Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 547: Analysis is a serious nonsense

When Senxia and Qianjia left for the study, Lihua followed. ∮, x.

"Sinxia-kun, what are you?"

After seeing Morinia, Lihua was a little stunned.

"Well, there are no clothes for Senxia Jun here. That's all for the time being. It's ok when the release agent arrives tomorrow." Qianjia waved her hand.

"Oh." Lihua nodded, and then asked, "By the way, are there any clothes that suit me? It's not convenient to always wear this kind of dress."

Lihua is still wearing the dress she came over now, but it's not a banquet. Such clothes are very inconvenient.

"Yo Xi, I'll take you there now... Sorry, Senxia-kun, the study is right in front and just turn left. Turn on the computer and you should be able to go directly." Qian Jia left with Lihua after speaking, and Sen Xia walked forward according to Qianjia's guidance at this time.

The door of the study room of the villa was hidden. The room inside was quite large. There were bookshelves in the left and right rows. However, Mori Xia noticed that the books on these bookshelves were not famous books, but the lightness of Kadokawa Bookstore.

In the center of the study, there is a computer.

"Oh, that's good." After turning on the computer, it turned out that there was a connection, and the speed was so fast, it made Morinya's eyes bright.

Without hesitation, he immediately opened the forum.

It really exploded.

On the forum, there are really more and more people discussing "Girls Fall in Love with Sister".

Among the sections opened on the forum, this time is already full of discussion posts.

There are many people who can produce dry goods these days. On the animic forum, many people are now discussing Xinfang Zhaozhi.

As soon as we discussed it, everyone immediately discovered that the new house had adopted many photographic techniques that were never used or rarely used before.

"what's going on?"

It took several pages for Senxia to read the previous post.


Senxia was stunned.

The new house Zhaozhi who won't mess up? Are you kidding me?

Don't look at the current new house that has not given up treatment, but this does not mean that the new house is just an ordinary supervisor. His characteristics are from the first animation he directed. That is, it is obvious starting from Chapter 74 of Yuyu Hakusho.

So after the first episode, many more predictable people were stunned.

Senxia thought for a while, and he also opened a vest, and then posted a post on it: "Analyze the newcomer's technology to supervise Xinfang Zhaozhi."

"For the average audience, the script of the first episode may be a very simple story, but the amount of information contained in the script is huge."

"Please pay attention to the scene of Ruiho talking with people in the classroom. Please note that every time the screen is switched, a blackboard appears in the lens. Sometimes it is the blackboard in the front, and sometimes it is the blackboard in the back, but you can notice that in the screen The blackboard is not repeated once, and pay attention to the content on the blackboard. This frequent end-to-end switching and use highlights Ruiho's eagerness and anxiety, and makes the audience worry about whether Ruiho will be seen through. As we all know, Ruiho is a boy. But his appearance is perfect. If there are such boys in the real world, I am afraid they will not be discovered at all, but the use of the camera in the new house will give players a sense of urgency..."

"There are many such scenes. When Ruiho and Maria were communicating at the door of the dormitory, a lot of news was also revealed in the background. Everyone noticed. At this time, the sky was orange-red, but the time should be afternoon, not In the evening. The orange-red sky shows Mizuho's nervousness when he enters Shengying Girls’ Academy..."

"Through these background renderings with a huge amount of information, the whole story comes alive, but in contrast, the composition of the background lines of Xinfangsang is relatively simple, so that when a large amount of background information is provided, the whole picture will not be affected. It becomes too complicated. Of course, if the audience doesn’t notice this, it’s actually not a big deal. The whole story is structured very smoothly and it won’t affect it.”

After seeing the posts sent by Mori Xia, many people suddenly realized it, while others seemed to understand them after seeing these posts.

Although I didn't think it before, but now it seems like this is indeed the case...

Everyone seems to understand but not understand.

Of course, many people have no idea about this kind of thing at all, and now they hear what Senxia said here, they are all unclear. Even if Morinya is fooling around here, there are not many people who actually see through.

To be honest, in fact, some of the content is really nonsense. However, most of the content is actually not nonsense, Mori summer is expected.

Xin Fang Zhaozhi has indeed directed a pseudonymous animation. He directed the comedy "Maria Fanatic", but the plot of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" is different. This is not a comedy, and the style is completely different. In terms of words, it is probably similar to the story of the director of the new house.

Some of the shots used in "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" were created by Xinfang and Morika. Of course, how fun and how Morika is to play. Strictly speaking, this script is not strictly a new house style. , But the combined style of Xinfang and Senxia...

One of the very important reasons why Morinya knows so much is because when Morinya was drawing the storyboard for the new house, the two people discussed together. Of course Morinya knew a little about some of the situations inside.

All of these contents are intended to highlight the cuteness of Ruiho. In just 20 minutes of content, it is impossible to show the entire plot. Instead of this, it is better to fully show Ruiho in this paragraph. Character charm.

Obviously a boy, but so cute, this is the strategy.

Of course, Ruiho’s cuteness and cuteness can’t be fully revealed by a single word. After he gets to the back, he will have a gradual transformation process. In the middle of the story, when Ruiho becomes a gentle and lovely "sister-in-law" At that time, his true charm can be said to be fully displayed.

Well, looking at this hot trend now, maybe in the winter, you can still receive a little "sister-sama" book?

"Ah, Senxia-kun, here we come~"

While talking, Qian Jia also led Lihua in at this time.

"Slow, slow down!" Lihua seemed hesitant behind Qianjia, "Qianjia, I don't need this swimsuit. It's too shame! It's too shame!"

"What's the matter?" Senxia poked her head from behind the computer and saw Qianjia at the door and Lihua with her body tucked behind the door.

"Humph, but you have been looking at this swimsuit since you saw it. Now that your wish has come true, why are you unhappy?" Qianjia smiled.

"This..." Lihua was speechless for a while, "Just, I'm just curious, and there is such a swimsuit! It's just that!"

Although Lihua said so, no matter what, this sentence sounds like just an excuse.

"It's just that...Huh?"


Qian Jia took advantage of Lihua's unpreparedness, and then immediately pulled Lihua in.

Unexpectedly, Lihua lost her center of gravity, and ran a few steps forward before stopping. At this time, Lihua was in front of Senxia, ​​and the two were separated by a desk.

"Wow!" Lihua blushed immediately, desperately trying to block her.

At this time, Senxia also saw Lihua's clothes clearly.

Like Qian Jia, she took off her clothes at this time and put on a swimsuit, but the fabric used in this swimsuit was really scarce.

This is a white V-shaped swimsuit. From the front, it looks like a V-shaped swimsuit. The V-shaped swimsuit prepared by Qian Jia for Lihua is even more special. The whole swimsuit only has a white string. Only in the key parts, can she give a little cloth like a stingy Grandet. At this time, Lihua desperately tried to cover her body, but her actions made her body almost unable to cover herself. The swimsuit became even more ashamed.

After realizing this, Lihua turned back altogether, facing Senxia with her back.

But behind Lihua, it was even more exaggerated. Senxia could only see a white string that stretched from below along the spine to her neck. This swimsuit could not stop Senxia's gaze. On the contrary, after adding such a rope, Morika felt that Lihua at this time was even more conspicuous than the Lihua she saw in the bath.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, what do you think?" Qianjia closed the door at this time and walked over with a smile.

"Very, very style..." Senxia stuttered a little.

"No! No! Senxia-kun, no!"

Lihua was screaming at Senxia with her back on her back.

However, at this time, Qianjia smiled, and then leaned to Lihua's ear, and whispered to her softly: "Not very style, in fact it is very hentai..."


After hearing this sentence, Lihua's whole body seemed to have been pressed by the remote control to press the pause button, but Lihua's face quickly turned red.


At this time, Lihua simply fainted.


Senxia was shocked and immediately ran to check the situation. Fortunately, the floor of the study was covered with a blanket, so Lihua was fine.

"Senior sister, you have done a little too much!" Senxia rolled her eyes at Qianjia.

"That's not the case. I just hope that Lihua can look directly at her heart. We are all girls. If she really wants to resist, I won't be able to put her on this dress, right?" Qianjia hugs There is no confession at all.

"Um..." It seems to be right.

Senxia scratched her head, but anyway, it's better to hug Lihua to the bed or somewhere to rest...


Strictly speaking, the Monogatari series is also the collective wisdom of the Xinfang team. In fact, there are some subtle differences between the personal style of the Xinfang and the style of the overall team.

The first one today~get~(To be continued.)



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