Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 738: This is an academic discussion, please believe me, this is really just an academic dis

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Morinka and Yukino are having various discussions about various p1ays of Yu and Qiong.

Obviously it is a very dirty topic, but the expressions of the two people are now very serious.

But if you insist, the expressions between the two people are still slightly different.

Morika's expression was focused and profound, while Yukino's expression was eager to try with a little expectation.

"However, when it comes to the specific plot, I feel that we still need to consider the audience's acceptance. Not everyone likes to use props, or like very special types of things." Mori summer considered the audience's feelings, this point The problem needs to be solved.

"It's better to start from the posture." Xue Nao made a good suggestion.


"For example, we can let Yu and Qiong go home, and then can’t wait to do something ulterior in the hallway, so..."

Yukino expressed her opinion.

After hearing Yukino's words, Morinka suddenly thought of the original plot, such a seems to exist.

"The two brothers and sisters like to play all kinds of taboo games, and the best way to show them is to use props, there are only various postures." Xue Nao added.

"That's right, but this requires careful consideration." Morinya was thinking, "I think the following part of the plot should be able to write something, so now I am thinking about how to do it."

"I think the first time such a scene presented to readers and audiences must have enough shock, but it must not disgust the audience." Xue Nao added Morinia's suggestion.

Senxia nodded in agreement.

"What should I do?" Senxia thought.

"How about this? I think this kind of scene is very good for hot springs and baths." Yukino said, turning around, and then straddling her body under her. The two sat facing each other like this "Let sister Qiong take the initiative to sit on his elder brother like this, so it’s okay."

"Well... it's really good. Generally speaking, in hot springs and baths, it is the easiest place to wipe guns and escape fire. If it is placed here, the audience's acceptance is more appropriate."

It is stated in advance that Morinha does not have any crooked thoughts right now, and the two brothers and sisters are only discussing the scenes in a very pure discussion, and then presenting them through deductive methods. Other than that, there is absolutely nothing strange.

"However, a picture like this is really'simple' to only the feeling of beauty, and it can't reflect the entanglement of the brother and sister under pressure." However, Yukino himself made a negative opinion on this. .

It should be said that it is not negative, but on top of this, it needs to be completed.

After hearing Yukino's words, Morika was also in deep thought at this time.

Yes, what should be done here?

"In the beginning it was in the hot spring, but afterwards, there can be more situations. I think here, the two brothers and sisters do not necessarily need to play for about making them play like they did when they were young? In this case, it can symbolize that the two brothers and sisters are reminiscing about the beauty of the past." Morinya offered another opinion.

"Ah, in this case, I think our previous life is also very valuable!"

Yukino and Morika are also brothers and sisters.

After hearing Morinka's words, Yukino hugged Morinka all at once.

"I used to like to hold my brother like this the most!"

In the hot spring, Yukino happily stuck on Morinka's body. Such a scene showed the beautiful family relationship between the brother and sister and the trust between them.

"It's also true. Through this method, it seems to be more interesting than simply showing the deformed relationship between the two brothers and sisters!" Mori Xia was very appreciative of Yukino's suggestion. "When I was young, the two brothers and sisters No matter what actions you make, this will not cause strange thoughts to outsiders, but when you get older, the original innocent behaviors will change in the world of adults."

Hearing Morinka’s words, Yukino also fell into contemplation: “Yes, maybe it’s not the relationship between Yu and Qiong’s siblings, but the opinions of outsiders? There was no change in the beginning, but in the filthy mind of adults, You He Qiong became a symbol of distortion."

Yes, perhaps it is not You He Qiong that is distorted, but the entire outside world.

"You and Qiong's behavior may be a silent accusation of that dirty adult world."

Morinia thinks this might be good too.

After joining this kind of relationship, the main point of the whole story is actually a torture of the adult's dirty mind. This accusation against the world is a reflection on the human heart.

"So, the two brothers and sisters are actually victims, and their behavior is an additional struggle." Xueno's eyes at this time also became as serious as Morinka.

"But it is precisely because of this that the relationship between Yu and Qiong can cross that great line."

Because of this, the relationship between brother and sister has been sublimated.

Not only impulse or for other reasons, the two brothers and sisters can be more obstructed, cross the invisible boundary line, and then move towards eternity. The feelings in this are very heavy in Senxia's view.

"I remember Mr. García Márquez once said that after a character is created, it is his own character, not the author, that determines his life."

Sometimes, perhaps the author likes a certain character very much, but when the character’s life comes to an end, even the author has no choice but to let the character pass away. It is not the author who decides this character. It is the character itself. If the character does not do this, then this is no longer the character.

This is the heaviness in a literary work. It is not that the dreamlike happy_end is not allowed to appear, but in the story, everything is decided because of the character of the character, and the author’s own wishes cannot change this load. of.

From the initial play ticket, to the later Lifan, and then to the current story, for the first time, Morinya realized that she had such a strong urge to write.

He wants to express the life of Yu and Qiong, he wants to write all the lives of the brothers and sisters, and he wants to present all these stories that are dreamlike but yet so realistic to the world.

Going back to the story itself, Morinka continues to think about the content behind.

Yukino also let go of Senxia at this time, and then sat next to Senxia again.

"Well, in this place, just write that the two brothers and sisters are playing. The brothers and sisters when they grow up are still playing childhood games, which in itself has a strong contrast." After Morinya said this, Stood up.

"Perhaps we can learn something from each other?" Xueno felt that, since we are all brothers and sisters, perhaps between herself and Morinya could be a breakthrough point for us to learn from?

"Well, this can be used for reference. If there is no real support, even if you can write such a plot, it will definitely make people feel very empty." At this time, such a scene is needed to show it, and there are Something you can learn from, this effect is definitely very good.

"But I think if it's between us, it doesn't seem appropriate."

Well, although Senxia was indeed very young physically a dozen years ago, there is no way to make up for the mental age difference.

There are indeed many wonderful memories between Morinka and Yukino, but if you think about it, that kind of thing itself is different from the life course of ordinary people!

"I think it's great!" But Yukino doesn't seem to think so. "That is the most precious and important memory of my brother and me. Isn't it good to show this kind of thing to everyone!"

"No, no, no, our situation is too special, it is not a reference. If you write such a plot, the audience will definitely scold me after it is released!"

This kind of thing, duangduangduang can become real and credible without adding special effects.

However, Yukino's view is different from Morinka.

"But I think my brother at that time was great!"

After saying that, Yukino simply pounced on Senxia's body: "At that time, no matter how we played, my brother was very happy! I was also very happy!"

Watching my sister grow This is indeed a very happy thing.

"But these are two different things. You and Qiong's past should be more real."

Senxia felt it was necessary.

"What's so bad about having a dreamlike childhood!" Yukino pursed her mouth. "At that time, when we were in the hot springs, I liked throwing my brother in the water like this the most. It's not very fun!"

Because it’s a pool, you won’t get hurt if you are thrown down, and the pool is shallow, so you won’t drown or drown. In the family hot spring, because there are no outsiders, you are free.

Of course, there are still many games and memories between brothers and sisters, but in this case, both of them have focused their thinking on the hot springs.

"Perhaps it takes some games or actions that looked ordinary when I was young, but become sultry when I grow up." Senxia struggled to stand up, and then stepped back and changed his mind.

"Is that so?" Yukino raised a leg and put it on Senxia's shoulder. With Yukino's flexibility, this is not a problem. She put her leg on Senxia's shoulder, and then the whole person reached Senxia. In front of Xia, her body and Senxia stuck together.

"Ah, is it Senxia-kun..." The words suddenly came from outside, and then halfway through, stopped abruptly.

Senxia came back to her senses instantly when she heard this voice.

Standing at the door is Lihua.

"Uh, this is an academic discussion! It is definitely not a strange thing!" Senxia hurriedly argued.


Really, this is a very pure, serious academic discussion!

What? Do you ask about the game with Morinka and Yukino? It's nothing, it's just an ordinary kid's game...

Today's first update, this is the festival~ (to be continued.) 8

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