Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 516: "Guilty Crown: Revelation" released

After entering June, the long-awaited "Guilty Crown: Apocalypse" finally ushered in its release date. 【No pop-up window..】

In fact, due to the noisy time on the Internet, the popularity of this game has far exceeded dozens of times that of people who originally played the game before. This discussion is not only limited to online, but even offline. I gradually learned the news.

Not only that, it is said that the US Microsoft's win98 system that will be released soon seems to be linked to this game. No, it seems that dsp agents want to cooperate with animic clubs. Customization is just the first step.

&nbin98 will not be listed until the end of the month, so the specific information has not completely flowed out, but the news did come out.

But for players, these are not important. The most important thing is that the game is now on the market and is already on sale.

"No, there are more people in line than last time..." Kuroshima Ichiro was shocked.

"Damn it, I specially skipped the cram school and came over, so many people..." Behind Ichiro Kuroshima, there was also a gritted voice.

Kuroshima Ichiro turned his head, and then found a little loli with a golden double ponytail standing there.

Hey, I always feel a little familiar...

Ichiro Kuroshima thought of the blue-haired coser that I saw last month, that looks the same as the little guy in front of me...

Well, forget it.

Kuroshima Ichiro is not interested in this kind of little loli. The Asuka and Ayanami I saw in winter are the longing and longing that Kuroshima Ichiro has been lingering in his heart.

This kind of little loli, at first glance, knows that it is a flat body, chestless, p-share but p-share.

Although Kuroshima Ichiro recognized this loli. But the other party didn't seem to recognize Ichiro Kuroshima. After all, the impressions of the two sides were completely different, and Ichiro Kuroshima was completely different from last month. To put it simply, because of the torment of the game "Guilty Crown", Ichiro Kuroshima lost 20 to 30 kilograms of r. From the original dead fat house to a slender handsome pot, although he is dressed sloppy, he is obviously a potential stock.

Ichiro Kuroshima didn't care about this little loli. After he got the game, he hurried home.

As soon as he got home, Ichiro Kuroshima took out the rpg version he bought.

Compared with the &nbame version, the package cover of the rpg version is different from the game. The overall picture is on a green grassland. Jiqi and her friends are standing or sitting here, while Jiqi is looking at the ruins of the distant city. The whole picture feels much brighter than the game version. The whole picture feels different.

Ichiro Kuroshima has already played the demo version. But at this moment, his heart is still full of expectations for this game.

After putting the disc into the system, Ichiro Kuroshima immediately started to install the game.

The game "Apocalypse" has tortured Kuroshima Ichiro for almost a month. At this time, Ichiro Kuroshima could no longer bear it.


But after installing the game, Ichiro Kuroshima found something different from the demo version.

After the trial version is installed. Only one icon will enter the game, but the official version has a setting and a direct entry into the game.

After clicking on the settings. Ichiro Kuroshima found that the game provides resolution adjustment options, game official switching options, start game options, and launch options. In addition, the system also has an option for "game content".

He was a little strange, and then clicked on this setting. Then I found a peculiar "Game Content Manager" appeared in the screen.

"this is?"

Ichiro Kurojima couldn't understand the content, so he shook his head, and then turned off this setting, so as not to mess around and cause game errors.

He shook his head, and then chose the resolution. His configuration and monitor are better, even with high resolution.

After adjusting the resolution, Ichiro Kuroshima clicked on the system and entered the game.

The animic club added an opening animation before entering the game. This animation is the logo of the animic club.

After &nbo, it is the title interface. The background of the title interface is still the original appearance, but if the background itself has some light and shadow, the game title has also been revised. As for i, there is no change.

After clicking to start the game, it is the difficulty selection, simple, normal, difficult and legendary. Although the difficulty can be selected, the game also prompts that the difficulty can be modified in the middle. After Ichiro Kuroshima chose the highest level of "Legendary" difficulty, the game began. The entire screen turned black, and some text began to appear in the black interface.

"Ten years ago, humanity ushered in Judgment Day."

"The virus named'Apocalypse' came from space, washing away human sins."

"From then on, human beings have lived in fear and panic for the rest of the day."

"In the world of nothingness, mankind seeks salvation."

"But that day will never come..."

After the text passed, it was a soothing bgm, and as the bgm sounded, the picture gradually brightened up.

In contrast to Shen's description, the color of the whole game is very full and bright, giving people a rather fresh feeling. Compared with the demo version, the performance effect of this plot is obviously modified.

After the beginning of the picture, it was the sober Qiqi in the lawn of the back hill of Tianwangzhou No.1 College.

Ji Qi, who had just woke up, seemed to be very vague, and her memory was messy.

This part of the content is actually teaching content. Compared with the demo version, some c-control tips are added here.

The game is open-ended, but in this part, the player can only control Qi Qi to go down the mountain-anyway there is only one way.

Kuroshima Ichiro did not act immediately, but clicked on the attribute interface.

In the demo version, there are few attributes that players can control, but now in this version, many designs have been added, but at the beginning, these states are still gray and unselectable.

Kuroshima Ichiro shook his head, and then went on.

At the beginning, there was a battle. This part was a small crystal beast holding a dagger. After destroying the opponent according to the prompts, another oss came out. This was a black crystal beast. The next five divided by two was killed by the opponent, and even the original costume exploded with it at this time.

However, at this time, some students from Tianwangzhou No.1 High School, such as the school festival festival, appeared here to drive away the monsters, and then saved Takichi.

Qi Qi was taken to the health room by the other party, and then he woke up.

At this time, the health care teacher will come over to ask Qiqi's basic situation. At this time, the player can add points freely.

"Strength, agility, endurance, wisdom, will, perception, luck, charm..."

There are eight attributes in the game. Players can design according to their own choices. If they feel uneasy and embarrassed, they can also set them according to the presets next to them, including "Warrior Type", "Assassination Type", and "Super Power" Type" and so on.

Ichiro Kuroshima added points according to what he wanted. Simply put, it is full of charm, then full of luck, and some wisdom left.

In Kuroshima Ichiro's view, Kaji is a very cute sister paper. It is impossible to say that such sister paper has no charm. The attribute of luck affects the game's crit rate and the explosion rate of rare items. Very important, in the end, Ji Qi is such a smart and cute character, naturally, it is impossible to be mentally retarded.

Although it is a super cannibalism, Ichiro Kuroshima doesn't care about so much. The first round of playing the game is to follow what he likes, and wait for the second week to watch the strategy for a perfect ending.

After the attribute plus points are over, there will be talent plus points. There are twelve talent plus points, which are divided according to proficiency, such as melee, long-range, protection, collection, hacker, eloquence, thieves, stealth, medicine, forging, deployment, Void, these talents have proficiency limits. After the proficiency is reached, they can be modified. Players will get one attribute point and three talent points for each level.

This system is actually the fusion of the Elder Scrolls and the spokes in the future. Although it looks a little complicated, it is not too complicated in this year. On the contrary, the over-simplified i in this era will make the player feel uncomfortable. Comparing the systems of "The Elder Scrolls 4 Annihilation" and "The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim", many players might think that these two games are completely different, but they are indeed the "Elder Scrolls" series, but at the system level, The latter is undoubtedly simplified a lot, and the "professional" system in the game is also removed-although the system itself is useless.

Kuroshima Ichiro's three-point talent for beginners is temporarily useless.

At this place, the player's character is truly established, and the state of the game is truly started.

At this time, Qi Qi had only one nightgown on her body. After changing into the uniform of Tianwangzhou No.1 College in accordance with the system prompts, Qi Qi left here to see the school article although lost Partially, but at this time, Qi Qi also realized that the people she once knew seemed to be different, but the vague memory made her feel confused.

At this time, the main storyline part is that Jiqi wants to find out what happened, and Jiqi heard about the secret association "Funeral Society" at this time, and then decided to find out this society.

The clues of the official version are clearer than the trial version, and Ichiro Kuroshima grasped the context of the entire game at once.

"Sure enough, it's no longer the original world..."

He suddenly thought of a few of the arguments above, and speaking of it, what is going on in this world?

With curiosity, Ichiro Kuroshima continued the game...


&nbs, write the second update immediately. Sorry, something happened before that made the update unstable, but it won’t happen afterwards. (To be continued~^~)




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