Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 433: On whether the rope can be the material of clothes

Time does not become faster or slower by people's will. In the busy, Senxia and the others ushered in the March season. 【Full text reading...】

"Huh, get home safely."

After class, Senxia stayed at school and started working as always, while Qianjia went back home immediately.

At this time, there was no one in the house.

Qianjia kicked off her shoes, and then hurried upstairs.

After entering the room, she opened her schoolbag and took out a roll of twine from it.

Although it is hemp rope, this coil of rope is not the same as other hemp ropes. This coil of rope is very delicate. There are no burrs or other rough things on it. It looks like a work of art.

"Finally, I can see it in person." Qianjia smiled.

She put the rope aside, and then took out another book.

On the cover of this book is a girl's paper, a girl wearing cute clothes made of rope.

Qianjia turned the book to the page where she had bookmarked, then drew the curtains and turned on the heater and lights.

Then, she took off her school uniform, put it aside, and took the rope in hand.

"Well, although the technique looks simple, it doesn't seem to be so easy..."

It is not that simple to make rope into clothes and wear on the body.

What Qianjia is reading now is a very serious teaching book. The content introduced in this book is to teach people how to put themselves on clothes made of rope.

Because the material is the relationship of the rope, it is often better for others to help oneself when putting on clothes. It is actually not a simple matter to want someone to wear the rope into clothes.

Wearing rope into clothes is an art in Japan. This is the art of rope, the art of rope, and some rope warriors who specialize in helping others wear clothes are even called masters.

"Go through the neck first. Then tie a knot on the chest..."

Qian Jia looked at the information in the book, and then hurriedly tried on herself.

What Qianjia didn't expect was that the more messed up she was, the whole person would be uncomfortable.

"Hmm. It's completely different from the one described in..." Qian Jia murmured.

What she is doing now is the simplest diamond-bound rope robes, but she didn't expect to wear it halfway through, and the uncomfortable feelings from the rope made her start to retreat.

And the rope is different from ordinary clothes after all, especially some work has to be done behind oneself. Because of the invisible relationship, I can only explore the c-work by myself. The result is that in the end, Qianjia's whole person and the rope are all messed up.

"It's totally different..." Qian Jia sighed. At this time, she was wearing clothes made of this rope and she didn't feel at all!

There is no way to be deceived!

"No, I must have made a mistake somewhere. How could Lord Erdaime be wrong!" Qianjia did not believe in evil.

Qianjia tossed the rope on her body, but the more she tossed, the more uncomfortable she found herself.


then. When Qianjia came to her consciousness, she found that she had been entangled in the rope.

"Senior, you are back, I have something to do—"

And at this moment, Xue Nai suddenly opened the door and walked in.


I was seen, I was seen by Yukino...

Qianjia and Xuenao looked at each other.

"...Hey." Then Yukino made a disdainful voice, "Senior, do you think this can attract my brother's attention? You are too superficial! Humph, just a rope, I even have a belt and my whole body I tried the socks!"

Qian Jia originally wanted to explain. Then she heard what Xue Na said, and she changed the subject in an instant: "Ah, maybe Mori Xia-jun saw me being clumsy, but he would come and help!"

Hear what Qianjia said. Xue Nai suddenly realized: "It can be like this!"

Qianjia shook her head. She tossed and wanted to move, but found that the rope on her body was very tight. She had to look at Xue Nao: "Xue Nao, if you have time to marvel, can you help me untie the rope first? What?"

"Well. It's not a problem." Xue Na put down her schoolbag, then walked to Qianjia's front, and helped him get the rope off his body.

"Huh, I'm saved." Qianjia finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought it would be fun to wear a dress made of rope. I didn't expect it to be like this. It's really a sin."

After saying this, Qianjia lowered her voice and muttered in a voice that almost only she could hear: "I really didn't expect the reality and the second-generation purpose description to be so different..."

"——Senior, you probably don't know how to wear this kind of clothes at all!" Xue Na's voice came again, her voice was a little low while holding the roll of hemp rope in both hands.

"What?" Qianjia tilted her head, somewhat inexplicable.

"So, you were wrong from the beginning. Although the dressing method is correct, it is useless to follow the script!" Xue Nao had an expression of "I am an expert".

"Do you know how to wear Xuena?" Qianjia looked at Xuena suspiciously.

"Of course, I didn't just go through it once to please my brother, and there are still a lot of recordings in my mother's studio... forget it." Yukino stopped the unfinished words, and then said to Qianjia "Anyway, you should remove the bras, stockings, and fat times first. The so-called rope clothing is originally a substitute for bras and fat times. You will be uncomfortable wearing two sets of clothes inside!"

Xue Nao made sense, and Qian Jia nodded.

She did as the other party ordered, and then stood in front of Xue Nao, and Xue Nao came to help Qian Jia dress.


I don't know if it was an illusion. When the rope was gradually tied into a piece of clothing on his body, an inexplicable feeling began to appear on Qianjia's body.

It was completely different from the simple pain before, Yukino's approach made the rope and herself feel a very...comfortable feeling.

Yes, it is this kind of feeling, it seems that there is a violent reaction all over the body, the heartbeat is fast, the breathing is fast, and the spirit is high.

The uneven rope is in contact with your skin and interacts with your muscles.

Very comfortable.

It was as if a strange chemical reaction had started happening all over.

The rope was gradually tightened on his body, originally it was just a long rope, but under Yukino's delicate movements, the rope became clothes.

"Ok, so comfortable."

After the clothes were finally put on, a comfortable feeling immediately wrapped Qianjia.

Without the slightest pain, the rope was tightly tied to his body. Although it was tight, it did not mean that the random play could be taken off.

"The one you used before was just Lingbi. It is the simplest. This is a tortoise shell, which belongs to a higher level and is more enjoyable!" Xueno said with an expression of "I am a master".

Seeing Yukino's expression, Qianjia suddenly thought of Morinya at this moment. When it was stinky, the performance of the two brothers and sisters was so consistent.

"It's so comfortable. It feels like the muscles and cells all over the body are unfolding, and the flow of blood y is also accelerating... Well, I don't want to take it off..." Qian Jia squatted down with her chest, but she didn't know why. Suddenly his face flushed and he almost fell.

"Ah, be careful. Clothes made of rope are not as flexible as ordinary clothes. I tied two knots in key places, and you will rub against it when you move." Xue Na reminded.

"Well, no, help me get rid of it!" Qianjia yelled.

"Then take it off together!" Yukino shrugged.

Take it off? Qianjia was a little bit sad.

"This place under the armpit is just decoration, it's easy to remove it!" She continued to shout unwillingly.

"Well, over there, I thought you were talking about what..." Yukino shrugged, and then went behind Qianjia and helped her remove the two knots.

"Well, it's really troublesome. Such great clothes are more comfortable than the best underwear I have worn. I really don't want to take them off." Qian Jia shook her head with a pity. There are a lot of clothes in her house, all of big brands. , Such as Victoria’s Secret, but in Qianjia’s view, this roll of rope is actually more comfortable than a fat one made of high-end fabrics. I don’t know how much it is because of the clothes themselves or because of Xueno’s exquisite technique. ?

"But you guessed it was a waste of effort. Brother is a very upright person. Although he can also make rope clothes, he never wants to try it on me. I have seen it before. My brother is secretly practicing or something. ..." Xueno's words were full of resentment.

"Men Xia Jun has done such a thing?!" Qian Jia was shocked.

"Well, before. Brother Mingming is very good in many things, but he refuses to use it to me..." Xue Nai's words contained resentment.

"No, just because you are a younger sister, you can't use it to you..." Qianjia shrugged, "Then the brother who loves my younger sister, to be honest, I am really jealous."

With only one piece of clothes made of rope, Qianjia was a little uncomfortable, but she didn't want to take it So she simply threw the fat and bra aside, then picked up the stockings and school uniform, and put them on again Body.

"Huh, that's great, I suddenly felt that my gentleman's soul was also burning." Qian Jia sighed.

"The soul of a gentleman..." Yukino murmured.

"Well, it's just mouth addiction. You don't need to be with Yukino." Qianjia waved her hand. If Morinka knew that she had imparted the spirit of a gentleman to Yukino, he would be very sad.

"Whatever you like." Xue Nao tilted her head, and then left the room.

Looking at Yukino who was leaving, Qianjia was also thinking: "Although it is very good, this type does not seem to match me. By the way, Yukino seems to have said about full-body socks before?"


Fourth! This is the fourth one! Fourth, even more verbal!

There are still 190 chapters owed! Ask for votes! (To be continued.)



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