Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 545: "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" airing begins

Just when Morinka and his team completed the "Escape to Victory", Ichiro Kurojima, a loyal fan of Teacher Natsumi, was sitting in front of the TV and preparing to watch the first episode of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" .

Although the first three episodes of this work have been shown on a small scale in theaters, Ichiro Kuroshima did not have that time at the time.

But this is not a problem, because according to those who have watched the film, they are saying that this is a good film.

On the official forum of ani fans, there are no related spoilers, and Ichiro Kuroshima just knows a profile.

"The story of being forced to enter women's academy for women's clothing..." This kind of story makes people feel very emotional no matter how you look at it.

Kuroshima Ichiro belongs to the kind of people who are at the forefront of the world. Simply put, it is a cute dolphin in evolutionary form.

As the girl fell in love with her sister, there was a corresponding section in the ani fan forum.

With about an hour or so left before the broadcast, Ichiro Kuroshima logged onto the forum and started reading posts.

After all, it is the official version area, so there is no spoiler post on the forum. If it is in an external forum, it will already be spoiled by this time.

"This is the cutest boy I have ever seen!"

"He's obviously a boy, why is there so much love!"

Although there is no spoiler, the personal design and pv have already been released, so many people on the network are now exclaiming.

Pseudo-nymphs arose in Japan in the 1980s, but at that time, the pseudo-nymphs were mainly dominated by puppets and male protagonists. At that time, a group of people were really broken.

But then some people probably realized that this would not work. What if they were bent on this side?

Because of this, this transformation gradually declined.

But a pseudonym who is as cute as a girl enters the women's academy and stays with a group of soft girls who are equally cute. This seems very interesting.

There was almost no animation of this type before. Suddenly there was one more work on the evolution of the cute dolphin. Their eyes were naturally attracted.

Just like Ichiro Kuroshima now.

"I heard that "Girl Falling in Love with Sister" was originally a drama. Does anyone know what's going on?"

At this moment, Ichiro Kuroshima saw a post on the network.

Although I don't read spoilers, this kind of post itself seems to be quite interesting. The gossip news is also very interesting.

"Hey, I know this. Last year I happened to watch this drama "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" at the school festival of Sakano Gakuen. It was so interesting!"

"Sakano Gakuen? Is it true that Mr. Xia Sen is a high school student?"

"Nonsense. Teacher Xia Sen is such a genius!"

"Several people, although Mr. Xia Sen is the script and the original, the supervisor of the animation version is the man named Xinfang Zhaozhi. This is completely the supervision of the newcomer. Don't you worry about the quality of the animation?"

The few people above had a lively discussion there, but somebody came out to pour cold water on it.

Yes, Xinfang Zhaozhi, can this person do it!

Ichiro Kuroshima also feels that this newcomer seems a little unreliable, can this really work?

He hadn't heard much about this new house before. Is such a candidate really reliable?

Before Ichiro Kuroshima only heard that Musashino Animation is a newly established animation company, but later discovered that the characters in this company seem to be relatively old animators, so Ichiro Kuroshima didn't think it was too wrong at the time, but now Is it really okay to hear about the new house?

Although there is no way to compare it with the later generations, the work that the new house has been supervised before has also been turned over. At this time, everyone is discussing things about the new house.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for the new show, Ichiro Kuroshima simply turned on the TV at this time. Then turn the sound up, while listening to the sound, while waiting for the animation to start.

A group of people contacted at this time began to discuss the supervision of animation.

The supervisor is the director, although there are scripts and other works. But the real person who controls the whole quality of the story and the direction of the story is actually the most powerful oversight.

Although many people think that the supervision of newcomers is not reliable, but at this time there are also people who are doing science popularization for everyone.

"Don’t worry too much. As far as I know, although this Xinfang Zhaozhi is a newcomer, many of Musashino’s original paintings are masters. The painting supervisor is not a newcomer. This story is more everyday. Controlling the camera and painting, the whole story will not be so bad, at most it is a gap of one hundred points and ninety points!"

After hearing this popular science, other people including Ichiro Kuroshima also nodded.

The story of "Girl Falling in Love with Sister", watching the pv and introduction, can basically confirm that this is a more everyday style animation, and the quality of the paintings is relatively high.

Of course, in Kuroshima Ichiro's view, the influence of supervision on animation is not so low. In the work, one inspiration of supervision is likely to be able to sublimate the whole work, and a mistake of supervision will most likely cause insults. Loss recovered.

Thinking about this, Kuroshima Ichiro became worried again.

"In this kind of daily work, although the role of supervision is not as obvious as in the hot blood show, it is also indispensable!"

What this person said is very representative. It is like the director's control over the film. Who can say that the director is indispensable?

"So you are all too superficial. The graphics are really broken. It is precisely because this new house is a newcomer, so he dare not mess around when he is a supervisor, and there are other people who control the quality of the animation. It is absolutely guaranteed. Rather, because it is a newcomer’s work, it is possible to restore Teacher Xia Sen’s script to the greatest extent!"

But the previous person appeared again.

Huh, yes.

What this person said seemed to make sense.

After hearing this sentence, everyone also thought it was quite reliable.

"Ah, time is almost up."

At this moment, Ichiro Kuroshima found that the time seemed to be almost too. It just so happened that at this moment, there was a burst of melodious music on the TV.

Ichiro Kuroshima quickly put down the computer, then turned his head.

Ah, it really started!

Ichiro Kuroshima immediately looked at it attentively.

The first thing that made Ichiro Kuroshima shine was the style of this painting.

Fresh and beautiful, the lines are simple and clear.

Along with background music, Gongxiaolu Ruiho, dressed in Shengying Women's College uniform, walked into Shengying Academy.

The style of the characters is the style of Gunso Frog. Before that, Ichiro Kuroshima had always thought that eva's style of painting was one of my favorite categories recently, but now that I saw the style in front of him, Ichiro Kuroshima realized that the frog The sergeant teacher's style turned out to be really good.

"Unfortunately, the style of Mr. Frog Guncao's painting is more suitable for static works. After making animation, it is slightly worse."

In addition to Mr. Xia Sen, Mr. Frog Sergeant Cao is another person Ichiro Kuroshima admires.

It's just that Mr. Frog Sergeant, like Mr. Xia Sen, both see the head and the end of the dragon.

In Kuroshima Ichiro's heart, Mr. Frog Sergeant Cao should be a respectable elder. He wears black-rimmed glasses and his waistband can lift his chest. It is precisely because of the elderly that everyone can have such accumulation and then draw such exquisite personalities and illustrations!

In the first episode, the plot has not been fully developed, but the sophisticated production has attracted Ichiro Kurojima in the first place.

After he obeyed his grandfather's will, Ruiho entered Shengying Academy, and with the help of his childhood sweethearts, he successfully disguised himself as a girl's paper.

"This dress is really no different from a girl... Hey, that's not right, this is just girl paper!"

After the animation was shown for about eight minutes, Ichiro Kuroshima found that he seemed to be attracted by the protagonist who was a boy.

Although he is a boy after all, he faced all kinds of discomfort after entering Shengying Academy. This cramped boy who was mixed in the group of girls quickly felled Kuroshima Ichiro!

He is obviously a boy, why is he so cute!

As a result, Ichiro Kurojima, who was caught in the entanglement with the cute boy, did not even notice the end of the animation.

"Uh... it's over?"

The time of more than twenty minutes is too short to show the charm of the entire animation. When the show ended, Ichiro Kuroshima still couldn't believe it.

"Ah...what should I do, I seem to know the content behind!"

Ichiro Kuroshima screamed unwillingly.

Obviously he still intended to avoid spoilers at the beginning, but at this time, Ichiro Kuroshima thought very much about how the plot developed behind.

After struggling for a while, he logged onto the forum.

"Supervisor's lens is very powerful!"

"Is this really a rookie supervision?"

"Zuiho is so cute! Super cute! I really want to hug home!"

On the forum, in addition to saying that Ruiho is so cute and cute, more people are talking about the newcomer supervising.


Ichiro Kuroshima patted his head. This was originally what Ichiro Kuroshima cared about, but after watching the animation, Ichiro Kuroshima now only has his brain full of "so cute and cute"...

But Ichiro Kuroshima doesn't care, doesn't mean that others don't care. However, after seeing the style of Xinfang Akiyuki, many people are very bright.

This year, Xin Fang Zhaozhi has not given up the treatment, and has not shown the minimalist stream of consciousness style in the future. Although the use of this lens has already had that clue, this style has actually made the whole work feel more subtle... …


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