Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 443: Idol, fate!

When they came to the meeting place at Sega headquarters, Sega’s people, Chika and Ayana were already waiting here. 【No pop-up window..】

Different from the previous talks, their discussion this time is more technical, mainly discussing how the chat system is embedded in the host and the impact on the host.

After confirming the situation, the latter part will begin. Depending on the situation, Sega may send someone to the Celestial Empire, or Ma will stay in Japan for a period of time.

Although it seems to be going well, the whole thing is not that simple.

After Sega got this idea, they have been demonstrating. Their conclusion is that this kind of communication mode is indeed very good for DC, especially the main network system of DC. If players can communicate, this is simply unnecessary. Great.

Unlike the original situation, Sega seems to have paid more attention to the interconnection system under the changes of Senxia, ​​but at this time they first thought of not cooperation, but to build such a system by themselves.

Although Dad Qianjia is a shareholder, he is not the most influential one. In this matter, he is actually powerless.

The person who persuaded Sega was Qianjia herself.

Sega is indeed able to develop such a system, but they still need to maintain this system later, and the development itself also requires time and cost.

However, outsourcing is different, especially Xiao Ma from Tianchao, whose commission is almost half of the total cost, and Qianjia smoothly convinced them that if there is a problem with the system, if this is their If you do it yourself, then they will eat the bitter fruit, but if it is outsourced to the Heavenly Dynasty, then they can push the black pot.

After Sega’s argumentation, they felt that this model was indeed more cost-effective than implementing this system on their own, so they would later agree to let Brother Xiaoma implement this system, after all. Xiao Ma has already made a qicq here. It's better to use ready-made technology than to develop it yourself.

Sega's compromise. Moriha is also clear, because they are working on a super big game Shenmue, which can save money and save money, and coupled with the unscrupulous Qianjia senior sister's efforts, the matter is considered to be settled.

So there is this action of Brother Xiao Ma.

Step into Sega headquarters. Xiao Ma's mood is tense and excited. If this time is the college entrance examination, Xiao Ma will definitely be able to write a full score composition on this subject.

For Morinka and Qianjia, Xiao Ma was very grateful, and helped himself when he was at his lowest point.

Xiao Ma is not a white-eyed wolf, so he remembers the help of both of them. In terms of personal character, among entrepreneurs, Xiao Ma is quite admirable. Perhaps he brought a lot of copycat works, but among the co-founders, Xiao Ma is relatively good to other co-founders.

"Meeting again, Mr. Sakagi, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Thomson." It was Sakagi and the others who met Morika, but there was another man with glasses.

"Ah, it's Mr. Sato!"

Before Morinka and the others greeted him, the man with glasses stood up in exclamation when he saw Sato Ichiro coming in.

"Legend of the lawyer world, Sato of Steel!" That's right. This person is Sega's lawyer, and Morinatsu and the others' Uncle Sato seems to be their idol.

"Sure enough, it is you! The young lawyer who fought against the prosecutor, Yuzhe Takao! That legend who gallops in the legal world!" The other party was really excited.

"Ah, you have a good reputation. And I haven't been a criminal lawyer for a long time." Criminal cases are almost done by lawyers when they appear on the scene. This kind of work for the country is basically nothing, but Sato Ichiro can almost I reversed all the criminal cases in my hands, and it was so lively with the talented prosecutor Yongzhe Xiao on the battlefield of the lawyers’ circle. You know, that genius prosecutor has brought so many lawyers down!

"In Shimooraki Aragoro, it is an honor to see your Excellency today!"

The other party actually bowed to Sato Ichiro, and Sato Ichiro also followed the other side to pay back.

Senxia turned her head, and saw that the corners of Sakagi's mouth twitched slightly.

Uh, it’s no wonder that they still have to sign a contract today. As a result, the lawyers have already surrendered as soon as they met. Is this a woollen thread?

Although the matter itself was not big, the lawyers were so subdued before the commercial discussion. This is simply cheating!

Well, but as I said before, this matter itself is not big, and outsourcing can save yourself money. That's it...

This passerby named Aragoro Oriki, and his job afterwards was to discuss specific matters with Ichiro Sato. Chika gave Mori summer a gesture and followed along, and Morinka, Ayana, and Xiao Ma, Discuss specific matters related to this communication system with Thomas and Jackson.

"Our communication system uses voice communication. The host has limited support for the keyboard, but voice does not hinder it. It is carried out through voice." Senxia explained.

"I have already understood the basic situation of the software. If we want to cooperate, what we have to manage now is the content of resources." Thomas said, "We want to know the information about system resource usage in this system."

"In this regard, please don't worry. Our qicq already has a running instance on the win system, which occupies very little resources, and the use of a voice communication system will not occupy too much resources." Because it is an American relationship, so They can understand English.

Thomas nodded: "That's it. The new generation of machines that we are developing at Sega attach great importance to the performance of the machine. After discussions, we decided to integrate a chip dedicated to processing the network system on the machine. Including fiber broadband data and the resources consumed by the communication system, these must be processed by this chip."

After hearing the other party's words, Morinia nodded, just adding a chip, which does not seem to be a problem for dc, and only dealing with network and voice words, it is much simpler, and it is not How good a chip is needed, so the added cost is extremely limited.

When it comes to communication software, most people may think of the so-called yy voice system, but if people come from an earlier era, they will generally mention a "pp dot dot communication" software... Well, but that is the era Tears.

As for the communication system they need, it doesn't need very complicated functions. For now, it's good to be able to realize simple voice communication.

In fact, in Senxia's opinion, if you can, what video or live broadcast is the best way to do it, but it's just his idea. And this thing cannot be done in the United States, because the Internet bubble is about to burst in more than a year, and the game can survive, but this does not mean that other Internet industries can grow in reverse. After this period of time, probably From 2001 to 2002, thinking about this kind of thing again, it seems not bad.

Of course, fewer functions are also beneficial, that is, the resource occupancy ratio is very low, so qicq can now be stuffed into dc.

However, Senxia is also a little curious about what they are going to do, whether to burn qicq into the system, or to get an extra memory and then release the system?

Sega didn't seem to have any plans to keep it secret, but they couldn't disclose the specific information to Senxia. Otherwise, Senxia and Sega should be sitting together to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Since Sega didn't mean this, Senxia didn't intend to take care of it anymore. Maybe someone has new ideas that can be added to DC now.

Although Senxia feels that Sega is not saved, he is also very proud of his small changes. When the butterfly's wings get bigger and bigger, the impact he can have will be greater.

Now it has a small impact on Sega. In the future, his influence may be spread to the world, so that the gentlemen of the world can cheer and sing together. This is our wish to speak up!

Morinatsu is not a technician, and it is Xiao Ma and Ayana, who was temporarily arrested as a helper, explaining about qicq.

Senxia looked at these people from Sega, and he was also speculating in his mind, if Sega really built such a chat system, then what should they do to install a headset microphone? Or just make a hole in the handle?

Well, no matter what he does, it is impossible for Sega to play with this system anyway.

"...In addition, regarding the mod system you mentioned before, we have also conducted some demonstrations. The privately produced system is indeed very helpful, but it is more likely to cause trouble due to some uncontrollable But if it is official There is no problem with making downloadable content.” Thomas suddenly talked about another problem.

"Is Sega planning to add this kind of dlc content to the new host?" Senxia noticed at this time.

The other party nodded: "Yes, we have actually considered this part of the creativity ourselves, but your ideas are more mature than our medicine, and they are of reference significance."

Isn't that nonsense, we are the wisdom accumulated by the majority of game manufacturers for more than ten years!

Senxia murmured silently in her heart. As one of the proponents of dlc, Sega, after seeing the technology of the future, is really interested in it...


I went to the hot springs, the biggest feeling is... it’s so cool to go home and take a bath owo

The more I have been there, the more I understand that the hot spring paradise is really different from the kind of separate hot spring pool. It is also uncomfortable to take a bath in the hot spring in swimming trunks... (to be continued.)



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