Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 374: Yukino version and 0 best version of the sin crown

Senxia didn't expect that now Xiao Ma is basically in anger, but this matter has nothing to do with Senxia himself. He has already returned to his current work at this time. . Romance starting

I don't know why, anyway, when Moriha was in Qianjia's mansion, he always felt that he was full of thoughts. At this time, he couldn't wait to continue to write the following scripts.

Yesterday afternoon, I wrote more than 20,000 scripts in one breath. That is a special case. Moriha woke up at eight o'clock. When he finished writing the 10,000-word script, three hours had passed.


After moving her neck, Senxia felt her whole body stiff.

"Thank you, Senxia-kun."

While talking, Qianjia had already brought a glass of orange juice to Senxia.


Senxia rubbed her eyes, and then looked into the room.

Although Morinka and the others no longer live here, Qianjia still maintains that playing here is their place of work. However, compared to Morinka, who has undertaken most of the script, Qianjia’s work is less, and Yukino’s eva-retake is not It's not too nervous, so after they finished their general work, they simply sat aside and watched TV.

"My previous script, have you already recorded it?" Senxia saw that Qianjia's computer seemed to be turned off. Only Yukino was still sitting on the other side of the table. His head looked towards Senxia, ​​with her next to her. A lot of manuscript paper, she wrote manuscripts.

"Yeah, you?"

Qian Jia moved the computer to Morinia's side and turned it on.

Because the basic game engine has been settled, most of the subsequent work is to fill in content, which is not very troublesome.

At this time, Qianjia had already turned on the computer. But I have to say that the speed of computers in this era is too slow, desktop computers can still be saved, and the speed of notebooks is completely ruined.

&nbindos window time, the notebook entered the desktop.

After controlling the cursor to open the login device that is still under debugging, they entered the system interface. Then several error prompts popped up in succession.

"Still debugging." Qianjia did not blush, but entered the startup interface.

The vertical drawing of the game has been completed, and there are a lot of bgm materials. The background is temporarily processed with photos of Tokyo City.

With a piece of soothing music, the game entered the opening scene.

By the way, this piece of music was not written by zn, but from Kate of Xingyue. Although a lot of music here is made by zn, some of the content is the adaptation of world famous songs. Kate is better than zn in this respect.

At the beginning of the script is a memory killing. The article describes the "Lost Christmas" ten years ago from a first-person perspective.

This part of the cut is very fast. After this episode, the scene arrived at Ying Manji holding a tablet while watching a virtual idol's concert.

This lot is the first time that Qiqi has appeared, and the first cg in the article is also released, which is "Qiqi" in the virtual world.

After this story. It was the plot unfolding and the school article festival appeared. Remind Yingmanji that class is about to start.

Yukino also leaned in at this time, and this story also made Yukino interested.

I have to say that after the original script has a combination of pictures and music, there seems to be a wonderful fusion and change between the two. The whole story seems to start to become more interesting.

"It's amazing, this feeling is completely different from when I watched the script." Yukino exclaimed, "I tried to play the game, but I didn't expect it to be so amazing..."

&nbame itself is a kind of visual existence, and it is naturally different in style. "

&nbame looks similar on the surface, but in fact there are still some differences. For example, in the original plot, the actions and mental activities of some characters can be described by the changes in the expressions of the characters. This kind of content Some do not need to appear in the description of words.

"It feels really good." Xue Na exclaimed, "Brother, this feeling is really good!"

"Well." Senxia rubbed her hands triumphantly, then picked up the orange juice next to her and drank it while watching Qianjia demonstrate.

If it is pure, most of the reader’s attention is focused on it, and the content of the article is actually not so concerned. The reason why the game scripter can write so many scripts a day is also because of this, because this part of the content The requirements for writing are very low. With the effects of vertical drawing and performance, all these shortcomings are easily covered up.

However, Senxia's own style of writing is very good. Putting it in the script can also make the whole story more colorful.

There are a total of 500,000 manuscripts written by Senxia. These are all codewords he has worked so hard over the past few months. Qianjia entered the text of about 200,000 words into it, and then the effect was achieved.

Senxia also read about 50,000 words, then stopped: "Yo Xi, Qianjia-senpai, you are really suitable for performing. Although we have limited materials, we can achieve this level. Not bad."

"Well, it's okay, the engine hasn't been perfected yet. Originally, I still had some thoughts, but I reported an error as soon as I did it. These checks are a bit difficult for me, and there is really no way." Qian Jia shook his head.

"It seems that we need a genuine programmer to help us do things..." Senxia was also sighed. She didn't notice it when she started making a mini game, but when everyone started to make such a game, the problem was At the beginning, Senxia himself was half a bucket of water. At this time, they urgently needed a professional to help them. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the surgical industry. This kind of thing should be done by professionals.

"Yoshi, Senxia-kun, take a good rest. You have worked very hard. There is no need to overdraw. That would be bad for your health." Although Senxia worked hard today, Qianjia still let Senxia take a break. The capital of the revolution, if the body is ruined, there is no way to continue pursuing the gentleman's way.

"Yes." Senxia wrote so much in one breath, and felt that her brain had become a little dull. Following Qianjia's advice, Senxia also began to rest.

"In this case, we might as well discuss the plot of the game." Qianjia suggested.

"Plot? What do you want to say?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Xuno shouldn't know much about our story, right?" Qianjia didn't answer Senxia's words, but turned to look at Xuno.

"Well, I've seen probably all the human settings. I just watched some of the previous plots, and I also know a little about the world view." Ajisenjia replied.

"Well, that's it, Xue Nao-chan, you have also written about it, so if you follow your ideas, how would you write this sinful crown?"

"Me?" Yukino tilted his head for a moment, and then said, "In my case, I will probably write this story as a story of Sakura Manji for Ichi, and then desperately destroying the world, in order to protect the most important girl in my heart. Ying Manji turned into a hero in the dark. He gained a lot and paid a lot more. In the end, he finally met his sister, and after denying the other side positively, he killed her."

Damn it, Xuenao, you are really decisive...

Senxia was taken aback.

"That's a relative of Yingmanji, just kill it like this?" Qianjia was also surprised. Xue Nao's plot was not confused. The script she had just designed was all clean and tidy.

"For Sakura Manji, Jiqi is actually his'family,' right? If you look at it this way, it should be Sakuramanji's...well, sister?" Xue Nao tilted his head, "Brother, what do you think of my story? ?"

"Well, it's really new, but our story is not about that type."

Morinya really doesn't know how to evaluate the plot of Yukino's version. This is obviously a script for forcibly making a sister-in-law to save the world...

After Yukino finished speaking, Morika turned to Qianjia. He was a little curious about Qianjia's thoughts, so he asked: "Senior Qianjia, if it were you, how would you write this story?"

"Um... I want to think about it." Qianjia fiddled with her lips. She thought for a moment before saying, "If it were me, I would probably write that after Ying Manji got the'king's power', she needed to vent herself. The emotions and impulses in the body, so I need to constantly find girls to soothe my soul. At first, Jiqi took the initiative to dedicate her life in order to become the king's woman. But Jiqi cannot completely suppress the other party’s experience, and then Ying Manjimanman extended his claws to others..."

&nbsop! "Sinxia interrupted Qianjia in time, "This kind of script is too strange!" "

"This is just a very ordinary gentleman's script. What's weird, too." Qianjia noticed that Xuena was still here next to him, and Moriha probably had some so Qianjia also converged. Up.

"That's it, I'm hungry." A grunting voice came from Senxia's stomach, and he hasn't eaten since this morning.

"Yo Xi, lunch should be ready, I'll go take a look first." After Qian Jia finished speaking, she ran out of the room, and Sen Xia looked at the other person's back, but suddenly thought of Lao Xu.

I don't know what will happen if Lao Xu writes this story? Kill all? No, Lao Xu should not be so vulgar. The story he wrote on rpg is not the end of this.

"Well, I'll go back and ask Lao Xu at that time, and see how he will come..." Senxia secretly calculated in her heart.


&nbs, for moral integrity! Ask for a double ticket in the last half hour!

Every time you write a chapter, you have to drop more than a dozen or so junkets. The junket has dropped from 2800 to 2500. Ask for subscription support, and ask for monthly pass comfort qaq (to be continued.)



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