Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 491: Game foreign aid and black deep disabled

It was already the next day when Morinya met Gangki Ji and Dragon Knight 07. ∈↗, x.

When Morinka came to the animic meeting room, the two "young people" who had been sitting on the sofa stood up at this time.

"This is Ji Zong Gang Ki-san and Dragon Knight 07-san." Qianjia introduced the two to Morinka.

"Ms. Xia Sen!" The two men were also surprised by Sen Xia's appearance.

Although they knew that the other party was a high school student, they were still surprised after seeing Morinka herself.

In fact, these two people are not very old, but in relative terms, Morinia’s age is even more alarming. They are social people at any rate, but Morinia can be said to be true high school students here.

Senxia saw these two people, the first feeling was that they were very young.

As celebrities, the looks of these two people can be seen online, but compared to now, they seem to be much immature.

"I also read the two previous works last night, and I think they are really great." Mori summer praised, but compared to their current works, Mori summer actually looks forward to their "future" more works.

These two people are also foreign aid in the strict sense. They have not yet made the decision to join Mori Summer, but it doesn't matter, it is good for Mori Summer.

"Where, Xia Sen's work is amazing. I also tried the beta demo version of your "Guilty Crown". It is indeed very fascinating." Ji Zong Gangji sighed.

"Yeah, I originally thought that "Hen" and "Shizuku" of f company had been innovatively produced, and the later "to_heart" was already at its peak, but now I have seen a new landscape." The Dragon Knight was also amazed. .

The "Shizuku", "Scar" and "to_heart" mentioned by the Dragon Knight just now are all works made by f agency, and these three works are also great in Morinka's view. Because these works successfully changed the game from ergonomic orientation to plot orientation. In a sense, this is the same level of existence as works like "Autumn Memories", but the two sides have moved in two directions.

In the eyes of the Dragon Knights, Senxia's work is more radical.

Yes, Moriha's version of "Guilty Crown" uses a full-screen dialog mode. Similar to Fate and Tsukihime, most of the entire screen is occupied by text. This is a completely text-oriented game.

&nbame all appear in the form of dialogs, basically the dialogue between characters, but Morinka’s model is somewhat similar to the attempts of f agency.

What's more peculiar is that in the entire demo version, there is actually only one option to choose from, and one of the options is to open the door to kill, which is the dead end. This is equivalent to having no choice and only one ending.

But this strong plot orientation makes the whole story more attractive.

Both of them were influenced by this novel plot and setting.

This era is the era of game thriving, and this novel setting also affected the perception of the two.

"Since you all like my game, it is really great. If so, I will be able to hand over the script to you later." Senxia smiled.

"We can participate in the production of this work. This is the most important thing."

Ok. Young people, the most important thing is to be passionate.

Senxia still remembers. When Dragon Knight talked about his masterpiece, this guy didn’t talk about his own "Higurashi When They Cry" and "Sea Cat When They Cry" or other games. Instead, they talked about "rewrite", which is actually just past help. It's just a punch, it's the same as coming to help Morinya now.

At this time, Morinya is speculating, will this guy say that his masterpiece is actually "Crown of Sin"?

Cough. Mouthful.

"I think the mecha settings in this world are very interesting. The battle between the void and the mecha is also very interesting. I don't know if there is a void with mecha?" On the other side, Ji Zong Gangji thought of another thing. .

In the demo version, the setting has not been fully revealed, but the setting of the void itself is in the promotional description. So Ji Zong Gangji they all know.

"Who knows, maybe there are," Morinya smiled. "Void basically represents a person's ‘heartache’. Basically, this void weapon represents a person’s human weakness."

Now that I have already said it, Morinka simply stated this setting and assumption at this time: "For example, if a person's legs are injured and paralyzed, this person's desire is probably to stand up again, so this person's void It would be a mechanical prosthesis. Another example is a person who has been subjected to campus violence for a long time and then is very cowardly. The void of this person may be a pair of wings with him flying, or it may be a pair of hard armor. The'void' depends on this person. His soul and his own quality."

Hey, wait, why does it seem that there is a setting to accelerate the world mixed in?

Well, forget it, anyway, this is not very interesting.

At least Senxia thinks that it seems to be more interesting and emotional for this setting, anyway, the setting in the original book is similar.

As for the mecha, this is also the script in the original work.

Speaking of it, it seems that the original "Crown of Sin" has not been introduced yet.

The original Sin Crown refers to a Sao Nian named Yingmanji, who one day suddenly encountered a virtual idol who should have appeared on the Internet. And Qi Qi is a member of the resistance organization "Funeral Society", and with the support of Chao Shenya, he won a group of "Void Genes."

Later, the Void Gene was injected into Yingmanji's body in a series of yin and yang differences, giving him the power to extract the "emptiness" from other people's bodies. In this way, Yingmanji had the "king power".

Later, Ying Manji used this kind of power to single out the boss and brush his should have been like this.

But in fact, Sakura Manji is a typical Japanese protagonist who yells "I just want to live my daily life" every day while being coerced, but at this time, the second male character Chao Shenya appears and pulls him Into the funeral society.

Many viewers, including the former Mori Xia, were impressed by this male god-like Chao Shenya, and even more dissatisfied with Sakura Manji. There was no way, Chao Shenya was decisive, determined, and clever, just like a male god. The character, and Ying Manji is indecisive, and she can hardly force one.

However, when the story arrived in the script later, everything was gradually revealed. It turns out that Chao Shenya is just imitating the Ying Man Ji ten years ago, and Ying Man Ji has been smart and decisive after ten years. Hao Sao Nian became like this...

Later, Chao Shenya died, and after the hero's sister paper No. 2 School Article Festival died in order to treat Yingmanji, Yingmanji was finally blackened, and other students also showed The image of the classic pig teammate in the Japanese script finally betrayed when Ying Manji was about to succeed, and then Ying Manji was cut off by the resurrected Chao Shenya and took away the "king ♂ power".

Then Yingmanji obtained a new void gene, and regained the power of Wang ♂ and reconciled with others, and then another organization "Dart" that conspired to create a new world popped up, and then Yingman Ji fought a battle with each other, and in the end, he fought with the deity of Ji Qi, that is, Sakuraman's real name and Chao Shenya pk, and then saved the world. At the end, when Yingmanji was about to die, Ji Qi gave his life to Yingmanji, and then he died...

Well, it's almost such a story.

But now Morinka has handed over his own setting to Gunki Jizong and Dragon Knight. His setting is different from the original work. Strictly speaking, Morinka’s script is much darker than the original work. Up.

The void virus that was dropped on the earth actually spread from the sun, and the reason why the sun did this kind of thing was to respond to the earth calling for help from the universe. He spread this virus to eliminate the corrosive earth. Human beings are the viruses and destroyers of the world.

The earth's consciousness "Gaia" was threatened by humans, and then began to ask the sun, the lord of the galaxy, for help. This "solar virus" then invaded the earth with a solar storm.

The ending designed by Senxia is also divided into three versions, one is the table ending, the other is the inner ending, and the other is the true ending.

In the ending of the table, the funny religious organization "Dart" on the earth mistakenly believed that this was a miracle, thinking that mankind was about to begin to evolve, and then began to study this virus. It was also this religious organization that planned to spread the virus to the world. They wanted to destroy and evolve the old humans into new humans, but in the end, their ending was naturally prevented by the great Sakura Manji.

In the finale, it is revealed that the real purpose of this organization is actually to fight for the survival of mankind, but the protagonist obstructed them. Their actions are actually to hide the will of the earth "Gaia", and Yingmanji let everything It fell short, and at the end of the world, everyone turned into a void crystal and died.

In the true ending, Ying Manji learned that only communicating with the consciousness of the earth can stop everything. At this time, Qi Qi chose to sacrifice herself and entered the world of the heart.

And this part is the part of the evil crown rpg. In the reincarnation again and finally redeemed the human mind, and finally reached an agreement with Gaia.

The original ending ends until Qi Qi bids farewell to Ying Manji, but if you pass the rpg version of good_end, you will be able to see the future talk at this time, and you will be able to see the future talk-well, deliberately not letting the future talk, this is a conspiracy .

The ending of the magic change version is simply super healing, but the two goods in front of them are bright after seeing Senxia's script.

——Two people who can make super healing works like mv and chilly, for this kind of setting, it is just like a fish in water.

"Please let me join!" x2.

The two men spoke in unison.


The second one today! Is there any surprise for the second update so early?

It's not easy. The two hundred chapters of "The Crown of Sin" is finally about to be done... (To be continued.)



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