Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 449: We...forgot Valentine's Day! ! !

Perhaps many people have felt this way, that is the daily school time, time flies very slowly, but once it’s the holiday day, the time passes by, and the holiday is over if you haven’t enjoyed yourself yet. Up. 【No pop-up window..】

"——So, in order to make our holiday full, these jobs are necessary."

After dinner, Qianjia began to arrange tasks.

After seeing the full schedule, Mori was shocked.

"If you are on holiday, you should take a good rest. What's more, the time is not enough for me to write scripts!" Senxia protested.

"Because it's a holiday!" Qian Jia looked like a matter of course, "Because it is this short holiday, we have to enrich our lives and not let the holiday slip away in vain! Every day we are drunk and dream of death, and then spend the last two days. It’s so interesting to finish homework and start school! At this level, you will be completely useless!"

"If you can have that kind of vacation, please let me experience it. I also want to feel like a cripple!"

It has been a long time since Moriha has had this kind of vacation. Now even if he is on vacation, he basically has no rest... No, it should be said that the situation that Moriha is facing now is that he is more than his usual self on vacation. busy……

So when other people are looking forward to the holiday, Moriha doesn't expect it at all. For him, the biggest advantage of the holiday is that if he has something to do, he can finally no longer need to ask for leave and will not be absent.

What Senxia never expected was that at this moment, Qianjia actually came up with a schedule, saying that we were going to have a "fulfilling" holiday... Senxia was about to set the table now.

"Brother must not be a waste chai human!" However, before Qian Jia had spoken, Xue Na next to her spoke up. She looked at Senxia with a serious look, "My brother is such a great person, why should he be a waste chai human!"

"Ahem, I'm just complaining about it. I'm just complaining about it. Xuenao doesn't need to care..."

Senxia quickly explained.

"Although the holiday in March is very short, this holiday is a preview of our summer vacation!" Qian Jia added at this time.

"What does this have to do with the summer vacation?" Senxia vomited, "Our work during the summer vacation. Isn't it going to be a big show?"

"Those jobs can be handed over to other people. This is my last summer vacation in high school. Of course, I have to spend a very memorable vacation!" Qianjia said naturally.

Speaking of this, Qian Jia looked at Lihua: "Now. Lihua, what do you think about this? You can also spend this summer vacation!"

"Summer vacation..." Lihua seemed to have thought of something, she shook her head, "No, I'm in summer vacation. I have arrangements at home."

There seemed to be some inexplicable meaning in this voice.

It always feels... it seems a little subtle.

Although Senxia felt that Lihua didn't feel angry or disappointed, he did feel some strange feelings.

Should be lost? Still depressed?

When Qianjia mentioned the summer vacation, Senxia felt this feeling.

"Well, Lihua, let's talk about you at that time." Qian Jia frowned. But he didn't say much about it. "But this holiday serves as a summer vacation preview, which is inevitable and necessary."

"Why must it be like this!"

Senxia Tucao.

"Because I didn't notice until after the past-our school, the daily atmosphere is really strange!" Qianjia said solemnly.

"...What?" Senxia inexplicably.

"——So, Valentine's Day!" Qianjia said, "On Valentine's Day, let's forget all the chocolates!"

"That kind of thing is forbidden by the school! It is absolutely not allowed to mess with these impure relationships between men and women!" Qian Jia just finished speaking, and Lihua stood up.

"But chocolate or something is a must. I just remembered it right after White Day. It's a mistake..."

At that time, Senxia and the others were still immersed in the joy of publishing. Although there is Valentine's Day, Senxia and their school prohibit such boy and girl friends.

It is precisely because of this many reasons. So Qianjia and the others basically forgot about it on February 14.

As for why I think of it again, it is because it is March and it will be White Day.

Valentine's Day is the time when girls give gifts to boys, and White Day is when boys give gifts to girls one month after Valentine's Day.

"On that day. I made chocolate for my brother!" Yukino smiled.

"Eh eh eh?!" Qianjia was surprised, "Why do I know?!"

"Well, because you were so happy that day, I didn't tell you." Xue Nao smiled.

"Xuno will give me chocolates every year. It's nothing strange, and it's not love or something." Senxia didn't care about it.

Qianjia disagrees with this: "Mori-kun, you are mistaken. Valentine's Day is not about who is giving gifts. It is part of high school life! As an outstanding student in a Japanese high school, he participates in clubs, hot spring trips, and accommodations. Training camps, school trips, cultural festivals, sports festivals, Valentine's Day, voting for the cutest girl in the class, go to the locker room to peek..."

&nbsop! ""wrong! "Sinxia and Qianjia spoke in unison.

"Why is the situation you said later, sister-in-law, the stranger it is!"

"Anything that violates school rules is absolutely not allowed!"

It wasn't until after these words were said that Senxia and Qianjia seemed to be conscious. They looked at each other, and Lihua blushed and looked away.

"Speaking of which, in the campus works, cultural festivals, Valentine's Day and Christmas, etc., seem to be formulaic things." Mori Xia thought, "There are also things like the beach or hot springs..."

Morinia summed up her experience of watching the show.

"Yes, in the scenes that frequently appear in animation and comics, but in the real world, we have never tried it. Isn't this too much? The most basic elements, according to my plan, we all We have to rehearse. Otherwise, this or that kind of thing will always hinder us." Qianjia talked freely, but she still looked reasonable, "Like last time, when we went to the hot springs, Even the most important fireworks were not released. This is simply the negligence of high school students!"

"As a negligent high school student, I'm really sorry..." Senxia complained.

"So, whether it is Morinia, Xuena or Lihua or other people, these experiences are all necessary. Among the few remaining high school experiences, we must complete these things!" Qianjia Righteousness is awe-inspiring.

"Not allowed is not allowed. The main job of high school students is to study!" Lihua wanted to correct Qianjia's mistakes.

"Ahem," Morika coughed, "Senior Qianjia, it is precisely because we can't do those things in the real world, that's why we seek such truth in the world of animation!"

"If it can be done in animation, we should be able to do it in the real world!" Qianjia said rightly, "We have missed a Valentine's Day, and there must be no mistakes in our lives after that! Well, just Let’s start this White Day, Senxia-kun, this is your first task during the holiday, and that is to give us Valentine’s Day gifts."

"Eh...?" Senxia was stunned, "Wait, you guys didn't give me Valentine's Day chocolates! White Valentine's Day or something, it should be a gift in return!"

"So, Qianjia, stop messing around. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!" Lihua also stood up.

"Ah la la, Lihua, are you shy?" Qian Jia looked at Lihua, "Is my heart pounding when I think of Senxiajun's gift?"

"...No, no!" Lihua had a serious face originally, but after hearing Qianjia's words, the whole person was instantly shaken.

"Do you dare to touch your heart, and tell me righteously that you haven't?" Qian Jia held the part of her left chest with her hand, and put it in front of Lihua, "Ask yourself!"

"I, I didn't think so at all, that kind of thing is not allowed, absolutely not!"

Senxia looked at Lihua. She was completely dizzy at this time. If it were expressed in animation, Qianjia might have become a circle at this time, right?

"Well, on that day, why don't we go where to play together, how about?" Xueno stood up at this time, "Since this is not appropriate, why don't we go where to play together? Let brother pay the money. Do your best, is that all right?"

Hearing what Yukino said, Lihua seemed to have caught a life-saving straw: "Although impure relationships are not allowed, it is still possible to go out and play."

" That's it." Qianjia shrugged, she didn't care about this, as long as the talk was done, "And, Lihua, you better change your personality a bit, Our new principal is said to abolish some rigid and useless school regulations and bring a new atmosphere to our school."

Last year, the principal of Sakino School changed to a new one. I heard that the other party seemed to be quite young and still a woman, but the other party seemed to be busy before, so he never showed his face, so everyone didn’t know what happened. Going on.

However, as far as Morika knows, the other party doesn't seem to have made too many changes, but the new school year is coming soon, maybe there will be changes?

"It's a happy decision, then let Mori-kun invite us out to play!"

Qianjia gave the highest instructions from the central government.


Make up yesterday's second update

Go on with the codeword (to be continued.)



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