Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 493: Of course I bought a keyboard and ate it!

"I have saved the screenshot, and wait for the host to eat the keyboard. £∝, x."

Ichiro Kuroshima saved a screenshot of the post on the forum, and then took a vicious look at the id called "Tiger Cat in Battle".

Ichiro Kuroshima is an animation house. Although he also plays games, relatively speaking, he prefers animation.

But this does not hinder Kuroshima Ichiro's appreciation of "The Crown of Sin".

The novel pictures, the beautiful paintings and cg, and the bgm which is extremely compatible with the script, these are all very fascinating things. Although I don’t know what others think,

However, at this time, there are so many black posts on the forum. Is this still worth it? !

Especially this super hot "tiger cat in battle".

Although he was very angry, Ichiro Kuroshima still didn't take it to heart. After all, this is just a post from a vest. This kind of boring id is a vest at first glance.

Although this forum is not the same as other anonymous forums in Japan, there are still vests on this forum.

For example, now, when Ichiro Kuroshima saw this trumpet, which was only level 1, he gritted his teeth. His number is not ordinary. At any rate, Ichiro Kuroshima is a large size after three months of water. This is the number 11. Grade number!

With the water number of level 11, I ask you if you are afraid!

"You must let this guy eat the keyboard!" But Ichiro Kuroshima was still unwilling. He looked at the screen angrily at this time, wishing to kill the guy.

So unhappy!

But what should I do, there is no way I can kill him?

At this time, Ichiro Kuroshima looked at the picture, and he was quite unhappy.



Morinatsu sneezed while sitting in the observation room.

"Minxia-kun, you have worked hard." Rena brought the brewed black tea to Morinka in front of the table, and then gave another cup of black tea to Chika in front of another computer next to Morinka.

Qianjia rarely went to the animic club today, but chose to stay in the department with Morika.

In addition to Chika and Morika, Rena also stayed in this place. As for the utensils she used to make tea, Qian Jia took it from Ji Ye.

"Thank you...oh, I feel pretty good." Although Morinka usually drinks tea, but I don't know why, she always feels that the tea she is drinking now seems to be particularly flavorful, although it is just a cup of black tea. But there seems to be a very exciting feeling.

"Who knows, I brought it from Ji Ye." Qianjia didn't think there was anything.

...Forget it, this kind of question shouldn't be asked, it must be the local tyrant.

Senxia wisely decided not to discuss this kind of "trench" problem.

After saying this, Senxia returned to daily work.

Qian Jia didn't speak, but took a sip of black tea lightly, and then looked at the screen. She was taking a break after just finishing a performance. That is, watch forum messages on the Internet.

Of course Qianjia has seen Senxia's self-hacking post.

Senxia is not heartless, but knows that even if she knows the situation, she can't help it, because the time left for them is already running out, and the remaining time is completely resigned.

But Senxia is not without strategy. He and Qianjia-senpai have already decided at the beginning that what they want to sell is not a game. It is the world, but a concept.

After this game. They also have plans for sequels and various extras. In addition, they have a killer feature, which is gamification.

Yes, in order to sell the concept of "Guilty Crown", they are now prepared for all kinds of extremes. Including gamification is one of them. When the time comes, the Crown of Guilt will be directly made into a library version... This is the benefit of the people above, let's let Kadokawa be the announcement!

"... Now, Morinia. Do you really know how to eat a keyboard?" Qianjia glanced at Morinia.

"...What?" Senxia turned her head strangely, with an inexplicable expression.

"This post, you said to eat the keyboard, is it fake?" Qianjia looked at Senxia with a smile.

"Nonsense, I just hacked myself a bit." Senxia shrugged, this kind of talking on the network, the future generations will go away.

"Ah la la, Senxia-kun, do you think you can escape like this? No way~"

However, Qianjia's tone seemed a little different.

"Huh?" Senxia finally put down the keyboard, and then looked here inexplicably.

"Sinxia-kun, this post you sent, can be said to be hot now!" Qianjia pointed to the display.

Morinha was inexplicable, and then moved his head.

Then Senxia was shocked.

"Actually... so many people?"

Yes, Senxia's post has now been pushed to the homepage, and there have been hundreds of replies. It seems that she is going to rush away.

"What's the situation..." Senxia was also taken aback.

"What happened?" Rena put down the teapot and heard the movement of the two making a fuss.

"It's this guy, he posted a post that satirized himself on the network." Qianjia poked Morinia next to him.

"Post......?" Rena seemed a little unclear.

"It seems that Rena doesn't understand things about Luo, senior sister, don't tell her about such difficult things." Morinya waved his hand to Qianjia.

"Actually, this kind of thing... I also want to know! Computers or something, I also want to know what it is!" Rena knows a little about computers, but there is not much concept about interconnection, but in this At that time, she gritted her teeth, trying to understand something she didn't know.

"Well, what do you want to know, just ask me directly." After Morinya finished speaking, she looked into the screen of the monitor.

"Yeah!" After hearing Morinia's voice, Rena responded with excitement, and then ran behind Morinia.

She didn't say much, just watched silently behind Senxia.

At this time, Qianjia has clicked on this post.

In the following replies, it can be said that it has completely broken out.

There was a guy with an id of "Black Island", who despised the person who posted it, and gave him a lot of water.

Moreover, this guy's combat effectiveness is super strong, I don't know why, he actually listed all the sales of the game over the years. You know, this was 1998, and some of the information was not so easy to get, but at this time he actually got all of it.

Of course, you can't say "all", but most of it is true.

Then this guy took out a to-heart with 50,000 sales as an example.

"Facts have proved that the path that Mr. Xia Sen found is the right path. The game is changing, and the path of the new generation is becoming simpler..."

The development of &nbame has entered a new era, and the teacher's work is the leader of the new generation. "

Facts have proved that when the number of people is relatively small, there are indeed many high-quality people. Even if it is forced, it is indeed a dry product.

"But looking at it this way, the sales of games are really very small..." Looking at the picture in the post, Qianjia suddenly felt that the sales of this type of game were too low. You know, their "Plants vs. Zombies" are basically running. Million sets of sales went away, and now looking back, Qianjia does feel a little uncomfortable with the tens of thousands of good works of gme.

"No way, this is the status quo." Senxia didn't care much about it.

"That's true, after all, it's a minority." Qianjia reversed his mentality.

"The niche is a niche, but as long as it unites, it's fine."

Senxia didn't think there was anything wrong, because although the game was a small crowd, these people had strong fighting power, and they were basically diehard types. Eight thousand virtual fans and one hundred thousand moon cooks were not just talking. Once the concept of game is transformed into animation, the benefits will be greater.

"The most important key is to keep the heat." Qianjia said their original intention.

"Yes. We can develop all kinds of rumours and sequels in the future. Game is not like other games that can quickly maintain the popularity, so this method is the best."

In a sense, the game is more like a text, as long as there is exposure and update, the concept can go on fire, but once there is no sound, it will stop. If Tomato uploads his own "Panlong" or Tudou "Fight Breaking Sphere" to the network within a day, it will definitely not cause any sensation. Most of the popularity of these works is maintained within the update cycle, only The initial word of mouth is up, and then it can be made into the so-called "ip".

&nbame has a natural disadvantage in this respect, that is, once such works are listed, it is tantamount to fixing all the fate.

"Maybe we can change the propaganda mode of the past game..." Senxia suddenly thought of something.

"Huh?" Qianjia didn't expect Morinya to say so suddenly.

"We divide the game content into chapters from 300kb to 500kb, and then release one chapter every month. What do you think?" Morinya said.

"What about a very novel way..." Qianjia nodded thoughtfully, "but is this way really useful?"

"Probably, but unfortunately we have no way to verify this idea, and this method seems to be more suitable for interconnection..."

If you don’t have an internet connection, it’s really troublesome to buy one chapter at a time. It’s not, you can publish it one by one.

"Well, let's look at the situation in "Guilty Crown" for the time being. This kind of thing will wait until there are results." Qian Jia finally settled the problem, and then she looked at the screen, "Then what are you going to do with this?"

"Of course I bought a keyboard and ate it!" Senxia disapproved.


The first update today, I am still full of integrity. (To be continued.)



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