Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 453: I have never seen such a brazen person!

Nana has a lot of things at hand. On the one hand, her album is ready to be released-although it is only an album released under the name of the heroine Kadura Chisato, this is indeed Nana’s first album since her debut. An album-those before high school don't count. 【..】

In addition, Nana also has a voice-over job.

"I'm thinking, are we going to arrange a professional office for Nana-chan, and we can act as Nana-chan's agent. Isn't that better?" Morinatsu offered her own opinion.

"This seems to be a bit troublesome." Qian Jia also nodded.

There are several types of voice actors. Generally speaking, they are divided into office voice actors and free voice actors. The latter has a lot more freedom than the former, but they are usually big-name voice actors. They have channels and channels. For newcomers, they do it every day. They are waiting to be assigned to work in the office, and their job is simpler. It is impossible to be a voice actor. Basically, it is to dub some supporting actors or "blowing" for imported films...Don't think about it, That is, localized dubbing. Of course, blockbuster films have the treatment of blockbuster films, and the newcomers are usually dubbed for children's films or some low-production films.

Nana's words, in a strict sense, she should belong to the second type, because she doesn't have an office at all, and Mori and the others are not an office at all. But on the other hand, Morinatsu and the others are able to bring Nana to Nana, because they are also animation investors. Even if they say "I want to make an animation popular with you", no one will think that accident.

Of course, Mori Xia does not have to force Nana to find a firm. After thinking about it, he reorganized the language: "I think Nana's current level still needs experience. Her level is very good, but I think Nana It shouldn't just stop at the voice actors."

Nana's voice and singing are excellent, but she is still a high school student who has just graduated.

"Indeed, Nana-chan also has a set of singing... By the way, just ask Nana herself!" Qianjia greeted. Called Nana who was cleaning the table, "Nana-chan, do you like to be more voice actors or singers?"

Nana looked at Qianjia. Looking at Senxia again, she tilted her head and thought about it, and then came to the conclusion: "I like it very much!"

"Well, sure enough." Senxia was not surprised.

"My dream is to dub more animations, if I can. I even want to go to the Red and White Songs Club!" Nana expressed his ambitions.

No wonder you will be a cv in "Zhan Ji Jue Sang"...

Morika murmured in her heart, that the setting that can be dubbed and sing is really suitable for Nana, and in Zeng Ji Sushou, the protagonists also sing and dance, which really fits Nana's character. It's...

"Well, let me think about it..." Chika thought for a while, and then said, "We have a good relationship with Musashino now, although we can arrange for Nana to be the protagonist. But for Nana, the burden is still too heavy. ."

After all, it is a newcomer, even if Nana tries to control it, it is not that simple to improve the feeling of great reading. This is something that must be experienced. On the contrary, Nana’s singing is very dedicated and emotional. Maybe she should train her to be a singer first?

Nationwide song Ji Nana sauce?

Senxia shook his head and cleared this strange idea from his head.

"Yo Xi," Qianjia thought about it. Then I looked at Nana and said, "Nana-chan, I will arrange some supporting roles for you regarding voice actors. After a year or two of experience, I think you should be able to be the lead player. As for singing, I will find a way. Please help you with a professional teacher. You have graduated now, and you will be training for about half a year before that time."

Although graduated from high school. But for ordinary training, how can a one-on-one vocal teacher come well?

"Hi!" After hearing Chika's instructions, Nana also became energetic.

After getting this deal done, Morinka stretched.

"Huh, it's finally over." He sighed with emotion.

Basically everything that needs to be done has been done, and the following things are much simpler.

"Well, let me think about it." Qianjia was not so relaxed as Senxia, ​​she took out the calendar next to her, and then she looked at it and thought.

"What's the matter?" Senxia was about to go back to write the essay, and then she saw Qian Jia's frown.

"It's nothing, just suddenly thought of something." Qian Jia faintly explained, "Some things about summer vacation."

"……summer vacation?"

Yesterday, Senxia heard Qianjia talk about summer vacation. Could it be that she is here again today?

But Senxia noticed Qianjia's thoughtful look, and it didn't seem to be the case.

Qianjia thought for a while, then turned her head to look at Morinia: "Menxia, ​​do you think there is something wrong with Lihua recently?"

"...What's wrong?" Senxia lowered her head in thought.

Although Senxia and the president are not as close as Qianjia, the two have been together for a long time, and Senxia's impression of Lihua...well, it should be said that it is very unique.

"It seems, it is a little bit." Morinka thought for a while, "Since the Chinese New Year meeting with the president, I often feel that something is not right."

Yes, I met for the first time after the New Year. At that time, Morika realized that Lihua's condition seemed a little bit wrong.

After arriving, Senxia found that the other party seemed to be something more wrong. Can you talk about gloves and blush? What the **** is this?

But what Qianjia wants to ask does not seem to be this matter.

Senxia can vaguely feel it.

"Speaking of which... Yesterday's president did not seem to be right when talking about summer vacation."

Senxia thought of Lihua's expression yesterday.

That expression is absolutely unusual.

"Really, you don't know Senxia-kun." Qianjia held her chest as if thinking about something.

"Is it because of Qianjia-senpai, what did you do?" Although the expression yesterday didn't seem to be because of Qianjia's relationship, it did not prevent Mori from thinking about the time when President Lihua was bullied by Qianjia.

"I have discovered these days. Whenever the president sees you, she will shrink her head subconsciously. Obviously, she is terribly scared of you!" The detective Senxia has already seen through!

"Ah la la, don't worry about it." Qianjia waved her hand, "this matter is not the same thing as what we are worried about!"

No, Senior Sister Qianjia, because you said that, I think this matter is even more suspicious!

"Ah la la, I didn't bully Lihua, you just have to remember this, Senxia-kun~" After seeing Senxia unmoved, Qianjia denied it again.

"No, it must be bullying, it must be bullying! Senior sister, if you haven't bullied the president, don't turn your head!" Senxia found that her proficiency in Tucao skills has been x.

"Lihua and I are just doing some interesting things. This can't be regarded as bullying." Qianjia refused to admit it, and took a bite back. "It's you, Senxia Jun. You always ask me about girls. What exactly are you trying to do, is it ill-intentioned and intended for our president?"

What did Zhuge Liang say?

"I have never seen such a brazen person!" Morinya looked at Qian Jia with contempt, "Senior Sister, your method of changing the subject is outdated!"

"Hey, have you been seen through?" Qian Jia sighed softly, then turned his head to the other side.

"So this thing really started because of Qianjia-senpai you!" Senxia concluded.

However, Qian Jia still shook his head: "No, if I say that I am helping Lihua, do you believe it?"

Just after finishing talking, Qian Jia noticed that Senxia was still looking at herself with contempt. This appearance is clearly saying "I said I believe, do you believe it?"

Qianjia certainly didn't believe it.

But at this time, Qianjia’s face fell silent unexpectedly. Affected by this atmosphere, Moria, with her stern face, seemed to feel something different: "Although I am bullying Lihua, when I bully her At the time, I did feel something different. After she was bullied by me, she seemed to feel a little...feel...relaxed?"

Qianjia couldn't describe that feeling easily, so she herself was a little uncertain.

"...So the chairman is so characterised by you as a joke?" Senxia couldn't stop talking about it.

"You don't need to care about this~!" Qianjia waved her hand, "But didn't Freud say that tremendous pressure can turn pain into a placebo."

"When did Freud say this? Don't think I haven't seen Freud!" Senxia is also someone who has seen Freud once, although he can't apply what he learned, but Senxia still knew what was in it.

At least Freud never said what Qianjia said just now.

"Well..." Qianjia began to change the subject, "Anyway, Lihua's state is absolutely unusual. She and I have been good friends for more than ten years. I even know when she was last in bed~www.mtlnovel. com~ I don’t know anything about her."

Qianjia was not ashamed of it, and this time Morinia was passing by: "Then senior sister, what do you think is the matter?"

Qian Jia shook his head: "I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I will investigate it carefully."

Senxia also nodded in agreement, and continued to add: "I think this matter is also related to President Lihua's family. Although I am just guessing, it is not caused by her being too depressed at home?"

"There may be some relationship. In short, I will investigate the matter, and you will help me pay attention to it on weekdays! When I bully Lihua, you remember not to help!"

Morika: "..."


Well, this is the third update today~





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