Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 392: Chief programmer

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. ︾, x."

This is the emotion that Wang Qiwen sent out one after another when running the rpg demo version of "Guilty Crown".

"Not only has bg been repaired, but even the original operating efficiency has also been improved. It's amazing..." Shen Jiahui was also feeling beside him.

"Actually, it was just a mere rewrite, not so exaggerated. I'm still far behind..."

After hearing the admiration of the two people, Ayana's face turned red.

After persuading Ayana to join them, Wang Qiwen and Shen Jiahui came over. They haven't gotten the previous bg, but they just got here, Qianjia handed over the previously modified system to these two people.

Morika also looked at Ayana at this time. Although there is no way to compare with those super powerful guys, at least Ayana's talent as a programmer is very good.

"From now on, Ayana will become our chief programmer~" Qianjia pushed Ayana in front of the two.

"That...please advise..."

Ayana bowed to both of them.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Mori Xia Jiao looked at what was happening before her eyes with fascination.

On the condition that you become a seiyuu, to lure a maid to become a programmer, it seems weird no matter how you look at it.

Well, it looks good now anyway, it's fine...

"Well, I think this is good, and there is a girl in the club. Isn't this a great thing?" Nana was happy to see it happen.

Although downstairs is a cafe full of girls, in fact, most of the resident members in the animic club are actually boys. Whether it is Lao Xu or Daisuke, there is also a wall between Nana and Nana. , It’s also good to have a girl who can communicate, especially if this girl still wants to become a voice actress.

"Well, it's a good thing..." In fact, Nana's words were not wrong, Morika simply felt that this matter was a little strange. This method of persuasion is simply funny...

"But Ayana will not lend it to you so easily. Our game development also needs Ayana's help. Although the engine itself has been completed, it will be more at ease with a program by your side! "Chika didn't plan to let Ayana out so soon.

"Wait a minute, Miss Qianyu, the game system and the rpg system are completely two things, are you really okay with this?" Wang Qiwen originally thought that with the help of such a program, their work would be much easier.

"If you want Ayana to help you, it's okay, but you have to deduct one-third of your wages!" Mori Xia next to her was completely capitalist.

This was originally Wang Qiwen's own work. If they still want Ayana to take the lead in the past, this is simply putting the cart before the horse, and they shouldn't take so much money.

"..." Wang Qiwen withered instantly.

Originally, after doing Plants vs. Zombies, they still had a look of inflated confidence, but now when doing this RPG, their internal deficiencies have been exposed.

"But for the part of this game, I really need Ayana's help. After the game is finished, our animic club will take care of the rest of the work. Then we will launch the official mod or something. All Ayana will do..." Qianjia thought.

"The official one is not called mod, it's called dlc." Senxia quickly corrected the opponent's opinion.

"Anything is fine, but I will definitely let Ayana come to help then." Qianjia waved.

"Yeah. This is true."

The official dlc or something, there can be no gentleman story, but it is okay to play a side ball to attract gentlemen or something. And it can also put all the branch lines and the long story in the dlc.

This type is actually very common in the future. Games like "Bloodborne", "The Elder Scrolls" and "Fallout" have excellent dlc support. While improving the reputation of the game, there is still another wave of money. In this world, there is simply nothing more wonderful than this.

Senxia is extremely serious about his game. Let him develop a random thing like eva and start to fool people. He will never do it. If you want to fool people, at least you have to seriously fool people. Attitude! Collecting money is a common feature of all games, but how to collect money is also a question of attitude!

"By the way, on the game side, is there really no problem with the background?" Qianjia looked at Senxia.

"Tuneo said he has helped us find several painters to discuss, some of them are very good, but the price..."

How should I put it, the original painter is very expensive, and it is very simple to find painters these days, but there are very few people who want to find Xin Haicheng's background, and the prices are very high.

Similar to the perspective, color, light and shadow in the background, these things are very troublesome to deal with, and the background does not have the support of the gentleman's soul like painting characters. Although it is also aesthetics, there are still some differences.

In animation, sometimes background processing is not a simple matter. Some backgrounds that look exquisite are actually made by hand-painting from real scenes, otherwise they are modeled in 3D, then hand-painted, and then Or just put the 3d background directly...

Another example is "Seraph of the End", which the audience calls "the end". This product has an exquisite background like an oil painting. As a result, the funding is squandered, and the fight painting becomes amused.

All in all, Takeuchi has a lot of contacts in the industry, but he knows great painters, and the asking price is also high...

"Well, what are you talking about?" Ayana was a little confused about the situation here.

"It's our game. In addition to this rpg, we still have other content under development. In fact, the game we are making now is the main body." Morixia explained.

"The script is Senxia, ​​the main art is Jiye, and the set is made by the two of them. The bgm is Zn Sang and Mr. Kate who is a foreign aid. I am now in charge of performances and other groceries. As for the programmer, If you have a heavy burden--" Qianjia said as she walked to Ayana's side, "This heavy burden is on you!"

"By the way, Ayana hasn't visited our office yet, come on, I will take you there now!"

As Qianjia spoke, she pulled Ayana out of the temporary office and walked upstairs.

"Let’s take a look together. Our office has been renovated now!" To be precise, it should have been simply decorated. Then Qianjia pulled a bunch of furniture for her own home, but Qianjia said, these things will come. Still have to replace them all.

Under Senxia's encouragement, everyone left here in a mighty manner and headed for the office.

"Hey, it's really completely different the last time we came!"

Shen Jiahui returned to China years ago, and he has experienced the greatest changes in the appearance of this place now.

The basic decoration of the house seems to have a similar noble feeling to the cafe downstairs. The room is very large. Although there are so many people, it has a feeling of empty and deserted. This is because the room has not been divided into compartments. relationship.

The room is clean and bright. Many furniture in Qianjia Apartment have been moved here, which also adds a lot of popularity to it.

Lao Xu and Daisuke, who had just cleaned the office, were lying on the sofa to rest at this time. After seeing everyone coming, they also quickly walked up.

"Two, these are our new employees!" Qianjia pushed Ayana to the two of them.


Ayana greeted each other, and the two of them also bowed to Ayana beamingly.

Maid! This is the maid! Now this maid is actually their colleague!

Lao Xu and Daisuke cried out in their hearts.

"Unfortunately, this place was only temporarily renovated. After a while, I must turn this into our real office!" Qianjia clenched his fist tightly.

"Company... When I have the opportunity, I will also open a company in Japan!" Wang Qiwen also sighed.

Foreigners staying in Japan need a visa. Apart from finding a job, starting a company by yourself is also an option. Wang Qiwen’s current idea is to find a way to open a company and club, and then play games here, compared to other places. , Japan is indeed a suitable environment for games.

"But why does it feel so cold..." Morika exhaled.

"The room here is too big, and the power of the air conditioner is not enough." Lao Xu, who was wearing a down jacket, explained.

Senxia and the others just came out of the warm room, and they really felt cold. The office here has not been fully completed, so after a visit, Senxia and the others ran back to the warm coffee shop.

"Ahra, Morika-kun!" Erika was already waiting here at this time. After seeing Morika, she came over to say hello, and then she saw Ayana among the crowd~www.mtlnovel. com~ It seems that you have already discussed it? "

Morinatsu nodded: "But Ayana doesn't seem to want to leave the cafe. Squad leader, don't you mind if she comes here occasionally as a maid, right?"

"How could you mind it!"

Erika went over and took Ayana's hand: "Many customers actually come from Ayana. If Ayana can stay, it would be great!"

At this time Qianjia came over: "In this case, it is the result of everyone's joy."

Just after she finished speaking, she immediately remembered something, and immediately looked at Ayana: "Ah, yes, Ayana hasn't watched our game yet!"


First today.

I want five shifts today!

Five shifts! (To be continued.)



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