Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 568: Summer Comiket on

After Morinya said these words, he didn't notice that Qianjia and Lihua, who stood behind him, were staring at Morinya all the way, and Rena beside him was expressionless.

"Great Harvest, Great Harvest"

Lily also strolled around the venue. After receiving countless fan books, she was finally satisfied. Before leaving Senxia and the others, she had listened to several people talking about this, so she was buying a bunch of things. After that, she rushed to the venue.

However, when Lily just came here, she felt a terrible pressure.

"Well, this coercion, is it because the legendary demon king broke free from the seal?"

But when talking about playing like this, Lily tilted her head: "No, I am a "Thrush" now"

Lily is now wearing the "Thrush" clothes for cos, what she said doesn't seem to be in line with the setting of the game.

Ah, can't come like this

"Ahem." She coughed twice, and then stared at the front, "There is murderous intent, is it because the power of the void is manifesting"

But before Lily finished speaking, Qianjia over there turned her head.

"Yo, Tuan, you are finally here!"

Before Lily had spoken, Qianjia over there leaned over, and then pulled Lily over: "Yo Xi, we should also take action here! The limelight can't be robbed by Senxia Jun! "

After Qianjia finished speaking, she pulled Lily to the other side.

"Huh? Wait!"

Lily looked dumbfounded, she didn't even know what was happening, so Qianjia took her to the other side.

"It seems that classmate Lily is really working hard." Looking at Lily who left, Rena turned to look at Morika who was still surrounded by the crowd, and she sighed. "Sinxia-kun is really dazzling."

Obviously they are brothers and sisters, but at this time "Tai Qi" and "Ying Man Ji" should be a couple themselves.

If I think about it this way, I still feel a little unhappy in my heart.

She looked around for a while, then leaned to Lihua's side.


Compared to Xue Nao's painstaking efforts and dyed her hair, Lihua at Jixiangyuan here does not have any excessive makeup on her body. In fact, she changed her hair style, then a set of clothes, and painted a light makeup on her face. Although the hair color of Jixiangyuan is brighter than that of Shrine Arisa, this is unexpectedly a bonus. point.

"What's wrong, Rena?" Lihua turned her head, her smile seemed the same as before. But Rena noticed that Lihua's gaze seemed to have been focused on Senxia, ​​and he never left.

"Why did the president come to participate in summer cm?" Rena has always felt that the president of Jixiangyuan should be quite disgusted with this kind of thing, but after learning that Lihua also came to participate in summer cm, Rena was really curious.

"" When it comes to this topic. Lihua's face was obviously red.

Speaking of which, Rena was also brought to this place by Senior Sister Qianjia under the name of "collective activities of the club."

If you think so, is the president also?

When the president had suspended school and asked for leave before, Rena had also inquired about the president. At that time, Rena heard about it from the vice chairman of Makoto Ryuto. The president seems to have a very difficult opponent, that opponent has always been the enemy of the student union, and even the president himself often defies.

Thinking about it this way, Rena felt that this person seemed very similar to Qianjia. Coupled with the incident at the beginning of May, Rena felt that the "big enemy" was Chiba Chika-senpai.

After understanding this point, Rena also felt that it would not be good for her to continue to ask questions like this. She had to change the subject: "Well, the president seems to have taken a vacation for a long time before, what happened to the president? ."

Hearing Rena’s words, Lihua was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Morika, not knowing what she thought of, her face turned redder at this time

"Eh eh eh eh eh?!"

Rena was also panicked when she saw Lihua's appearance. This question was obviously taboo. She should have known it, but she asked such a question. This method of changing the topic is really bad.

This question is obviously more difficult to ask than the question just now.

Rena did not expect that what Lihua was thinking at this time was actually being watched by Senxia at Jixiangyuan's house, so she was still complaining here at this time, thinking that she had committed some taboo.

"Well, let me take a rest next to me, Rena, do you want to come?" Lihua smiled at Rena.

"Hi!" Rena nodded.

The president is probably paying attention to Senxia-kun. In other words, Qianjia-senpai and President Lihua, are they related to Senxia-kun, but who is the first?

On the other side, Qianjia took Lily and walked out of the besieged crowd.

At this time, both of them are wearing tights, which are the battle suits in the crown of sin. In addition, because of the latex material, they look particularly dazzling in the summer sun.

The former Chika has always followed behind Morinka, facing the show-loving Morinka and Yukino, the "Schooljo Matsuri", "Shinnomiya Ayase" and "Joshiin Arisa" are completely forgotten. Up.

However, when Qianjia walked out with Lily from behind Morinka, the people around them immediately noticed them, who were originally outstanding.

"Wow, so cute loli"

It was not Qianjia who was noticed first, but Lily by her side. Yukino herself has a very good figure, and to be honest, Qianjia is still slightly inferior to Yukino in figure.

But Lily is a different style. She is very thin in height and figure, as if she really is a cute child.

Although she looked like a child, her figure showed a sense of maturity under her tights.

Obviously she has a loli physique and a young face, but her figure seems to be subtle and mature, and her body without a trace of fat, in black and translucent tights, makes her body The shape became conspicuous.

Moreover, Qianjia was standing beside Lily, and Qianjia's bumpy figure was contrasted beside her, and Lily's figure was even more prominent.

"Sure enough, this kind of body shape between a young girl and a young girl, this kind of loli-like innocent face, and this kind of subtle curve, it is really too emotional!"

Sure enough, there are still many lolicons in this world. Although Lily is a fake loli, she is still very seductive, and Lily does not say it herself, and no one knows how old she is.

"Hey, with such a flat chest, I didn't expect you to be so popular." lo*ic*n's enthusiasm made Qian Jia never expect it.

In just such a moment, such a group of photographers ran over.

Fortunately, the two of them are now wearing tights, so even if they want to photograph the bottom of a skirt or something, it is impossible, but these days the house is still more disciplined, so this is not a big problem.

Although Senxia attracted the attention of a large group of people, at this time, Lily really attracted the attention of a group of people.

"Oh, I didn't expect to have such a cute loli."

After seeing such a cute girl's paper, the surrounding crowd also gathered together.

"Ooh, awesome!" Kuroshima Ichiro's good friend Matsudaira was also in the crowd at this time.

Not long ago, the Kinomoto Sakura book in his hand was completely sold, so after Matsuhira simply cleaned it up, he came here to take pictures.

But Songping never expected that when he just came here, he saw a delicious loli.

Don't like it better

"This co-er is simply too beautiful, if cos becomes Sakura, it should look better"

Matsudaira was thinking about it in his own mind.

It would be great if I could change the other party into Sakura Kinomoto's costume at this time

At this time, Songping sighed in his mind.

Huh, right.

At this time, Matsudaira suddenly thought of what Kuroshima had said to him before. In the game called Guilty Crown, it seems that the characters all use the paper doll system, which can "pinch their faces" according to the player's own needs. You can add relevant content yourself.

In other words, Songping can actually do touch d by himself.

After seeing the game before, Matsudaira felt very good in his heart. If this is the case, does it mean that he can completely make a Sakura character touch d?

Well, make a cute Sakura, and then control her to do this or that thing, fucking, this is not too great!

Thinking of this, Matsudaira stood up and patted his head, then hurriedly left here and headed towards the booth of the ani fan club

After buying the entire dlc expansion pack, Matsudaira hurriedly left the venue and went to Akihabara. After matching a PC, he bought a set of the galgame version of the sin crown and the rpg version of the body He estimated it and felt that Ichiro Kuroshima should have almost come out of the venue by this time, so he called him.

"Mosimosi? Black Island? I just bought a PC and the body of the Guilty Crown. Would you like to go to my place tonight?" Matsudaira asked immediately after the call was connected.

"Nani, are you so fast?!" Ichiro Kuroshima on the phone was surprised.

"Hi, Kuroshima-kun, come to my house today, I will prepare dinner and wait for you!" Matsudaira was very excited.

"Well, no problem, anyway, I also have a notebook, so that's it then!"

After hanging up the phone, Matsudaira eagerly rushed to his home

Forgot to upload, sorry!


(To be continued.)

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