Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 666: School trip departure

I will skip the things that are necessary here, because when Morinka and Chika were talking, they had almost arrived at Musashino, and after that, Morinka and Yukino had a more critical thing that was school trip.

Last year, Qianjia and Lihua went to London together, but this year, it was Senxia's turn.

"It's a pity, I wanted to go to Paris. That place is more interesting."

Sitting on the bus to Haneda Airport, Kiritani Takashi was sighing.

"If you are willing to repeat the grade, maybe we will be able to go to Paris next year." Senxia, ​​who was sitting next to Takatani Takashi, made a comment.

Sakano Gakuen has undergone a series of reforms to the school travel system this year. The original plan to go to London was replaced by students voting for countries such as Britain, France, Germany, and the United States.

However, the problem of going abroad cannot be solved immediately after a sudden change, because the voting time is very close to the school trip, so most people who find it troublesome still choose to go to London.

But next year, the voting will be changed after the final exam of the first semester, when the situation should be different.

"...Well, if you want to talk about it, Paris is more romantic." Kiriya Taka still looked a little unwilling.

"London is good too." Interrupted in the well in the front row. "Isn't the British style also cool? And there is also the hometown of Jack the Ripper and Holmes, such an interesting place, I must go and see it! "

If you push the time forward by 10 years, you must be Harry Potter now...

Senxia murmured silently in her heart.

"When it comes to Britain, the most valuable thing is the Victorian maid, as well as the Queen of England and her guards."

Squad leader Erika was checking everyone's luggage on the luggage rack at this time, and she happened to walk to Morinia's side at this time.

"Queen of England..."

Moriha didn't know much about the Queen of England, but he remembered that the queen's son seemed to be the legendary super tragedy of being Prince Charles for a lifetime. Oh, yes, and it is said that every time the queen parade or what time, it seems that guards fainted and pounced on the street to steal the spotlight?

"Actually, I want to see Oxford University and Big Ben." Senxia said his views.

"Eh, Morinia, do you want to go to the UK in the future?" Tong Gu Xiao asked curiously.

"How is it possible? That kind of place is at best regarded as a place for tourism." Just kidding, the 11th district is the gentleman's base camp. If you want to promote the gentleman culture, you must stay in Japan!

Morisha paused, and then said: "If I insist on changing places, I might choose to go to the great eastern country next door to us. At least that way, I can easily meet with you back and forth."

Gentleman is the root of everything. In front of the great gentleman Mori, Japan is always the first choice as a gentleman base camp. In this world, is there any country in the world that can talk about gentleman topics like Japan and publish a large number of gentlemen’s books local? absolutely not!

The places where you can't see the new work of Teacher Erdaime are all scum! Scum!

"Sure enough, I still want to go to Paris..." Kiriya Taka sighed, "I heard that the girls in France are very enthusiastic. People like me will definitely be welcomed."

As soon as Tongya Takahashi finished speaking, he found that both Morinka and Inoue were looking at him with weird gazes, and after the monitor over there, Erika, she took a deep look at Tongya after hearing the words of Tongya. Then chose to leave.

"I hope that this sentence will not be heard by Mihui sauce." Morinya patted Tonggu on the shoulder.

Morinka won’t talk about excess self-awareness, but Morinka has always been weird. Since Kiriya Taka is so afraid of his little girlfriend Mie Harada, why does he always want to mess with flowers?

Morinia expressed serious confusion about this kind of thing.

He glanced at Harada next to him. As Harada's elder brother, Harada himself didn't seem to have much opinion about Tonggu's flowers and grass. On the contrary, his smile at this time was obviously relaxed.

"Is this the expression of "successful dumping" in the legend?"

Reminiscent of the visual style of "Mihui sauce", Morinka strongly suspects that Harada introduced his sister to Takatani Takashi to shake the pot at the beginning, and even after successfully shaking the pot, I didn’t see Harada gain a lot of weight!

Turning his head back to look at Takatani Takashi, Mori Xia found that this man seemed to be frozen, he was motionless, as if Medusa had cast a petrified magic.

Morika suddenly realized: It’s not that she doesn’t care about feelings, but that she has ignored this matter.

I was wrong, I shouldn't have much hope for the IQ of the fool from the beginning...

"By the way, which car is your sister Senxia in?"

Inoue ignored Kiritani Takashi, but turned his head and asked Morika another question.

Senxia glanced out the window, and then said, "It's behind us."

Yukino's car was behind her, and Rena's car was in front. It was a coincidence that the three cars were all together.

"Unfortunately, the president is three years old. If the president can also go with us, it will be more interesting." At this time, Inoue thought of the student president of Jixiangyuan Lihua. When I was in school, the president was in charge of almost everything, but when I was on a school trip, the most important person in the student union was gone, which made people a little uncomfortable.

"Well, isn't it the same to have snow?" Senxia didn't think anything about it.

Besides, Yukino is also Miss Sakino. If you talk about the degree of attention, Yukino, who represents the image of Sakino School, is much more influential than President Lihua.

And although there was no Lihua, the students in the student union were all there and just before leaving, Morika saw with her own eyes that Lihua had handed over a large amount of prepared filings and response strategies to those student union members. Well, if you put it in one sentence, although Lihua is not there, the members of the student council with management strategies written by Lihua are all clones of Lihua. At this time, Senxia suddenly thought of the phrase "Ru I will come in person" Although the usage is wrong, the meaning seems quite correct.

"Ah, anyway, we should be in London at this time tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it~" Inoue turned around and sighed.


Senxia was noncommittal.

Compared to going to the UK, Morinatsu was more concerned about Iki's situation at this time.

Well, yes, the maid will also go to England with Moriha...


Today's morals.

So sleepy, so be it, get up tomorrow morning codeword, I want to cheer...

There seems to be a skip in the middle, but in fact there is no, because according to the situation at the time, it is really harmonious, so let's take it in one stroke. Otherwise, this chapter may write some wonderful content, and then call the title "66666 "such. To be continued.

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