Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 416: My little horse

This is the second time Xiao Ma has come to Japan.

Unlike the first time I came to Japan, Xiao Ma came here with a work visa.

Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Ma will work in Japan. In fact, he came here this time to talk about his software.

At the time of bankruptcy, when Xiao Ma and his partners had no other choice, Xiao Ma got capital injection. What made him even more surprised was that Li and Wu, who had originally engaged in piracy, were arrested and thrown into the bureau. Although "The House of Witch" has not made any money, anyway, Helped them out of a sigh.

At this time, Xiao Ma gave all his energy to it.

What is it? Although Xiao Ma is very optimistic, there are too many people in China who are copying. In Xiao Ma’s view, that place is not suitable for development, but as I guessed, this is a potential Market.

Although there is potential, the future is very difficult.

This is the same as in the original history. Although after 20 years, many people feel sad that Penguin Software is controlled by South Africans, in fact, when the other party just took over Penguin, many people actually thought that they were completely occupied by the profession of Brother Pony. The liar was cheated, and many people laughed at the South Africans for lack of vision.

In fact, many of these heartbroken people were also people who mocked them back then.

However, there are some exceptions to Xiao Ma in this world.

At this time, Xiao Ma has a new thigh: Sega.

Yes, Brother Xiao Ma is going to cooperate with Sega.

This is not a joke, but true. Although Sega did not see it in his eyes, he just regarded Xiao Ma as a test product, and the work of this test product is the Kadokawa All-Star.

The role of Xiao Ma is to make a chat system for the game, in short. It is an embedded chat software.

Although many things in the celestial dynasty are unreliable, there are some things that can not be done for the celestial people, because the Japanese are sometimes too rigid. At this time, the celestial people know how to work. It is the best supplement. Even the idea of ​​Kadokawa All-Star and the game mechanics are difficult for the Japanese to make.

of course. This is also related to the lack of Japan and the basis of RTS.

But what does it matter? This game is originally aimed at people in Europe and America, especially North America.

Although the RPG of "Guilty Crown" is also under intense production, for Sega, the most indispensable thing for them is people. They are only doing two small games at the same time. For them, it is not even a fart. .

"Yo, Brother Xiao Ma!" Same as the previous time, Morinia also asked for leave today to pick up the plane, other than that. Senka-senpai also arrived at the airport, but she and Ichiro Sato were in the parking lot.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect that the plane was delayed one night, and there were some problems when entering the country." When he came to Senxia, ​​Xiao Ma's face was full of apologize.

"It's okay, it's safe to do, hurry up, let's get in the car first, and can't let Sega's people wait."

Seeing Xiao Ma coming over, Senxia immediately greeted him to the parking lot.

He should have arrived last night. But due to various reasons, I arrived this morning, and this time was originally scheduled to be discussed with the test drive.

"Good." Xiao Ma nodded also.

Senxia walked. While asking Brother Xiao Ma: "You didn't have any trouble when you were in China, did you?"

"Well, thanks to you, although it is still a bit difficult now, it is finally out of the crisis. If this time can be negotiated. Our development should be very fast." Xiao Ma sincerely thanked Senxia. This **** had already planned to destroy Xiao Ma's company, but Xiao Ma's side was transformed into a joint venture. By the way, he sent a letter from the lawyer, and the two **** instantly became idiots.

Senxia nodded, then asked, "Is all the materials ready?"

"Well, when I was stranded at the airport, I sorted it out again, but it's not much different from what I faxed to you before. I can show it to you later." Xiao Ma knew that time was pressing and he was unambiguous.

"That's it, let me see when you get in the car." Senxia said briefly.

When we got to the parking lot, Xiao Ma also got into the car.

After greeting, the three of them headed towards Akihabara.

The place where they talked is the club headquarters. Sega’s people are planning to come here to discuss the two games. Another thing is to come to this place to investigate. After all, they are going to cooperate. Of course they will Come and see.

"This is your office?" It's just that Xiao Ma, who came here first, I was surprised at first.

There is no shelter in the room. The large office is very spacious. Today, the club has all the staff, and even the temporary worker, Daisuke Ono, is here on leave.

All the things in the temporary office have been moved to the office at this time. In one corner of the room, 8 computers are neatly arranged, which is quite work-like. On the other side, there are sofas and coffee tables. There is a large color TV. Under the color TV, there are PS and SS game consoles. In the cabinet on the other side, there is a cabinet of games, which is also neatly arranged. In the other two corners, one has two rows of bookcases, and the other is There are desks and file cabinets.

I have to say that Qianjia is really suitable for placement and design. The whole room originally presented a very empty feeling, but Qianjia just re-arranged the decorations and bookcases inside, and the whole room showed quite a lot. For the feeling of fulfillment, coupled with the original decoration materials used in the room, it is very high-end, so the whole room also has a sense of tallness.

"It's really totally different from when I came last time..." Xiao Ma exclaimed.

"Yeah." Senxia nodded, then clapped her hands, and gathered everyone over, "Everyone, this is Brother Xiao Ma from the Heavenly Dynasty."

"Everyone!" Xiao Ma greeted everyone in Japanese. Although he can't speak Japanese, he can still use a few sentences in daily life.

"Hey, people from the celestial dynasty, looking like this, they are indeed somewhat different from us..."

"No, I think it's exactly the same, you just have a psychological effect?"

"Heavenly, I like the works of Teacher Jin Yong."

Lao Xu and Ono Daisuke both got together.

Compared with foreigners, they actually have less contact with the Chinese people. Although there are some gray-organized foreigners in some of the more unreliable streets, in daily life, everyone has very little contact... Well, this is actually because of their looks. So everyone just doesn't feel that they can see many foreigners. After all, if people don't speak, who can recognize them.

"Well, don't get excited, everyone. The materials that should be prepared are ready. After Sega's people are here, we should start talking. Just talk about things afterwards. Xiao Ma will not leave Japan immediately. Yes." Qianjia checked the time, and Sega’s people were almost there.

Of course, the talks will not take place here. The real talk will still be on the third floor, in their "Queen's" box, but they will come and have a look.

However, in a fully prepared club, I did not expect that of the three Sega who came here, only one was Japanese and the other two were Americans, or in other words, Sega came from North America.

In other words, the three-nation negotiations that were already complex enough have now become four-party talks...

Moreover, these three people are very strange. The Japanese is about middle-aged, short and chubby, only about 1.4 meters tall, while the other two Americans are about 1.8 meters tall, one tall and thin. , The other one is very majestic, but no matter which one is so different from the Japanese, when the three people stand together, Morinatsu's impression is only one sentence: Don't look directly.

"Three, this is our office." Although it was very embarrassing, after receiving these three people, Morinya did his best to introduce them to the situation here.

"Very good studio." The thin and tall American can speak some Japanese. Although he has an accent, it is much more convenient than talking in English.

"There is a demonstration of "Guilty Crown". We have already done it. If you want to watch it, we can prepare immediately." Qianjia was also next to Morinia.

"No hurry. Thomas and Mr. Thomson are here. The more important reason is your other game. The mode of this game is very novel. The US is very interested in it." The Japanese name is Sakagi, although there is a Hanging the surname of the sky, but when Morinya saw the other person, the word "comrador" was always in her mind.

Well, both vision is too strong.

"For this, Kadokawa is mainly responsible. Although we have prepared the information, I am afraid that there is nothing too in-depth." Brother Xiao Ma has been summoned by using the Grand Summoning technique, and I must talk about it in detail at this time, but Senxia is not going to give up on the evil crown.

"We are very interested in the game mode you proposed and the interactive nature of the game. Regarding this point, we want to have a more specific discussion with you." said the majestic American.

Morika remembers that this person is called Thomson, and his Japanese is a bit worse than that of the lanky Thomas, but he understands well.

"Hey, in that case, let's discuss this issue." They are so anxious that Morinia feels pretty good now.

"Then please three of you come with me first, and I will invite three of you to have a cup of coffee!" Qianjia greeted the three of them, "Our information has been put there first, and we will show them to some of us later. ."


The second update today, get~ (to be continued.)

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