Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 482: Please let me join!

"What are you talking about? The president just didn't look at me directly!" Senxia was quite speechless. 【No pop-up window..】

From the moment President Lihua came in and then left, it was clear to her that only Qianjia was right. She appeared in the dust, and then left quickly, only showing up for one minute.

"...That's because this clumsy guy doesn't know how to deal with you when you are in school." Qianjia smiled and looked at Morika, "And I don't think she came here because of me!"

"That, that!" Rena could not wait to interrupt the conversation between the two of them, "Mori-kun, is there something between you and the president?!"

By the way, Rena seems to admire Kichijoin Lihua very much...

Senxia suddenly realized that she probably heard something from Qianjia and her own words.

This... really hard to say.

Morinya scratched her head: "Should be considered a good relationship...friend?"

AUO or above, less than lovers...

Well, to be precise, it should be like this.

"Okay... friend?" Rena looked suspiciously at Morika, then glanced at Qianjia next to her.

"Ah, not me, they are both my rivals in love." Qianjia shrugged.

Eh? Are both rivals in love?

Mori-kun and the chairman have a different gender, right? Could it be that the chairman is a boy? No, it should be that Mori-kun is more likely to be a's not right, is Qianjia-senpai bisexual? Are they being attacked by someone at the same time? Or did they fall in love with a girl at the same time?

Rena was completely confused.

"Senior Sister Qianjia, don't use such inexplicable words to mislead people!" Morinya rolled her eyes directly, and then said to Rena, "Sorry, Reina, it bothered you. If Sister Qianjia, you should be treated as such. Haven't heard of it."

But Rena did not immediately answer Morika, she seemed to fall into silence.

"... Rena?" Is the opponent angry at this time?

Senxia looked at each other worriedly.

But at this time. Rena suddenly raised her head, then walked to Morika, and looked at Morika with a fiery gaze: "Morika-kun! Please let me join the Institute of Modern Visual Art!"


Rena suddenly said that he wanted to join their club, but Morika didn't react.

"Wait. Rena, what are you talking about?"

Wasn't she still very hesitant before, but why is Rena's gaze so firm now?

This is not scientific!

"Please be sure to let me join Xianshiyan! Mori Xiajun!"

When Rena spoke, his voice was firm, but after speaking. She seemed to think of something, but her face turned red.

"Oh, this is good news, gratifying and congratulating, gratifying and congratulating~"

Although unexpected, Qianjia welcomed Rena to join.

"Yo Xi, let's continue to prepare our new recruiting advertisement. In any case, we will have to bring in at least two or three people this time. Only in this way can we continue to pass on the current research!" Qianjia cheered .

"..." Senxia didn't speak, because he didn't know what to say at this time.

But anyway, since Rena has joined the current research, this is a good thing...probably.

"I remember that Ji Ye has a lot of tea sets. I will ask her to bring something over tomorrow. No matter what, we have to live a little bit of ordinary life in an ordinary society." Qianjia seems to be a little obsessed with "ordinary".

After that, the work of the three people was to draw publicity advertisements here. When everything was done, it was almost five o'clock in the evening.

"Yo Xi. Come here today," Qian Jia looked at the time, and now there is still one way to go before school is completely over. "Okay, I will take you to some desserts, this is consolation!"

With a big wave of her hand, she took Morinka and Rena very smartly and left the school, and then came to a cafe near the school.

This feels pretty good.

The three of them went into the cafe and sat down and ordered some desserts. This indeed seems to be something that ordinary girls' high school students should do.

Senxia nodded in her heart.

Hey, that's not right, I seem to be a man...

Speaking of it, male high school students should be playing basketball enthusiastically at this time, or go to the amusement hall to do something...

Forget it, let's take the materials, aren't these two girls high school students in the legend, although one of them is not normal, they are finally girls high school students.

As for the game, who cares about the daily life of male high school students!

You said that if these male high school students change into women’s clothing and go to work in a maid cafe after class, we might be more interested...

After ordering three drinks and three snacks, the three settled here.

"Mori-kun and senior seem to be busy all the time." Rena asked curiously at first.

She is really curious.

Because whenever Rena passes by the Visual Research Department, she always sees Morika staying in it alone. He always sits seriously in front of the computer and taps something, but in this room, except Morika , There is no one else at all.

What about the others who are currently seeing research? Why is Senxia-kun always staying in that place alone?

Rena... very curious.

"Well, the operation of the club is very troublesome. I have to write a manuscript. Senior Sister Qianjia has to manage the entire club. This is not a simple matter. Rather, we have time to chat here now. A rare situation." Senxia shook her head and sighed.

"The club...!" Rena was surprised.

"Well, it's just a company that makes games. My daily routine is responsible for writing scripts and the like." Senxia briefly introduced.

"Okay, amazing..." Rena's eyes widened. She never expected that this would be the case.

Mori-kun, they have a formal company club, and they are still making games?

Are they not high school students like themselves!

Some absurd feelings came up in Rena's mind.

At this time, Rena thought of what these two people had said before. They really didn't seem to be "average" high school students.

It is precisely because these two are super-high-level students that they can create their own clubs at this time.

Probably because they have such superhuman talents, they work seriously on weekdays, and because of this, they are very interested in ordinary life...

After Rena figured this out in his mind, he really sighed.

But what she didn't know was that Morinatsu and Chika actually sneered at the so-called ordinary life. The only thing they were interested in was the daily life of female high school students...

"Well, what game are you playing?" Rena asked curiously.

&nbame...Uh, it's a text adventure game, but it's specially for boys. "Senxia felt that the other party probably didn't understand the meaning of game, so she explained another sentence later.

"There is also an rpg role-playing game... Well, yes, there is also a casual "Plants vs. Zombies". If you are interested in Rena, you can try it with a PS game console." Qianjia finally Don't forget to promote your work.

Although Rena didn't play games very much, at this time, she was still listening to them very seriously.

"But then again, games and other things are really incompatible with our school. Although I really want to promote game culture in my school, it seems impossible... Ah, the truth is all seen. The whole school in the class was playing the game we made." Qian Jia sighed.

"Same feeling." Senxia also nodded. This kind of aristocratic school is actually relatively insensitive to these modern things. Everyone knows games, but it is difficult to cause a trend in the school. Maybe there are many people who like to play games, but few will discuss them publicly in school, so even if everyone is playing high in private, they will not become a topic in school.

"Although I rarely play games, if there are interesting games, then I will probably try it." Rena said his attitude.

"Well, it doesn't matter, our game is basically masculine, and Rena probably won't like this kind of thing either." Mori Xia shrugged. His and Qianjia's philosophy has always been "gentleman-oriented". Say it or don't say it, if you don't miss your mouth, it will be troublesome.

"But in addition to games, Senxia Jun still writes." Qian Jia added.

"Ah, it turns out that Mori-kun is still a writer!" Rena was surprised.

"It's nothing, it's light, it's nothing on the stage." Morinya shook her head, "And it's not written for girls either..."

Well, they are all written for the guys. Girls are really not suitable. When Morinya writes, she doesn't consider women as her reading client group.

"It's okay, as long as it was written by Morinata-kun! It's very interesting! It's like the script that Morinata-kun made last year!" Rena looked at Morinya very mentally, "Please tell me the title of the book!"

"Uh, what I'm serializing is "You Girl Wars" finally said what she wrote.

"So you are the great teacher Xia Sen!" Rena exclaimed, "Xia Sen, Senxia...that's the case!"

Because the Chinese characters are all the same, Rena immediately discovered the connection between Morinka and Natsumi. If it is a pseudonym, it is difficult to associate it.

"Rena also read my book?" Morinya asked in surprise.

Rena shook her head: "No, but some of my friends like it very much. When shopping with them, everyone will mention it."

"That's it."

It turns out that we are also well-known in the school...Senxia felt a little smug in her heart.


The first update in March!

Ask for a monthly pass~ (To be continued.)



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