Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 585: Morality crisis

Because of the early bedtime, when Xue Nao and the others woke up the next day, it was only 5 o'clock in the morning.


After getting up from the ground, Yukino stretched her waist. When we slept last night, everyone was playing together. The belt of the yukata had already been untied, and the whole dress was half-wrapped on her like this, Chika and Lihua's appearance at this time was not too different.

However, it is a pity that this should be regarded as a boy's welfare, but Senxia is not blessed at this moment.

In fact, at this time, Senxia was completely wrapped in the quilt, and the whole person was wrapped like a meat dumpling.

"Morning, Xuenai, Lihua."

"Good morning, senior."

"Good morning."

The three greeted each other.

"This kind of feeling seems really good." Qianjia also stood up, and then moved her body a bit, "This kind of living together is really lively and interesting."

"Yes, everyone sleeps together, it feels great." Yukino also smiled, "It feels like everyone has become a family!"

On the contrary, Lihua next to her, after hearing the conversation between the two, showed a trance expression on her face. It can be seen that this kind of life is also a novel experience for Lihua.

"It seems that Li ± Chang ± Feng ± Wen ± Xue, ww☆w.c≠fwx.n⌒ethua, you also feel very happy." Qianjia smiled, "It's because of the relationship that Senxiajun is also in the room."

"No!" Lihua's face quickly turned red. Although this is not the whole reason, it is indeed not the reason why she is so happy. In order to prevent herself from being seen through by Qianjia, Lihua scolded at this time: "Also, Qianjia, hurry up and put on your clothes. This kind of untidy clothes is not good, we are now in someone else's house! And this is Senxia Jun. The time is here, how can you mess around!"

"What are you afraid of?" Qianjia didn't care. "Don't you know that there are many similar remote places in the West that will be developed into interesting camps like celestial camps~"

"Celestial body... Camp?" Lihua didn't seem to know what it was.

"It's the place where everyone lives together. It's a bit like a collective life. It's just like this kind of place..." Qianjia said halfway, and then approached Lihua, with her lips lightly against her ears, "But you can't wear anything. Oh~ everyone must meet frankly~"


Lihua took a step back, and she didn't know if it was because of Qianjia's words or the effect of her breath in her ears.

"Just, don't, too shameless!" Lihua stared at Qian Jia, obviously thinking that what Qian Jia said was a bit too much.

"Oh? What is shame? Lihua, do you want me to prepare a rope underwear for you?" Qianjia stepped up to Lihua and forced her.

"Rope underwear or's weird...I definitely don't want to..." Lihua was opposed to it. But when she said the last half of the sentence, the voice really became smaller and smaller, almost to the point of being inaudible.

Fortunately, Yukino was fiddling with the TV on the other side at this time, and did not notice the situation here.

After turning on the TV to broadcast the morning news, Yukino turned around: "Breakfast here is around seven o'clock, so there is still a lot of time."

Probably because she heard Xue Nao's voice, Qianjia, who was pressing Lihua there, also turned her head.

"Huh... By the way. Senxia-kun, how is Senxia-kun?"

Take advantage of this gap. Lihua adopted the method of changing the topic.

Hearing someone calling his own name, Morinya, who was half-wake and half-dream, really woke up. He was tightly wrapped in the kotatsu at this time, and the whole person seemed to be a worm.

"Xuno, please let me go..."

He muttered feebly.

last night. For the sake of morality between herself and Yukino, Morinka at the time firmly did not want to sleep with the three girls, so when the three people wanted to work together to keep themselves in the room, Morinka could be said to be irresistible. From.

But Morika's attitude also annoyed the three of them, mainly Chika and Yukino.

Since I don't want to sleep with us. Then you just stay alone!

Senxia was overwhelmed by anger, and was quickly **** in the quilt, and then suppressed all night.

"Hmph, brother, you know at a glance that you didn't reflect on it, wait until breakfast!"

Yukino didn't intend to be so cheap for Senxia. At this time, she immediately pouted, and then turned to watch TV, leaving only Senxia wailing in place.

"Heaven is a sin, you can live, self-inflicted, you can't live, Senxia-kun, you can reflect on it." Qianjia said to Senxia, ​​then turned his head and watched TV.

"..." Qianjia's gaze moved to Lihua.

Lihua was obviously shaken by Senxia's begging gaze, but she didn't seem to intend to help Senxia untie her restraints in this way. She turned her head and watched TV, leaving Senxia alone. Was tied to the quilt and placed Play.

When Morinka was released, it was time for breakfast. Although there was an air conditioner in the room, Yukino and the others deliberately turned off the air conditioner after getting up. Morinka was stuffed in the quilt for more than an hour. When he was released, he was already sweating profusely and his expression was in a trance.


Seeing the appearance of Senxia, ​​Yukino came over and poked Senxia.

"Um...I'm saved..."

Senxia murmured in a trance.

"Sinxia-kun, are you really okay?"

Qianjia and Lihua also walked to Senxia at this time.

In the summer, he was tightly wrapped in a quilt. Even if it was Senxia, ​​he couldn't avoid sweating all over. After the quilt was untied, Senxia's breath instantly radiated from it.

"...Well, it was surprisingly fragrant. I thought Senxia Jun would have a stinky sweat. I didn't expect the smell of a boy to be so sweet..."

After smelling this smell, Qian Jia was a little absent-minded.

Because of their physique, Morinka had barely sweated from the beginning, and there was no peculiar smell on her body. But at this time, the "sweet" breath from Morinka made their hearts beat. .

But if you smell it carefully, you will probably know that this is not actually perfume or other flowers or foods, but a very unique scent. This scent cannot simply be attributed to "sweet", but it is good. It seems that there is nothing wrong with using this word to describe the smell, such a breath that makes your heart beat faster.

"Suddenly I feel that although Senxiajun looks weak, he is unexpectedly handsome..." Lihua murmured.

"Yeah, I really want to eat him..." Qian Jia also came closer.

The first time they were infected by this kind of breath, these two people seemed to have become the "hungry ghosts in sex" they had previously called.

This is not a metaphor, they do seem to be drooling right now...


But at this time, Morinka was already in a state of breathlessness. Yukino was the first to find something wrong with Morinia, but after seeing that Morinia seemed to be unconscious, there seemed to be nothing else, she also sent it. Tone.

"Well, Senxia Jun must be bored now, take him to take a shower!" Qianjia immediately leaned to Senxia's side.

"Hmm, I'll help too!"

Lihua also went to the other side.

"No! I have to keep up!"

Yukino realized vigilantly that if she didn’t keep up at this time, maybe Morinya would really be in a virginity crisis. As Morinya’s cutest sister, how could she let her Oni sauce be taken by these two people? What about chastity? !

In any case, the three of them carried Morika to the bath again, and then helped Morika get off the yukata outside.

"Hehe, hehe~" Qianjia and Lihua seemed to be two idiots at this time. Yukino, who was still on the same front with these two men, realized that at this time, his brother could not be taken away by the other side!

At least until it is determined who is the No.1 in the family, absolutely cannot do this! After making a decision, Yukino took the shower head first: "Well, let me bathe my brother!"

"No, it should be mine!" Qianjia also pulled Senxia.

"Sen Xia Jun is not someone else's thing!" Lihua didn't let these two men succeed!

After being robbed and scrubbed by three people in this way, Senxia feels much more awake, but I don't know if this is because of the bath or because of the competition between these people.

Finally cheer up, time is almost the same.

"What's wrong with me?"

After recovering, Senxia's head seemed a little confused.

"Sen Xiajun, you were a little dizzy just now, did you forget?" Lihua asked with concern.

"Well, it's okay..." Senxia shook his head. He felt that his muscles were sore now.

"It's seven o'clock now, it's almost time to eat!" Xue Nao reminded.

"Well, we should go!"

Qianjia greeted Morika.

"Oh..." Senxia was ignorant, he didn't even realize why he appeared in the bathroom, so he followed the two people out of the bath in a daze.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the restaurant yesterday, and Grandpa Tianhai was already waiting here at this time.

This morning’s restaurant had delicate crab porridge and light food such as tempura and broccoli. Although the quantity was small, there were many varieties, so it looked very rich.

After eating the food, Senxia finally came back completely.

And at this moment, Senxia suddenly heard the voice from her grandfather.

"Sinxia, ​​you stay."


Today's second update ~ This is OwO (to be continued.)

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