Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 634: Lily's 0 best observation diary

Morinka couldn't remember what happened after he was watching the video and was discovered by Xueno. He only remembered that when he woke up, it was already the next morning. ☆→,

Time was forced to advance to the next day, and it was time to go to school.

But as soon as she arrived in the class, Senxia was blocked by Lilith Saint Fenasia Esofstia Sofia Qihuang Lucifer.

"Lily, good morning, come here... what's the matter?"

The other party's mysterious look made Senxia embarrassed.

To be honest, although everyone is already familiar with each other, Morinka doesn't know what Lili's real name is so far.

She must be a member of the Wugong Family, so the last name should probably be "Fifth Geng", but Senxia is quite curious about her name.

Could it be called Five Geng Lili?

No, it shouldn’t be. The name of Lili in Fifth Settlement is actually quite nice, but Lily seems to be very embarrassed and ashamed when she talks about her real name. If it is Lily in Fifth Settlement, Morinka thinks it is unlikely to be this. first name.

"follow me……"

Lily mysteriously pulled Senxia aside.

The two went all the way through the stairs, and then came to the entrance of the corridor.

Senxia's expression was a little subtle.

Usually, Qianjia was pulled here to talk about things, but today he was pulled over by Lily again.

"Now." Lily took out a novel.

"...Eh, is this book "Earth Defense Boy" only released this weekend?" Morinha was inexplicable.

"Of course, I got it in advance, Senxia, ​​sign me!" Lily took out a pen and asked Senxia to sign herself.

"...So, you called me over for this matter?"

Just a signature, do you need to be so serious?

"Of course not, this is just incidental. We have signed the book now, and then I will get the book up first, and then it will be business." Although Lily asked Morika to sign for herself, Lily's expression was not half-divided. The look of admiration or respect, the appearance of this face for granted, made Morinya feel quite dumbfounded.

It is so natural to have to sign, what kind of trouble is this?

Although dumbfounded, Senxia didn't say anything. He still signed the other party.

"wait for me a while."

Lily ran away quickly, and after a while, she came over panting.

"Okay, let's get started!"

"...So, what are we going to do?"

Senxia asked dubiously.

"That's it. Just follow me." After Lily finished speaking, she pulled Senxia into action.

"Hey hey hey, class will start soon!"

Senxia was inexplicable, and Lily suddenly pulled herself over at this moment. What a trouble was this.

"Isn't it just a few classes? Don't worry, Senxia-kun, this won't affect your attendance rate!" Lily's expression "just put ten thousand hearts" on her face.

"...In short, it wouldn't work without your help!" Lily looked at Senxia seriously.

"Uh," Senxia wanted to refuse, but since the other party had helped him a lot, he gritted his teeth, "Okay, just leave it to me!"

"Yo West."

Lily also smiled when Morinya agreed.

Look at the time, it's almost eight o'clock in the morning, and class time is about to begin.

And at this moment, Lily pulled Senxia and left the teaching building, and then pulled him to another building.

This place is the physics laboratory of Sakano Gakuen. Although Morika thinks it is absurd to have such a laboratory in high school, this place itself is said to be a very good place.

Lily brought Senxia to a laboratory, and Senxia found that, a telescope was erected in this place.

"Well, what is this going to do?" Senxia was inexplicable.

A smile appeared on Lily's face: "This telescope is facing the third grade classroom."


Senxia had an unfavorable premonition, he walked over, and then saw the scene in the telescope.

"Ah, Sister Qianjia?"

However, what appeared in the picture was Qianjia-senpai who was holding her head and looking out the window.

Senxia quickly turned around, and then looked at Lily.

Suddenly, a series of bad words such as "voyeur frenzy" and "stalking frenzy" flashed through Senxia's mind.

"Lily, are you observing Qianjia-senpai?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Of course, I don't believe that woman is so invulnerable, I want to find out her weakness!" Lily did not feel half ashamed.


Morinya looked at Lily, at this moment he didn't know what to say.

"Well, Lilysang, why do you have such an idea?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Because this guy can always find my weakness." Lily had a lingering look on her face, "And I checked the record of her clashes with the student union. This guy has never failed in the battle with the student union."

So, this kind of thing has no meaning at all! Are you so idle? !

"Don't you be curious, what is your Qianjia senior sister like in school?" If nothing is done, Lily will do another trick.

After hearing Lily's words, Morinka fell into hesitation.

Yes, the usual Qianjia-senpai...what does it look like?

Senxia was extremely curious.

"Mori Xiajun, we are now in the physics laboratory building. From such a distance, we can see your Qianjia senior sister, but she can't see us."

After hearing Lily's words, Senxia's inner curiosity finally couldn't be suppressed, he couldn't help curiosity, and then looked forward.

Senxia looked at Qianjia in the telescope. At this moment, Qianjia-senpai, she was holding her head, and then looking out the window.

It seems that there is no class yet. The students in Qianjia's class are all gathered together in twos and threes, but Qianba Qianjia seems to be an exception.

She just sat there, like a beautiful woman who was left behind and independent. She felt the loneliness and loneliness of the world.

But Senxia knew that Qianjia was not at odds with the classmates, or had nothing to say with them. It can be seen that although she was just sitting there, the atmosphere in the class never seemed to be separated from her, even She just said nothing, she was still the center of the crowd.

With a beautiful face and elegant and refined temperament, Qian Jia turned into a lotus flower, which attracted the envy of the fragrant people on the shore in the emerald green pool.

Qian Jia just sat quietly, but the cold and noble temperament was completely different from the usual Qian Jia.

Speaking of it, it seems that I have seen this kind of temperament of the other party before. When was that?

Senxia thought of the first semester last year, she had seen Qianjia senior sister reading on a bench, she had such an expression at that time!


Although I knew that this was the performance of the other party's listlessness, this natural nobleness, this kind of temperament that was completely different from my usual temperament, had already deeply attracted Mori Xia at this moment.

After seeing Qianjia who felt this way by chance, Senxia felt extremely excited in her heart.

"You can also look at other people!" Lily said beside her.

"……other people?"

Senxia moved the binoculars lightly, and then noticed Lihua next to another window.

Unlike Qian Jia, Lihua was sitting at the table at this time. At this time, several students were gathered around each other’s table. President Lihua was able to talk to everyone with ease at this time, and I couldn’t hear them here. But Lihua was able to take care of everyone during the dialogue and make everyone so happy. This is also an amazing ability.

"The president is really welcome!" Senxia couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, sister Lihua is popular, isn't this a normal thing?" Lily didn't seem to think anything about it.

Senxia continued to move the telescope down, and soon he found his class.

At this time, Erika Masahiro was doing relief work next to her seat. After saying a few words to Takatani Takashi, she rolled her eyes at him, and then took out her mobile phone, as if calling someone.

In about a few seconds, Senxia's cell phone rang suddenly, he was taken aback, and then quickly connected to the cell phone.

"Mosimosi? Senxia-kun?"

Erika's voice came from the phone.

"What's the matter? Sir?" Morinya looked at Erika and greeted Erika. He was a little embarrassed.

"Mori-natsu, you didn't attend the morning class meeting before, are you feeling unwell now?" Erika's voice was full of concern for Mori.

"No, I'm at school. The teacher is looking for me for something. Don't worry about it, sir. This matter will not affect me. I will go back soon... I'm still busy now. So be it, sorry!"

"Eh, Senxia?!"

Before Erika over there finished speaking, Morika hung up the phone here.

"...I hope I can't wear a helper." Senxia was a little worried.

"Of course I can't wear it anymore. I said it won't affect it, but it won't affect it." Faced with Senxia's distrust, Lily's eyes were full of contempt.

"..." Senxia did not speak, but continued to look at the telescope.

Suddenly I thought of seeing another class here, UU reading www. Moriha was curious, and then moved the telescope over there.

This is another class in the second grade.

This is Yukino's class.

Yukino, with a single ponytail, was talking to everyone in the class at this time. Then at this moment, Yukino seemed to realize something, and his gaze seemed to inadvertently look towards Morinka.

"... Murderous!"

As if recalling something terrible, Senxia was sweating coldly, and he quickly removed the telescope, which was relieved.

"...Huh, it's dangerous." He wiped the sweat from his forehead.


Today’s first chapter, Mu Ka Ka Ka~

Chapter 2 may be later, if you fall asleep, tomorrow (to be continued.)

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