Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 385: It's like the laboratory to the old gun

"Lao Xu, for the part you made, we will split this script, and leave the rest of the basic part to make another mod. △¢, x."

After saying it roughly, Morinya began to analyze it in depth.

"People who choose female characters in games have several mentalities. The first is to think that I don’t need a man’s **** to play games, but of course it is a seductive woman; the second is to think that female characters are convenient for them to fantasize and then do something. There are interesting things; the third is the fans of the other party, purely worshiping as a goddess; besides, there are other situations behind, we will discuss these groups for the time being."

Morinatsu seems to be a professor at the University of Tokyo at this time, gentleman and connotation.

"People who like women’s perspective are divided into several categories. One is those who want to see Lily, the other is those who want to see boys and girls, and there are purely party-loving and party-heavy-tastes among these two types of people. We The original script is pure love, so in the h part, we can fully follow the genre of taste."

Having said that, Lao Xu sighed, and then shook his head towards Lao Xu: "Lao Xu, it's not that I said you. Since it's a gentleman script, it reflects a little gentleman's style. What about your style? You? What about the script?"

Although Lao Xu's script is very brilliant, but if you think about it, this script...not abuse!

Old Xu does not abuse people, is this still called Old Xu!

Moriha protested.

"My style?" Lao Xu was stunned for a moment. "For this kind of plot, in order to facilitate the ending, you can't just mess around?"

However, Senxia shook his head: "No! Old Xu! As a gentleman writer, we must have the spirit of a gentleman. Don't forget, when we write a gentleman script, we are not the'original author'. There is no need to consider it at all. To the original development, so we can badend boldly!"

"Oh!" After hearing this, Lao Xu's eyes suddenly opened up.

Obviously, this statement of Senxia almost lifted a major shackle on Lao Xu.

He thought about it. Then licked his face and took out another script and gave it to Senxia.

"Actually, I played this one before. I was afraid that it might have gone too far, so I didn't take it out."

Senxia took this script. This script is the same script as the previous one, but the plot design is completely different. Senxia almost shouted "Fuck".

Lao Xu has also designed the black hand behind the scenes, but the black hand behind the scenes is not dedicated to the courtyard, but the school festival.

According to Lao Xu's script and memories, the school festival festival in this world once had a dark past. Being imprisoned, then **** and then oo, then x and then o, so in the end, the school festival has become a dark minion, and the person who controls the school festival is Yingmanji.

Kojo Matsuri is a chess piece beaten into Tokyo by the Dark Emperor.

What Jiqi did in the script almost influenced the other party, but this was not allowed by the Dark Emperor. Behind the story, there is a conspiracy and a scheming person. In fact, it was the school article festival, she personally ruined the hope of redemption.

Old Xu really knows how to play...

"Well, but our plot has already been designed, and it is not convenient to change it. Let's design this as another independent mod, which can be called "fall into the abyss" or something."

Senxia thought for a while. I feel that such a setting can be regarded as an independent "dark mod" that specifically adds black history to the character.

"Hi." Lao Xu also nodded. That's good. Now this gentleman mod doesn't seem to be suitable for this dark plot.

Lao Xu is a man who seeks truth from facts. A plot that is not suitable for the dark route, Lao Xu will never give you a dark ending... At most, it will be a black one in the story background and story flow.

Well, at least the ending is absolutely magnificent. The dark history and dark plots in those stories are just small waves leading to one_piece. It must be true.

"I think about it, we can optimize the whole plot and system."

Senxia thought for a while, then took the pen on the desk and began to modify the paper.

"It's a bit too explicit to use words like the beating egg. Many things in our game are developed from the perspective of Jiqi. In the plot, Jiqi himself has very limited understanding of common sense and humans. , Um, let's call this item "Strange Equipment"."

Although the egg displayed on the stand-up painting is a beating egg, Takiji himself does not have this common sense, so for her, this is a strange equipment.

"We can strengthen the mission boss of this mission, or the boss in the script, to increase the presence of this equipment, in other words, to enhance the presence of the equipment." Senxia said, "Then we can design An emotional degree system. This system is a hidden attribute at the beginning. After wearing this equipment, the emotional level will become higher and higher. When this attribute exceeds a certain value, it will cause negative effects. For example, in this round, I pray A debff that can act or keep controlling its own actions."

"Yeah, this is a good summary of the system." Lao Xu also nodded.

"If you take down this'strange equipment', or if you do something to reduce your emotional level at home at night, Ichi will return to normal, but after entering the second and third act, if Players then take down this "strange equipment". When the player occasionally talks or talks to herself, the whole person will become anxious, and then when the player is not paying attention, he will equip this equipment by himself ..." Senxia was serious and serious when she spoke, showing her true gentlemanly.

"The teacher's creativity is really great, I am already looking forward to the following content more and more!" Lao Xu is already preparing to conceive the next gentleman script.

But Senxia shook his head: "It's not time yet, and the script behind us still needs system support. We must take this into consideration."

Senxia was also considered as this plan, so at this time, he thought of a very important thing.

That is the gentleman system.

Although there is a mod, everything will not be so convenient if there is no system support. If there is a general gentleman system mod, it will be much more convenient.

"We can make a gentleman system." Moriya Kan said, "This kind of system is a must, we can involve a qi in it... No, it is an emotional system, and then give it to the player in this system We provide some basic action sketches so that players can develop gentleman content based on this mod."

In simple terms, this is equivalent to sexb to Lao Gun, or sexot to radiation.

Gentleman mods of the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series are basically developed based on these systems.

"Then there are equipment and props corrections, for example, we can add a tattoo system or something, and then put it into the gentleman system to unify..."

Tattoos are traditional in Japan, and in Japanese Liban and Benzi, there are often characters who tattoo themselves after the fall, but there is no such setting in the original plot, but since the players have demand, we can Plus, and this system is very effective for the promotion of gentlemanship.

Although Lao Xu did the scripting, the game idea itself is very interesting. At this time, he has already taken out the paper and pen and began to record Mori Xia’s "Quotations". After he is ready to take out the information, he will discuss with others , See if it can be achieved.

"... But in this case, will they doubt our official head?" Lao Xu had questions again.

Senxia smiled silently. Instead of answering the other party immediately, he opened the page browser of the computer in front of him, and then entered the forum.

"--Look, this is our forum, Lao Xu, have you ever been to it." Senxia had an expression of "all under my control".

"Hey, I go every day. I am also one of the managers." Because the number of people has skyrocketed, Daisuke Ono can't manage it, so Lao Xu is actually helping to manage this forum during this time.

At this time, Senxia pointed to a post on the station and said to Laoxu: "This testimony is very hot on the forum, and there are even professors from Dongda."

Hearing this, Lao Xu understood.

"If we create such a virtual person on the Internet, it is completely possible, and we can also use this to create topicality."

After all, he writes things, and his thinking is broader than that of ordinary people, and Lao Xu has completely enlightened him at this time.

"Yes, that's it!" Senxia's eyes are extremely firm belief in the way of a gentleman. "In fact, as long as we create a topic, friends will take the initiative to help us fill it up, and there are few people who guess the truth. Even when the truth is told sometimes, others will think it is false. We don’t need to care about this at all. As long as we can cover up the lowest level news, that’s enough."

Speaking of secretly feels a bit pity in her heart, this mode seems to only apply to pc, for the current ps, ss and n64, it is not achievable, even the future ps2 or Xbox, it seems that there is no soil for mods to survive, although dlc has it, but in the real mod era, it may not be supported until ps4.

Otherwise, if it can be extended to the home machine, this seems to be a very interesting thing.

"Teacher, I have recorded everything you said." Old Xu said respectfully.

"Yo Xi," Senxia nodded, "Old Xu, just say what you thought before."

He is looking forward to the gentleman's ideas behind...


Third today!

There are 193 chapters left!

Today's morals! (To be continued.)



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