Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 439: Nothing more

Cangqiao is a cable fan.

His camera is Sony, the Walkman is Sony, the TV is Sony, and the game console is also Sony PS. He likes Pokemon very much, but he doesn't play Pokemon because Pokemon is Nintendo.

As a fan, Kurahashi insists on the principle of "Sony is good." As long as you can use Sony, try to use Sony. Without Sony, you can barely use other brands, but if only Nintendo is available, Kurahashi would prefer No need to.

Sony is good, Sony is good, because it is important, so I have to say it twice.

On the basis of Suofan, Kurahashi is still a game lover. Of course, the premise of game lover is based on the foundation of Suofan. If it is a Nintendo game, then there is nothing to say.

So when PS has any new products, Cangqiao will buy and buy at the first time. It can be said that half of his salary is spent on PS games.

As for the other half, it is spent on other Sony products.

So Sony is good.

On the PS, one of Kurahashi's favorite game is Resident Evil.

The story created by Resident Evil, and the gameplay of Resident Evil, these are things that Kurahashi likes. Of course, the most important thing is the theme of Resident Evil's zombies.

The Japanese have a natural love for spirituality. Various novels and movies of similar themes can be said to be endless. Movies such as Midnight Ring and The Grudge, zero series, and corpse party games are all of Japanese interest. thing. As far as the latest issue is concerned, the Midnight Ring has only been released for a month. Recently, there have been many topics.

"Plants vs. Zombies?"

However, Cangqiao discovered a game listed today, the game is called "Plants vs. Zombies."

Cangqiao became interested when he saw the words "zombie" and "zombie".

However, after seeing the cover clearly, Cangqiao was stunned.

Very...cartoon style.

Yes, it's totally different from that horrible zombie. It's a Q-version style with bright colors.

Is this a casual game?

This is a casual game of the zombie series?

Cangqiao understood.

This is a casual game that uses plants to fight zombies.


As a horror game lover, Kurahashi's face became very strange.

He has thought about the forms of many types of zombie-themed games, because the game of Resident Evil is very interesting, and any form is released. They all seem pretty good.

But this thing...

What the **** is this?


"Resident Evil 2" was first released on the PS platform on January 29.

Unlike the first story that focuses on the castle, the second-generation plot is completely concentrated in a city.

The transliteration is called Lycan City, and the free translation is called Raccoon City, in this whole city. A huge crisis broke out.

Sometimes, Cangqiao also thought in his mind, if one day, the people around him suddenly become zombies one day...How terrible is this?

It's a mess, Cangqiao picked up this game that he felt very funny at first sight.

Although I don't know what this game is like, but... maybe you can adjust the terrible scene in your heart after playing it?

With this feeling in mind, Kurahashi picked up the game.

After returning home, Cangqiao immediately took out his PS game console, and then put this Plants vs. Zombies disc into it.

With a burst of fresh music sounded. He finally entered the game.

"I feel pretty good."

Although Cangqiao didn't have much expectations for this game at the beginning, the sudden appearance of the game screen and music made Cangqiao feel that the game is not too bad.

Then, Cangqiao entered the game.

Following the prompts, Kurahashi follows the familiar game flow step by step.

Well, it feels good, but...

Cangqiao shook his head.

Sure enough, this Q version style is not suitable for use in zombie games.

"Omi's style is too strong, and this kind of ridiculous game. It really doesn't work..."

The game itself is actually very interesting, at least this fresh mode makes Cangqiao feel very interesting, as a small category of game. This is actually very good, but in Kurahashi's view, this kind of game is not the kind of game I imagined in my mind.

The Q version of zombies or something, it really doesn't work.

But Cangqiao did not feel much disappointed because of this. The quality of the game itself can be said to have surpassed his imagination. Overall, this is a good game.

I was not moved nor disappointed. It was just a very ordinary game. If there is a sequel, if you are interested, you will probably play it. Besides, there will be no more.

That's it.


"The information from Sony shows that our game sales are very average."

Among the clubs, Qianjia is conveying the results of "Plants vs. Zombies" to everyone.

"Isn't this game very fun?" After hearing what Chika said, Nana felt a little unbelievable.

"Well, this sales volume is actually very good for newcomers, at least it is profitable." Senxia said simply, "Our game is just an ordinary casual game, not a big game, so this This situation is actually very common."

"Senxia, ​​your words are clearly comforting us, but why do I feel very upset when I hear your words?" After Qianjia heard what Senxia said, she looked at Senxia with contempt. .

"I just told the truth."

Senxia was mentally prepared from the beginning, so when she learned that the work itself could still be profitable, Senxia already felt good.

At least it's a meal ticket, isn't it?

Although it won't be a big fire, it's good to have a long stream.

"Hey hey, Senxia-kun, you don't seem to say that, why do you have no ambition at this time!" Qianjia remembers that Senxia didn't say that.

However, Morinka just shrugged at this: "This game itself is not suitable for the Japanese environment. The sales here can make us profitable. I think this is already very good."

Lao Xu also said at this time: "For newcomers, there is such a game at this time. I think this is already a great thing, and this is also an accumulation of experience."

The game world is very cruel. As a game maker, the first game can save money. This is already very good. Although the sales are "average", it can basically make money. This is actually a very good thing.

"I know the truth, but why is this frustration..." Qianjia shook her head.

If it were replaced with an extra meal ticket before the launch of "You Girl Wars", Qianjia would probably be very happy too. But now that "Plants vs. Zombies" is on the market, the sales are not as popular as "You Girl Wars". What the **** is this?

"Well, at least there are still some discussion posts on the forum." Ono Daisuke came out at this time.

But just after he finished speaking, there was another sigh in the club.

There are indeed discussion posts on the forum, after all, this is a game made.

However, some people say that they are not doing their jobs properly, and what the **** did they do? ! Such topics are endless.

Although some people say that this game is very interesting, it is probably because most of the people here are otaku, so this kind of casual game is not in line with their radio waves.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ...... a big heart, fire!" Thousands of good super dissatisfied, "Plascencia Jun, you put on women to please me!"

"Why are you upset? You want me to wear women's clothing to please you!" Senxia's complaints have turned into a stress response.

"Furthermore, we were mentally prepared from the beginning. Now that the game is profitable, this is a good thing for us! A good thing, right!"

Yes, although the sales and response can only be said to be average, according to Sony's view, they think this game is actually quite good, and they are also willing to continue to cooperate with Morinia.

But it's just unhappy.

Obviously "Plants vs. Zombies" seems to be very good, but after the work was released, it was like a stone thrown into the ocean, and it did not cause much response.

Both the previous "You Girl Wars" and "EVA-retake" are all topical works. Although these are not the works of the club, they are things Morinka has in his hands, and he wrote this kind of thing. , Can also make everyone in the club feel proud.

"It's too plain!" Qianjia started shooting the case. "The root cause of our unhappiness now is because this work is so plain!"

" indeed." Senxia also understood.

Obviously everyone has a great sense of expectation, but they did not expect that things will turn out like this in the end. This is where everyone feels the most uncomfortable. Although they can make money, they are not happy in their hearts!

"Mori Xia-kun, I have decided that we must be a masterpiece in the future, and we must be a topical work. This kind of work is absolutely not good!" Qianjia made up his mind, "We are a club, and we must reject mediocrity!"

"I didn't think about the general works from the beginning. If they are produced, they must be high-quality ones!" Morinka actually thinks this way. With Qianjia's burning fighting spirit, Morinka seems to have found the game. Obsession.


Everyone fell silent, and Qianjia's expression became more and more weird after hearing the call...


The first update today, continue to codewords, roar~ (to be continued.)

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