Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 400: Sega don't run, it's your tongue that fools you!

"Hello, Qianjia, is your father really planning to cooperate with Sega?"

After Senxia finished speaking, Qianjia felt that everyone had been here for a long time, so I suggested that everyone take a break and wait for lunch before continuing the discussion. {We don’t write about text porters. -<>

After getting outside, Senxia pulled Qianjia to complain.

"My dad also has shares in Sega, do you know that?" Qianjia said with a raised eyebrow.

"Then I advise your father to divest quickly, Sega is just a group of teasers who can't afford it." Senxia told Qianjia what was in her heart.

"But I just saw that everything you said was very good, Senxia-kun, did you know that at that time, I really admired you a little bit!" Qianjia was also speaking the truth.

"Since you believe me, let your father hurry up!" Senxia shook her head.

"Why, I think Sega has a good vision. The dlc you mentioned before, Sega seems to have done similar things before."

It's okay if Qianjia didn't say it. As soon as she said this, Senxia felt her mouth twitching.

In fact, Sega itself is also the promoter of dlc and other content. On dc, Sega once introduced the dlc model, allowing players to download some small dlcs and then store them in the memory card. However, the memory cards of this year can be summarized in three words: Ran and eggs.

However, there is no use for eggs-by Wang Laoju.

This funny sentence from the postmodern era of the 21st century sums up the history of dl.

A memory card with limited storage capacity cannot make a dlc that is too powerful. This is the history of Sega’s dlc.

No, no, no, if you continue to push it earlier, Sega once launched a similar network download mode in North America. In 1994, Sega launched a Sega channel in North America, which is "_c", so that players can use cable TV. The network downloads the game to Sega’s md game console, no. The term "gsis" should be used in North America.

Sega Channel provides many classic games. "Street Fighter 2" and "Sonic" are all super classic projects.

But the same sentence: Ran and egg.

First of all, md is a machine introduced in 1988, in the era when ss have already appeared. This download for the previous generation product won't attract attention at all.

Secondly, Sega probably had a brain pump and didn't know what was wrong. The price of the game was super high, and the registration fee was $25. The monthly fee is more than 10 dollars!

These are not counted. The most cheating thing about Sega is that their games are all "castrated versions." Some games can only be played for ten minutes. Want the full version? OK, go to the store to buy it! Some games have reduced quality, fewer levels or special items. Want the full version? OK, go to the store to buy it!

The above are all the news that Senxia found in this world. But this more fully proved Sega's teasing.

Their idea is very good, but the process of extending this idea down is very cheating. Many times Sega has been at the forefront of the times, but their idea can only be... Haha.

Well, they are not without success stories, such as arcades, such as Sonic, such as Hatsune Miku.

But this can't change the nature of Sega's teasing.

Senxia would not say anything about dc. However, Morinatsu showed no mercy in his performance on the Sega Channel in North America.

"If Sega uses an approachable price to cooperate with the ss platform for game sales, they may be successful, but md can burn games. But after ss, large-capacity optical drives are the general trend, and the content of big data is not what the current network can carry. Sega does not have this technology, so their failure is inevitable." There is only one storage medium that can meet Senxia's requirements. That is the hard disk. In addition to the hard disk, it is really not a simple matter for modern computers to run games.

"Looking at it this way, it seems that Sega did useless work..." Qian Jia also nodded. She had heard of Sega's Sega channel before, but she didn't expect them to do such a funny thing.

"This Sega channel can no longer be supported now. I estimate that they will be closed within this year." Senxia concluded.

"But what can we do if we don't cooperate with Sega? Selling the equity is obviously unrealistic." However, Qianjia blocked everything Senxia wanted to say.

Qianjia came over and patted Senxia on the shoulder: "Well, that's it. If Sega fails, it's actually better."

"...Huh?" What the **** is this?

Don't you want Sega tragedy?

"As far as I know, Sega's internal arcade department and the home machine department are also competing with each other. If Sega fails this time, there may be a chance to acquire them."

"Well, you capitalists have capitalist ideas, I will not participate." Senxia is not interested in this kind of thing, because the future is ps2, and then xbox turned out, it is not only Sega who can't make it. There is Nintendo.

Well, Nintendo is always black.

"Okay, that's it, Senxia-kun, you don't need to say anything afterwards, just leave it to me later." Qianjia made his own suggestion at this time.

"Senior sister, what are you going to do?" Qianjia's question made Senxia somewhat inexplicable.

"Sega we can't control, but our game, maybe there will be a play." She said.

"...So?" Senxia was a little ignorant, but he seemed to understand what Qianjia wanted to do.

"Although Senxia-kun you just made these suggestions seem to be very good, but as a large company, it is impossible for Sega to change its strategy because of a word or two from outsiders, even if we have a way to contact Sega’s upper management, or even It’s impossible to contact Da Chuan Gong.” Qianjia is very clear that large companies are not really one-person companies, and Japanese companies do not have the courage of American companies. However, this happens to be used by the aii club: "So they need an opportunity. If Senxia-kun can verify your ideas, they will be able to agree with you... No, they have reasons to agree with your views. "

Even if it is proved to be the correct path, it is a very realistic thing to cut off this path because of the internal and external environment and pressure. It is like some kind of funny in Ukraine. Are they really funny? For Ukraine, it may be so, but for them personally, it is not necessarily true. Perhaps the correct route is beneficial to Sega, but if it is not helpful or even harmful to their departments, individuals or directors, this route may not be implemented.

"But isn't this useless?" Senxia puzzled.

"Yes, for Sega, this is the case, but haven't we ‘verified’ the correctness of this route?" Qianjia smiled.

"--Ah!" In an instant, Senxia understood Qianjia's plan. She was about to dig the wall.

"Okay, wait a minute and leave this to me." Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder.

After their discussion was over, it was almost time to eat. Chiba Masao took the two Sega employees, Mori and Chika, to an Italian restaurant.

It was obviously not Chiba Masao’s business to entertain guests. It was obviously what Chiba had said before to find his father that caused this situation. The other party is now here, and this is also to cover the factory for Mori and Chiba.

"I don't know what the two think about Senxia-kun's opinion?" Qianjia took advantage of the time between serving the dishes and began to question.

"Well, a very thought-provoking suggestion, I think it is very constructive for our company." The middle-aged man replied.

"But it's just a suggestion, right?" Qianjia said with a smile, "Sega is a very large club. If you change the strategy rashly, this is also a very risky thing."

"Indeed." Sega's two nodded.

"I have a proposal here. Our aii club is making an rpg game. What Mori Xiajun and you said are all about the technology that will be used in our game." Qianjia paused and continued, "I I think we can use this as an opportunity to cooperate. We can develop this game together with Sega. Sega can also use this game to verify our ideas. Isn't it a great thing?"

See you Qianjiatu.

Well, yes, the reason she did this was not for Sega, nor for Kadokawa, but for themselves, in other words, the game "Guilty Crown"!

"Huh?" Both of them seemed a little surprised.

Qianjia continued: "This game is a game we are developing. If Sega can participate in it, it should be able to understand the specific situation of the game better. It will also have a very important reference for Sega's next game console development, right?"

Sega’s interconnection strategy layout is very early but they have not had a perfect direction and strategy. This is troublesome for them, but if someone can help verify it... Hey, it seems good what.

"If Sega has the intention, I can show the two of us to see the game demo we made. Although our club is very small, it is unambiguous in game production. For Sega, a little bit With the technical guidance and manpower contribution, you can verify your ideas. This is actually a very easy thing, right?"

Qianjia used the "Speech bomb" skill, the effect was outstanding!

"Although I am personally interested in your suggestion by Miss Qianyu, it is not something that we can decide." The middle-aged man said, "But your thoughts are very interesting. I will report this matter. , I very much look forward to working with you..."


In fact, it was Atari that was the first to engage in network downloads. It happened in the 1980s, but the sentence is still the same: Ran and eggs...

Subscribe! (To be continued.)



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