Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 689: Give me a good job!

"Simply put, Senxia-kun, what we have to do is very complicated."


"Senxia-kun, Sega is now preparing a game called ‘_berkley’."



This guy looks like... Shenmue?

Senxia thought of a legendary and wonderful game, and that was Shenmue.

"What's wrong with this game?"

Senxia looked dumbfounded.

"The producer of the game is Mr. Hiroshi Suzuki. This game is considered to be one of Sega's recent masterpieces. Both the image quality and the system are top-notch."

Speaking of it, in the original world, "Shenmue" seemed to be launched only a year after the dc listing.

But what is Qianjia doing when it comes to this question?

"Does this have anything to do with me now?" Senxia asked strangely.

"No. It's just that we may not have time to discuss later, so I will talk to you about this now."

Qianjia had already brewed a cup of coffee at this time, and then brought it to Senxia.

"This is a game comparable to the Final Fantasy series. At least on the screen. The game was developed on the ss platform in the early days, but recently moved to dc, and the effect is particularly good."

Qianjia seemed very excited.


Cure can't save dc, Moriha believes this.

The highest-selling game on the dc platform is more than 2 million sets, which seems to be the Sonic series developed by Sega itself. Although Shenmue is called Violent Death, its sales volume is still the top few on dc.

But Morinha's current question is still that: "Why are we discussing Sega's new game now?"

"I think there is a play! If this game is developed, it will definitely make a fortune in the history of the game!"

Qianjia's eyes gleamed.

I have to say that Qianjia's vision is still very good, but the problem is that Shenmue made a mistake in this game, so the final outcome is not to be popular.

"Well, our ambitions are not big, we can sell three to five million sets, I think it's almost the same."

Morinia didn't want to get too much sales at all, and the gentleman game itself is not the kind of work that can sell well.

Speaking of which, if this world is a gentleman game that can be accepted by everyone, then it would be great...

However, it is a pity that this world is not like this. It is a very serious and disciplined world.

"Well, if there are so many sales for a gentleman game, it is indeed a good thing, but the game "Lelouch" is not a gentleman game, right." Qianjia made a point.

"This is a pan-two-dimensional game, right? In fact, the games we make are not considered popular." Mori Xia shook her head. "In popular games, there are probably only three types of guns, cars, and balls... …"

"That's what I said," Qian Jia shook his head, "Well, but we should just work hard in this direction now, Senxia-kun, your heart should be a little bigger!"

"To be honest, if I really want to choose a platform for the general game, I personally prefer the PC series of online games, then the second generation of PS, and finally dc."

The pc online game is now in a big eastern country, it’s like a horse racing enclosure and mastered the market of a big eastern country. How to make a gentleman game. If possible, then we will open a gentleman's school full of girls wearing only fat times and corsets, and there will be no problematic speech!


Qianjia squinted her eyes when she heard Senxia's words, and then leaned over.

"Ah, if that's the case, then that's it!"



Senxia almost forgot that Qianjia's father had a stake in Sega. If he said this at this time, it would be strange if Qianjia was not angry...

"...Well, let's stop this topic for now. But Senxia-kun, you're going to get busy now."

Qian Jia looked at Senxia with a heavy face.

"So, what's the matter?" Senxia was inexplicable.

"So, this is business." Qianjia pointed to the desktop document.

"So?" Senxia was a little strange.

"In other words, Senxia-kun, you only have a lot of things to do. I won’t talk about the script. Lelouch’s script. In any case, Senxia-kun, you have to finish it in the next three months."

Senxia nodded, this is something that must be done in order not to affect the next new fan.

"In addition, our platform will be online at the end of the year."

"If the Mithril platform is officially launched, this is a good thing!" Senxia thought it was very good.

Qianjia nodded: "In addition, we are going to Omi to go public. The feedback there is better than that in China. In terms of survey data, Lelouch's market should also be bigger there."

Morinatsu knows this very well. Even "Valkyrie of the Battlefield" has a higher sales volume in Europe and the United States than Japan. The Japanese favorite is rpg, and Shenmue games are also popular in Europe and the United States.

"So, our rpgmaker will also be ready to go public."

rpgmaker is going to be launched simultaneously when the Mithril platform is officially launched, but before then, they will have three to five more classic games and more sample games. The number of such small games will probably be controlled at two. Ten or so, and then slowly released after the listing.

"and so?"

"So before that, Senxia-kun, you have to finish all these scripts."


I completely forgot.

Senxia was immediately confused.

"Mori-natsu-kun, you still have a lot of debts!" ​​Chika squinted at Mori-natsu. I won't talk about the extravaganza of Xingyue. Takeuchi has been urging Nasusan, but his work But a lot of it hasn't been completed, and your outer part may have to be postponed. But your novel is not finished yet, besides, you have to finish the animation script! "


Then, the scripts of the three games of rpgmaker are basically Morinia.

In other words, if Senxia goes to catch up the draft now, he will burn her ass...


"So, from now on, Senxia-kun, all your rest time, you must stay here to write articles!"


Senxia found that seems to be talking about modal particles all the time.

"In short, Senxia-kun, you have to stay here for these two days to write scripts!"


Senxia was stunned.

"In other places, I have no problem!"

Senxia protested.

"No, I found that Senxia Jun, your efficiency is too problematic, but you once wrote 200,000 words in this place, so I think, Senxia you should work here!"



Forget it, Senxia owes more debts than me...

The first more~ (to be continued.) ()

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