?" Senxia was a little surprised, could it be that Qianjia is a person of this level. Can't get the signature of teacher Erdaime?

"It's not like that. The second generation teacher has few opportunities to show up in public. Even when her editor wants to find a teacher, she must make an appointment in advance. If you want to find her to sign, it doesn't mean that you can do it all the time. "When Dad Qianjia said here, he actually sighed, wanting to be in front of the second generation teacher, I didn't expect it to be so difficult!

"A few days ago, teacher Erdaime did the signing in the winter, right?" Morika asked curiously, "Is it so difficult to find her?"

"Yes, a few days ago, the teacher would come out to engage in the signing of the matter. I was really surprised. The people in the bookstore said that they never expected Erdaimu teacher to agree to their proposal. But it is a pity, Erdaimu The teacher only has a signature at the scene, but I have no way to get out and go to the scene at all," Qianjia sighed, seeming to lament the wonder of fate in the world, "I just didn't expect that there would be this opportunity to get there today. It's the signature of Lord Erdaime."

It's good for big people, you can't get it on the spot, and you can ask someone to make up the sign later.

It's like Emperor Qingfeng wants Zhou Xingxing's autograph. Will the other party dare not give it...

Senxia sighed.

The other party may look mysterious, but Daddy Qianjia also seems very powerful.

However, the old Qianjia who just finished saying this sentence sighed again: "You don't know, for this signature, I asked the second generation teacher for a long time, and she reluctantly agreed, and I have to agree to several conditions. ."

Fuck, I was wrong, the second generation teacher turned out to be even better...

Moriha has already made up his mind at this time. In fact, teacher Erdaime’s true identity is the daughter of a large financial group...

"But since I can get the signature of the second generation teacher, this is already a good thing to show off. After all, it is the second generation teacher, and her article is just a fine article." If he likes any author, including his previous life, he will definitely tell others that this person is definitely the second generation teacher of Alohir.

"Yeah, I especially like the'rope robe' created by teacher Erdaime. It is incomparably wonderful when worn in the kimono..." Father Qianjia exclaimed.

Rope clothes are made of ropes. This setting first appeared in the works of the first generation, and in the works of the second generation teacher, this kind of content has been carried forward. Try to think about it. In the coat and kimono, you wear It's made of rope, matched with all kinds of diamond binding, tortoise shell binding, etc., this is simply unparalleled!

"Teacher Erdaime's idea is amazing. It is true that few people can move to this point. And the stories of boys she wrote in the last few articles are also very charming." Mori is absolutely respected by Erdaime. in every possible way.

Dad Qianjia glanced at Morinia with a smile, and then said in a proud tone: "That is, the work of the second-generation teacher is very good, don't you know that her ova animation was also my investment, but it was a pity that It was too busy. On the day the teacher came, I couldn't get a glimpse of the teacher."

It was the news last month that teacher Erdaime’s work was going to be sold on ova, but Morinya did not expect that Qianjia’s father turned out to be an investor of the other party!

"That's it, I didn't expect you to be so great!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to be a fellow man!"

While speaking, Qianjia's father had already changed her name to Senxia.

But at this moment, Senxia thought of another strange question. He curiously asked: "If this is the case, it should be easy for you to get the signature of the other person, uncle. Why do you have to pay so much? What's the price?"

Morinia thought this matter seemed a little strange, does the second generation really have any hidden identity?

"The other party is a master, how can I do rude things?" Father Qian Jia looked righteous, as if he was a knight defending justice!

"So that's it." Hearing what the other party said, Morinya also felt admiration for Qianjia's father. This is indeed a true fan of Teacher Erdaime! He nodded towards the other party: "But in the end, it's great that my uncle was able to get the teacher's signature."

"Yeah, next day... In the morning, I didn't expect to see teacher Erdaime. I also asked the teacher about the new work..." When he said this, Dad Qianjia looked towards After Senxia, ​​there seemed to be a little weirdness in her eyes.

"Ahem, please don't spoil it about the teacher's new work. I think if you can see the teacher's work, it is better to have a sense of anticipation." Senxia did not listen to the other party to continue. After all, the drama Through what, it is undoubtedly a very bad thing.

Especially the Erdaime teacher, if it's someone else, let's say otherwise, but the Erdaime teacher, as long as she stops the spoilers about her work, this is disrespect for the teacher!

"Sure enough, brother, you are also a real fan of the teacher." When Qianjia said that, he took out a bottle of red wine from the side. "Although I know you are underage, this red wine does not have much alcohol. Let's come. Taste it, how can you not be accompanied by alcohol in such an excitement?"

"Hi, please make sure to fill me with a glass!"

Morinka also nodded excitedly at the other Although Morinka claims to be a non-drinker, this scene is a special occasion, and there are only a thousand cups of wine in every confidant, except for Qianjia, It is definitely something to celebrate to meet such a reliable fellow.

Huh? You asked the original purpose?

Well, that kind of thing is fine, right now, shouldn't you have a toast for the second generation?

After taking out two wine glasses, Chiba Masao filled Morinka and herself a full glass.

"To the second generation teacher Ello Hill."

"To Teacher Erdaime."


You are really enough, I am not as dirty as you, too dirty!

&nb, go to sleep, the last day of the double monthly pass tomorrow, there will be an outbreak~ (to be continued.)



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