Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 565: It's like the bottom of a pure girl's skirt

What a gentleman touches is the real kingly way.

In the description of these touch d, there are all indicated that the author, that lovelove laboratory and another touch d "gazing into the void", the author is "shenlike".

Gaze at the void, this touch is the evil cursed armor that Senxia and Lao Xu have been discussing before, but considering that there are many people’s love for Kaiki, and there is a name called "Dark Wind" The guy has been posting threatening posts, so in the end, this evil degenerate touch d didn't do what Jiqi did.

In the main story, this touch d only opens up part of the content including the armor body, and there is nothing too intense. Only with the support of the dlc of "New Life", can more touch d expansions be opened.

Originally, Morinka thought it was unnecessary to do this, but after seeing Yuuki's cos in the past two days, Morinka also acquiesced to this point. In short, you can't abuse it casually.

After installing the dlc, there is an extra game resource manager in the system, but because there is no network connection, the content inside is not yet available.

Although it is not possible to see the complete content, there is also a management system for touch d in the game explorer. After the touch d is installed in the specified directory, the system can load the system.

After installing a series of touch d, Ichiro Kuroshima restarted the game.

He chose to restart the game because he discovered that among the gentlemen's touches, there is actually an extended identity touch.

After restarting the game, Ichiro Kuroshima found that the system really had some wonderful new content.

The most obvious thing is that when pinching people, the extra clothes that were originally hidden on the body have disappeared. In the entire ragdoll system of pinching people, there was originally an obstructive clothing obstructed, but after installing the touch to remove the obstructive clothing After d, everything has changed.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Songping-kun next to him has already exclaimed.

really. Seeing the fruit body or something can immediately arouse people's interest.

This call does not matter, everyone was a bit idle at the time of dinner. But after hearing this sentence, many people came close.

"Oh, this touch d is provided by an additional identity option"

Extra identities are also included in the regular excellent dlc collection, but how can the ordinary touch d be combined with this gentleman content?

Since it is a gentleman content. Of course it is something very emotional.

"Oh, there is one more daughter born here who has lost a (female) foot!"

Matsudaira has never played Guilty Crown, but after seeing the content in front of him, he became interested.

This touch d was not made by Senxia and the others, but it is undeniable that there are actually many people with insights.

However, Kuroshima Ichiro is still immersed in the atmosphere of the "eldest lady" just now. After thinking about it, he chose the rich family according to the choice just now.

"Huh eh? Kurojima, why didn't you choose the one just now?!" Songping next to him was dissatisfied.

"Sure enough, it's the feeling that the eldest lady gives people more." Hei Dao shook his head.

"Well, you are right to say that. But if you want to see the gentleman's options, it's only the one just now, right?"

Just after Songping finished speaking, he discovered that there was other content in the touch d part.

The choice of identity just now seems to be more than just a place where I was born.

"There is an extra'erotic interest' on the interest side!" Matsudaira's eyes sparkled.

"The eldest lady who is interested in eros, it's amazing!" Hei Dao has been completely substituted into the gentleman plot.

Next, there are more options for "stepfather" and "stepmother" in the family mission. Kuroshima chose the stepfather and righteous brother, followed by the most impressive thing. Kuroshima chose "self x", and finally Kuroshima Ichiro found out about his identity. In addition to the general identity, there are some special options.

Ichiro Kuroshima still chose the students and started the game.

However, when Ichiro Kuroshima clicked on the game, it was not the previous picture. Although it was still night. But it was night.

"It turns out that after installing Gentleman Touch d, the plot has also changed."

The opening touch with a new gentleman is also a more careful touch. Although there is no main line or branch line, it is more linked with the touch d produced by Senxia.

At this time, Ichiro Kuroshima and the others also learned. Why is it night after the opening.

At this moment, a figure walked in from the door, and then stood on the bedside of the heroine doing this and that.

"That's it, the stepfather is the ghost father" The two people next to him were already amazed.

But unfortunately, there is no cg in this part, only a white spot layer is added from the standing painting next to it to show the change.

But for players who have enough brain supplements, this is enough. After all, this game itself is an orthodox game. This kind of extra content is enough to supplement with brain supplements and love.

Besides, although there is only Liehui, I have to say that the characters are really good.

In fact, the touch d provided by Morinia can make some simple cg, but this touch d is not much.

After the script passed, it was morning.

The plot afterwards is similar to the original dlc, but the protagonist’s wardrobe has changed. For example, the ballet dress obtained by choosing "Art" before is gone, but the school uniform on the heroine has become an "improved version", well, the skirt quilt The kind that is shortened and tighter.

Sometimes, some content is so magical.

Obviously in a real gentleman game, such a little bit of content is simply impossible to make people excited.

But I don't know why, when this kind of content appears in this kind of formal game, it can be exciting.

Regarding this point, Ichiro Kuroshima found that he actually seemed to understand something.

As the saying goes, a wife is worse than a concubine, a concubine is worse than stealing, and it is better to steal than not stealing. In a real gentleman game, players can easily do this and that, so it can't be exciting.

This seems to be why after having pictures and videos that can be watched by adults, some people still want to peek at the bottom of girls' skirts. It is precisely because they are pure and cute girls that there are those gentleman videos. Passion you can't see.

Guilty Crown: Apocalypse This is a regular game, and it is still very popular, and after some gentleman content appears in this kind of game, it is naturally better than pure gentleman content.

To put it simply, the gentleman content in the apocalypse is the pure girl's fat times, naturally fragrant and delicious, and personally for this pure girl to take off the pure white fat times, and then put the t-word fat times, then this is simply not too praise. If you can still make black tea with this fat, it can be said to be perfect.

Although the gentleman touch d is loaded, the main line of dlc is still based on dlc.

After entering the school, the content of the dlc part begins.

In the school, there will be a plot of the class. In addition, as the most popular Qiqi, it also appears in the plot. However, compared to the protagonist who is controlled in the original plot, in the dlc, Qiqi seems to be a bit of a dragon. Endless.

"Eh, it would be great if you could capture it"

Songping next to him said the hearts of many onlookers.

"I've seen it on the forum, and the dc version seems to include male characters." Ichiro Kuroshima said, "it seems to be able to start the strategy by then!"

"Oh, it's Sega's new game console, I will definitely try it at that time!" Matsudaira was also interested.

"Well, but I heard that dc doesn't seem to allow gentlemen to touch d. If you want to play gentlemen touching d, I'm afraid you still have to use a pc," Kurijima murmured.

"That's it"

Songping thought about it, did he get a dc to play the game, or install a pc now? Songping has a ps and a pc98, but there is no way to run this kind of games, so in order to play the game, Songping must buy a new machine.

And at this time, Heijima said: "At that time, the content of this part of the boys will be made into DLC, even if it can be played on the PC, but this will probably wait until the beginning of next year."

"Well, that's okay!"

Matsudaira nodded immediately.

He has made a decision, and he will buy a pc in two days, and then get a bunch of touches, it will be interesting then

Well, Matsudaira is a gentleman, but in general games, Matsudaira does not have much interest.

"Then pc!" Songping made a decision.

On the other hand, Ichiro Kuroshima is continuing the game. He did not continue the process of but according to the content of the gentleman's touch, he was playing the "staring into the void" left by "God-like" Touch d.

This touch can be triggered from the school's strange talk. In the school, there will be a legend about the crystal beast, and then it can trigger news about the script.

Although I really wanted to play, at this moment, Ichiro noticed that countless people around him were shimmering around him at this moment. Even if they had the mind to watch here, Ichiro Kuroshima didn't have the mind to play now. .


At this moment, Kuroshima Ichiro's computer was almost out of power. Kuroshima Ichiro simply shut down the computer, then said goodbye to Matsudaira-kun, and then left here.

Others were a little disappointed when I saw Kuroshima Ichiro leaving, but I have to say that Matsudaira didn't suffer at all in this wave, because there were so many people onlookers, and he even sold a lot of his books, which is really gratifying. ,congratulations

The first update today, we will write the second update immediately.

I have revised all the content about Qiqi, please subscribe to qaq()

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