Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 376: Night sky

cpa300_4(); The time is ten o'clock in the evening.

After confirming the manuscript for the last time in the room, Morinya let out a long sigh.

"There is no problem then."

If you work harder here, the current work should be completed soon, but it is a pity that Gg is not the same as a novel, and it cannot be completed with a script, such as the soundtrack, performance, background, etc. These are very important.

Senxia felt a little tired when he thought of a lot of work in the future.

"It's almost like that today." After backing up the files, turning off the notebook, Senxia moved her shoulder and stood up slowly.

Although it is January, the room can be said to be very warm because of the air conditioner. After a long breath, Morinka picked up the coat and put it on her shoulders, and then left the room.

The air outside is a bit cold, but because the glass windows in the corridor are firmly closed, the heat has not completely escaped outside, at least the feeling here is still very good.

However, the slightly cool temperature still stimulated Senxia's spirit, which invigorated him a little bit.

"Speaking of which, I have been here for several days, and it seems that I haven't seen this place well." Muttering to herself, Senxia stepped forward.

The decoration of the corridor is simple and elegant, and the combination of ancient and modern is just right. Although the house is large, the lights in the corridors are all on, which appears brighter than during the day.

Walking on the ground, there is a slight warmth from the wooden planks. It seems that even walking barefoot in such a place will not cause any problems.

After walking for a while, Senxia saw a small door in the corridor ahead. Outside the door was a corridor. There were no lights and no glass windows. In fact, there was only a small Japanese room in that place. .

There is a small courtyard.

There are not many stars in the winter sky. The moon has already sunk below the horizon.

The courtyard is very dim.

But Senxia's eyesight is better than ordinary people. For everyone, he can see clearly in this dim vision.

He gently pushed open the glass door.

There is no wind outside. But the cold air lingered.

Stepping out of the room, Senxia noticed that there was a person sitting in the corridor of the courtyard.

She was wearing a red kimono, with long black hair scattered behind her head, and she was sitting in the corridor like this. The feet wearing wooden clogs stepped on the muddy ground of the courtyard. The courtyard in the night seemed to have deep magic power, but her eyes were looking at the sky.

Senxia walked over gently and put the coat with her own body temperature on the opponent's shoulder.

The girl's gaze narrowed back, then she looked at Morinia, and then smiled: "Brother, good evening."

"Good evening, Yukino, it seems that our thoughts are the same."

Senxia also sat gently beside Xueno.

Xue Na's head lightly leaned against Senxia's body.

"Is Xue Nao looking at the sky?" Senxia raised her head and looked up at the sky.

"I was looking at the courtyard at first. But then I was looking at the sky." Xue Nao lightly leaned against Senxia's chest, staring slightly.

"Unfortunately, it's winter. There are not many stars in the sky. It would be more interesting if summer comes." Senxia sighed lightly.

"No, it's just because it is the starry sky in winter, which is more interesting." Yukino said softly. "Because it is the night sky in winter, people can feel the depth and greatness of the universe. It's obviously dark. A piece of lacquer, but it contains everything."

"Yeah, it's a black sky that you can't see anything, who can think of it. Just such a sky, there are billions of trillions of stars shining."

No one knows the vastness of the universe better than Senxia. A photoelectric appeared in the night sky. Who would have thought of this little two. Could it be a cluster of galaxies much larger than the Milky Way?

"Yes, countless stars are born in places invisible to humans, and then disappear. Their existence has nothing to do with humans. Perhaps in such a place, there will be lives like us?" Xue Nao muttered "Compared with the universe, human beings are so small, even more insignificant than a drop of water in the ocean."

The dark night covers the sky, and seems to possess the magic power to calm down. Seeing such a sky, the whole person seems to be able to calm down.

It seems that at this moment, the world will fall into silence just like my own heart.

Senxia raised her right hand gently, and gently hugged Yukino's shoulder.

"I don't know why. Whenever I look at such a sky, I will have the illusion that I have drifted into the universe. The surrounding is empty and lonely. Only infinite darkness and a little bit of starlight can accompany me."

Yukino murmured.

"Ah, because the universe is too great, and human beings can't bear this magnificence from the world, so they feel at a loss. But we are still here, that's enough." Senxia whispered softly.

Suddenly, Xue Nai snorted and laughed out loud.

"Every time at this time, my brother always becomes like a strange philosopher. It's really interesting." As if thinking of the past, Yukino fell into the memory.

"Well, isn't this great, a mysterious and deep elder brother, Yukino, you can take me out to show off as much as you want!" Looking at the smiling Yukino, Morika's face also showed a smile.

"No, my brother belongs to me, why should I let it out to others!"

Yukino acted like a baby at Morinka, then continued to rub his head against Morinka's chest.

"Huh? But I always introduce them to others, saying that I have a complacent sister!" Morinya teased Yukino on purpose.

"Huh, there is such a good sister. If you don’t let me know about my brother, it’s your negligence. If you can, I want to tell everyone in the world that Tian Haixue has a favorite and favorite brother. !"

Yukino sat up straight, then turned to look at Morinia, who turned his head, their pupils facing each other.

Yukino's eyes were big and bright, and even in such a dark world, her eyes still reflected a charming look.

It is as deep as the night sky, and as bright as the stars.

The entire dark night sky seemed to be colorful at this moment.

"Um..." For a moment, Morinya found that she seemed to be fascinated.

How can you not let yourself be fascinated by such dazzling things?

Senxia exclaimed.

"Does older brother like the sky?" Xue Nao looked up at the sky again.

"Well, I like it very much. The charm of the sky full of stars is something that humans cannot achieve anyway. This is the universe showing its magnificence and beauty to humans."

"Then what do you like best, brother?" Xue Nao's head turned around again.

"What do you like most..." Senxia lowered her head and thought.

This is a very difficult question. If it is specific to a certain person or thing, the answer is very simple, but Yukino asked Mori in general what he likes the most, and Mori is not quite clear about this.

For Morinia, who has died once, some things are not that important, but in life, there is always some goal for him. After all, human beings cannot survive without dreams.


Then Morika looked at Yukino.

"If you want to say what you like most, I don't know, but if you want to say what you care about the most, it's really Yukino."

The girl's face was reddened.

"By the way, what about you Xueno?"

Faced with Senxia's rhetorical question, the latter turned his face away: "Of course it is my brother. If I don't have my brother, I will not survive."

"Not necessarily, we humans are stronger than we thought." Senxia leaned back slightly, supporting her upper body with her hands on the floor.

"...But humans are also more fragile than they expected, brother." Xue Nai sighed softly.

Unconsciously, the two fell into a discussion of philosophical topics.

Then, the two of them gradually fell silent.

"Now, brother." Xue Nao whispered Senxia softly.


"Brother, have you ever thought about what will happen to us in the future?" Xue Nao asked softly.

"In the future... of course it will be better than it is now." In this world, who can know what will happen in the future, even if they know the so-called trajectory, their personal destiny is completely different.

Even Senxia didn't know what would happen.

"Brother, will we separate in the future?"

There was some tremor in Xue Na's voice, some anxiety and fear about the future.

She was admitted to Senxia again.

Sensing the body temperature from her younger sister, Morinka couldn't help but think of Yukino when she was a child.

Unlike other sisters, Xue Nai has hardly been making noise since she was a child. She always followed her silently, how to say it, it was like Morinha's little follower.

If Morinka is doing Yukino is just watching, but not talking.

Although he was not used to it at the beginning, but gradually, Morinya suddenly realized that she had become accustomed to the feeling of Xue Nao by her side. No, he realized that Xue Na's existence had extraordinary significance to her.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Probably because Yukino saw me with other people, so she felt uneasy!

Senxia sighed.

"Don't worry, no one can separate us." Morinya shook Yukino's hand. In the cold night, both hands were exceptionally warm.

"Yeah!" Xue Na looked at Morinya, and then smiled beautifully, as if it could melt all the ice.

"..." On one side of the glass window, Qianjia who had been staring for a long time turned over. She looked at the two bottles of Coca-Cola in her hand, and then chuckled lightly.

"Well, let's go back first. Only for today." (To be continued.)

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