Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 562: Before opening

The next day, that is, the day of Xia M, Senxia and the others got up early in the morning. Last night, everyone was tossing for a whole day because of the clothes. Now it is finally time to harvest. ,

Although it is possible to put on makeup at the venue, Moriha and the others did not plan to do that. After all, it is more personal equipment, and it is much more convenient to wear it at home than there.

Rena and Lily also rushed to Morika's house in the early morning to make peace with everyone.

"Yo Xi, in this case, everyone will be there."

After seeing the crowd, Qian Jia was very satisfied.

And at this time, Morinya looked worriedly towards Yukino. I have to say that Yukino's clothes were indeed a bit out of the ordinary. Although Qianjia retorted it off yesterday, Morinya was still worried.


But when Morinka looked towards Yukino, she found something strange.

Because the clothes on Yukino's body are obviously a lot more, it seems a little different from the situation seen yesterday.

"Xuno, what are you?" Senxia was somewhat inexplicable.

"Huh?" Xuena was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Morinka was talking about her own clothes. She tilted her head and said, "That body is for brother, if you kill you, I won't show it to others." Many people who haunt Xia M are dead houses, even Senior Sister Qianjia won’t show them."

After Yukino finished speaking, she leaned in front of Senxia, ​​and then took Senxia's hand: "Well, we are Ichi and Sakura Manji, we should be walking together at this time!"

"Ahem, even if it's called, I won't show it to the dead house. You should say that even those Shibuya and Shamat will not show it to the dead house, right? I'm a very serious person. Well." Qianjia next to him coughed twice and interrupted the conversation between the two, "and. Now at home, there is no need to perform os, and you should eat well now?"

After Qianjia finished speaking, she handed the rice ball to the two of them: "Okay, I will start putting on makeup after eating, you can relax a little!"

"But I didn't expect Xue Nao to be so cheerful when he was at home. She was so brave and handsome in school," Rena tilted her head.

"Courageous and handsome" Lily looked at Yukino.

"Yeah, because Yukino is very good at school. Not only is the leader of the Kendo club, but also the all-rounder in sports. The academics are also super good. Everyone is saying that even if Xueno enters Dongda, it is easy "Rena exclaimed.

"Hmm" Xuenai shook Senxia's hand, and then snorted complacently.

Qianjia rolled her eyes, then threw the rice ball directly to Morinka and Yukino, and the two had to separate their hands and catch the rice ball.

After breakfast, everyone started putting on makeup, and after putting on makeup, they left here. Then head towards the meeting place. Qianjia before this

On the side of the venue, Lao Xu and the others had already arrived here, but only Lao Xu and Ono Daisuke were sitting in the room, and Ayana and Nana. They were all borrowed by Erika.

Well, yes, the White Bear Cafe is also here, and Ayana and Nana are probably wearing maid outfits now. Right in front of their booth.

However, Bai Xiong Café and Senxia are in different areas, so when Senxia came to the booth, they did not see them. Moreover, they are preparing at this time, so there is no time to go to Erika's booth to see it.

As for Zun, he also has his own oriental works. Although he has been tepid, Zun doesn't seem to intend to just give up like that.


When they saw a large group of girls wearing the clothes of the evil crown, Ono Daisuke and Lao Xu were amazed. I have to say that the degree of reduction of these two people is really super high, which is really amazing.

"Wow, it looks like a character running out of an animation. It's really amazing!" An admiration came from the side.

Morika turned her head, and then saw Nasu and Takeuchi next to her. Morinia almost forgot that these two people will also come to participate in Xia M.

"Oh, it's really amazing, they are all beautiful women" Takeuchi and Nasu were surprised at this time.

After all, one or two cute cute girls are very common, but when a group of cute cute girls stand together, this situation is very rare.

After Morinya introduced everyone to each other, everyone knew each other for the time being.

"It's amazing, but no one of us can come to os. If only we had a super cute Elquet," Nasu was delusional here.

"Yeah, it's really amazing that such cute girls gather together, Mori Natsuki, Sakuno Academy is really a magical place!" Takeuchi was also envious.

Although Mori Xia himself was not aware of it, from the perspective of Takeuchi and Nasu, Mori Xia os’s Sakura Manji was surrounded by all the stars like a moon. He was obviously a boy, but I don't know why, among these girls, it is so conspicuous.

Speaking of it, this evil crown is not the kind of girls selling cute dramas, but at this time, among the os of Senxia, ​​it happens to give people the illusion that this is selling meat.

Well, there is such an illusion.

"Isn't Mr. Frog Sergeant here?" Takeuchi still wanted to meet Shiina Himeha, but it was a pity that she was not here.

"Well, although Ji Ye participates every year, but when it is sold, others will usually help. If Takeuchi wants to see Ji Ye, I can introduce her to you later." Qianjia smiled a bit.

"Hi, that's really please." Takeuchi bowed towards Qianjia.

And here Morinia, this time came to Lao Xu and Ono Daisuke's side: "How are you preparing?"

"Hi." Ono Daisuke nodded, "The preparations are complete."

Senxia's stall is not a small stall, but a huge chief stall. In the middle of the stall, there is a book of evil crowns: On the left side of the apocalypse stall is a series of excellent touch d collections. , And on the other side, there is a game of the type moon society. Nasu and the others did not get a booth, so at this time they can only ask Morinka to help sell it.

In addition, a set of settings and brochures are also placed on the desktop, which is a project to be launched in cooperation with other glagame manufacturers.

In addition to these, beside the booth, there is a 1:1 size cardboard and a club logo, but now there are so many cute cute girls here, this kind of publicity seems unnecessary. Up.

Before everyone noticed, Morinya lowered her voice and asked, "How is the situation over there?"

After hearing what Senxia said, Lao Xu gave Senxia a thumbs up: "The booth where the gentleman touched D is also ready. I will go there later."

The producer of the gentleman touch is actually a club, but this kind of thing is absolutely not to be said. On the other hand, some of the producers of these gentleman touch are also other fan producers, and the one who is guarding the booth now is They, and Lao Xu supervised in the past as a "god-like" friend and official person.

In fact, there are not many gentlemen touch d now. Most of them are made with vests, but it doesn’t matter. Just let everyone realize that this is an interesting game content produced by a third party. As for whether it is not, then two said.

Senxia sighed a little, but it was a pity that she couldn't make a clone now, otherwise, it would be good to see the gentleman over there and touch the script.

If in normal times, Senxia would go there, but now it is impossible, because everyone from Shishi Research is here, Senxia and their booths are okay, but other places will be discussed separately.

"Ah, so many doujinshi, you must go and buy it later." In addition to Morinia, Lily is also gearing up to buy, buy and buy. Although she is in the second grade, she seems to be an otaku.

"A lot of stalls, will there be a lot of people coming in later?" Rena was a little nervous. "When we came in before, it seemed that we saw a super long line outside."

Although I checked the information before, the number of people in each session of iket increased. The past data that Rena knew was outdated at this time.

Morika walked over and comforted Reina Tojo, who was dressed as a school article festival: "It doesn't matter, you just treat this as a stage play, and treat everyone else as an and treat yourself as an audience. actor."

Although it is comforting, Mori Xia is in the heart that this summer m is actually just so-so. After ten years, the number of iket will absolutely crush the number of people in minutes. Now, I have seen a higher number of clouds." I really don't care. Iket is still in the development stage.

After hearing what Morinata said, Rena nodded and seemed to understand: "Well, I am so grateful to Morinka-kun, I seem to understand a little. Wait a minute, I will definitely play a good role as the school rule festival classmate!"

The time from entering the field to waiting for the opening is actually not long, but when I wait here, I can feel that the entire time seems to have become longer.

Finally, Xia M started.

The houses began to file in, and the originally empty venue suddenly became full of voices!

2nd today

The last chapter was a bit overwritten, I received it, sorry

>(To be continued.)

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