Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 571: Gentlemen's Carnival Night

Matsudaira chose the child of a misplaced girl. Afterwards, he chose "ergonomic curiosity". The third option was originally family situation, but this time it became "whether there is ergonomic experience". This option is also "none, no but prepared, several times, many", Matsudaira chose the second, and the fourth option is an impressive thing. At this time, the options have also changed. This option was originally Gentleman type, so it is all gentleman type, "go out without clothes, help mothers and guests to do this and that kind of things, self x, encounter strong x incident", because there are multiple choices, Matsudaira simply chose all.

When it came to the fifth option, the option that was supposed to be the most, the number has also dropped a lot, including inheriting the mother’s career, unemployed, and the number is a lot less, but Matsudaira’s choice here is more than black. Like the island, students are chosen.

Then, after Songping chose to start the game, a trophy suddenly popped out from the system.

"what is this?"

Matsudaira and Kuroshima looked at each other.

"Let me see." Hei Dao picked up the explanation and looked at it.

"It turns out that this is a trophy achievement system. It is a system that will only be turned on after connecting to the network. As long as the corresponding achievement is completed, the trophy can be lit. If all the trophies are lit, it is considered'platinum', and If someone lights up platinum, it will be displayed in the friend system. However, some trophies do not seem to be turned on after opening and touching d."

Ichiro Kuroshima noticed this thing at a glance.

According to ani fans, platform friends and friends on qicq can be connected, and on the next version of qicq, the setting of platinum lighting will also be provided.

This setting is not only the game of Guilty Crown, this system will also be used in a series of games introduced later.

Fuck, it really seems to be very emotional.

This system is the legendary achievement system, which is similar to that of steam, and then Moriha integrated it into qicq, which can "show off" to friends. A similar system is also available on Sega DC. In fact, Xiao Ma is busy developing this system on DC. But compared with PC, it is obviously more difficult to develop on the host, especially in terms of communication. After all, the Internet speed is not fast these years. The dc communication is mainly voice, which also involves various compression algorithms and data transmission. Xiao Ma can be miserable. Now every day, like a standard Japanese social animal, he wakes up early and is greedy for development.

"Eh, it doesn't support touching d"

And here, Matsudaira and Kuroshima didn't realize how miserable the hard-pressed Brother Ma was. They were admiring the system itself at this time.

However, it is a pity that there is only one network cable in Songping's home, and the system can only be started after the cloud archive is turned on. So Ichiro Kuroshima could only stare at this time.

After Songhei started the game, the screen lit up again, but to Songhei’s surprise, a cg appeared in the screen at this time. Although the face is not visible, it is indeed the heroine’s mother and daughter. The protagonist serves a male scene together.

"Eh eh? Do you still have cg if you touch d?" Songping was shocked. There are still people painting cg on this touch d? This is really conscience! As a doujinshi painter, Matsudaira knows that painting cg is a lot of trouble.

"It's not the kind of cg. It is said that by providing several material combination methods in the basic lovelove laboratory, you can make something similar to cg by yourself. Probably this is it."

Although Ichiro Kuroshima didn't play for long, he clearly understood this aspect better than Matsudaira. The old driver immediately broke Matsudaira, and Matsudaira suddenly realized: "Sure enough. Although it is CG, the quality is not very good. "

It’s okay, Matsudaira doesn’t care, as far as the human history is, there are only a few with high quality, and many are creative. But the style of painting is ugly, and at this time it is necessary to sacrifice the brain to replenish Dafa, and brain replenishment is the key.

After the opening story ended, the guest felt refreshed, and then gave the heroine an extra tip. As a result, at the opening, the heroine of Matsudaira actually had more initial funds than the "Miss" in the hands of Kuroshima. .

After this story, the time came to the morning. The heroine appeared in an apartment building and was dependent on her mother. After a story, Matsudaira came to the closet. After entering the closet, there were a total of three sets of clothes, one set It is a transparent pink pajamas, one is daily wear, and the other is a modified school uniform.

"Oh oh oh, the length of this skirt, praise!"

After Songping exclaimed, he started the game.

After I arrived at school, the plot afterwards was similar to the one played by Kurojima before. There is no difference in the main line. The only special thing is that the gentleman heroine Matsuhira can be vacuumed from the beginning, while Kurojima is on the other side. If the selected eldest lady wants to go out in a vacuum, she will be prompted that it is absolutely impossible, and the heroine's school uniform defense is much lower than that of the eldest lady.

Of course, this seemingly sensational setting caused Matsudaira to be embarrassed during the school exercises. The crystal beast of the first game pk killed Matsudaira in minutes.

"No, come again!"

Of course Matsudaira was very upset, he started the game again, and the nearby Kurijima picked up the instructions of the DLC at this time and read it.

According to dlc, the choices they made at the beginning mainly affected the previous scripts. These complicated origins will be gradually aggregated after the initial plot, but according to the different options, some changes will still occur, and The following plot branch options will also lead to differences in the following plot branches. According to the situation, the protagonist can choose to help the dark emperor Sakuramanji, or assist Qiqi to overturn the opponent, or other situations.

Although it is also very interesting, the main storyline of the dlc part is much shorter than that of the game itself. However, because most of the branch storylines are also present, the gameplay is still good.

After seeing Matsubei Infinite being killed by the monster, Kuroshima finally couldn't help it: "Matsuhira, how about you lower the difficulty a bit?"

"No, it doesn't mean that much." Songping refused.

"Or just go and see the strategy?" Hei Dao asked again, "Or go and see the comments under d?"

Kuroshima was once tortured to death by a wild dog in front of the school, but that situation was different from Matsudaira. There was a battle at the beginning, and no extra time was provided in the middle. The plot officially began after the battle.

Songping thought for a while, and felt right, he immediately cut to the touch screen, and at this time, he discovered that the new life touch of the gentleman series had actually updated version 1, providing the defeated plot and some script updates.


This relationship is good, what's the lack!

"The story of the defeat, it sounds so good"

With this feeling, Matsudaira immediately downloaded the update package.

Entering the game again, when Matsudaira’s heroine was killed, the plot did not end. Instead, a crystal beast appeared crazy. He wanted to take the heroine part like this, but fortunately, other students appeared to eliminate the monster. .

There are already few occupations available for the gentleman route, so a few sentences of the plot is not a big deal, after this part of the plot is over, the story even officially begins.

At the beginning of dlc, Matsudaira's heroine, the fake "Kinomoto Sakura", was recruited to the student union room. The student union heard that there was an abnormal situation in Houshan, so it was ready to send someone to investigate. The heroine was the chosen one.

Although he accepted the mission, Matsudaira did not immediately start this "main line". On his mission log, there are not only the main line, but also various branch lines.

For example, the touch d "gazing into the void".

"There is news of a mysterious armor circulating in the school. It is said that it is an armor made of crystal beasts. After wearing it, it can be immortal. It sounds very interesting."

This task can be accepted by anyone, but apart from the identity of a student, it is not a simple matter for other people to enter the No. 1 University in Tianwangzhou.

Using this identity, Songping found a notebook in the school's library, which recorded relevant news, but because the target area to go to is a bit far from the first university in Tianwangzhou, Songping could only choose to give up temporarily.

After Ichiro Kuroshima next to watch the situation, he also got itchy, and then clicked on his own game.

Because I installed a cool version of touch d, when Ichiro Kuroshima entered the game, he immediately found that the clothes on his character had become a lot cooler. The places that should and shouldn’t be exposed were fully revealed. , But it’s a pity that there is only Liehui, which is not reflected on the characters on the map.

Although it feels very sensational, Ichiro Kuroshima couldn't stand the feeling of being in a play. In the end, he had no choice but to temporarily turn off the touch.

After re-entering the game, Ichiro Kuroshima began the main quest of the DLC. After his "Miss" entered the back mountain, he encountered a crystal beast. It was in the original plot that Qiqi was "killed by the plot." That guy, this guy is the first official wave in the script. After eliminating this thing, the branch plot on the school side began to gradually merge with other parts.

Ichiro Kuroshima originally thought he could clear the DLC first, but soon, when he found that there was only a prop called "Mr. Horn", his road to customs clearance stopped.

The first more get today (to be continued.)

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