Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 740: Temporary worker of God TM!

Just as the animic club faced the demo of "Lelouch the Rebellious", Morinka and Yukino were encountering an embarrassing scene.

Lihua, who suddenly appeared at the door, put Morinya in an extremely embarrassing situation.

"This is just an academic discussion, not a strange thing!"

Senxia yelled quickly.

"..." At this time, Lihua seemed to be stunned for a while, and then she turned red and she passed out.

Fortunately, Senxia's eyes were quick and quick, and after realizing that Lihua was really dizzy, they ran over without letting Lihua fall to the ground.

But for this reason, the enjoyment of Senxia and the others' hot springs could only be temporarily suspended.

"Is Lihua okay?"

Sister Yiki didn’t go to the hot springs. When Morinka and the others came out with Lihua, they met Yiki. After talking about this to the other party, Yiki told others about it. After receiving the news, Qianjia and the others rushed over immediately.

"Probably soaked in the hot springs, right?"

Although Morika felt that she was discussing academic issues at the time, it seemed that Lihua had some misunderstandings.

... But Morinya didn't plan to tell anyone about this matter.

"Eh? Senpai, didn't you go to the hot springs?" Morinka noticed that Qianjia did not wear a yukata, but a daily outfit, and her hair was not wet.

"Well, I was planning to go there, but because of Senxia-kun’s previous suggestion, I am going to go out later." It was obviously the weekend, but Qianjia couldn’t stop here. Speaking of it, it was because of Senxia’s thing.

But this is actually nothing, because everyone in the animic club is also working overtime. At this time, the boss of Senxia is actually in shameful laziness.

"What?" Senxia was a little strange.

"Because of your previous suggestion, Mori-kun, that fate no sky, I just read it a little bit, I feel that this script is closer to a serious story, so I called and contacted Musashino. , Just so, Mr. Manashita recently met a very talented supervisor who is preparing to make his own animated film."

"--So what are you going to do?" Senxia was shocked when she heard the news.

The action of the DAP is simply overwhelming.

Morinya felt like she couldn't look directly at her.

But Qianjia feels good on her own: "I heard that the work he is going to make seems very interesting, so I plan to check it out."

"...It's fine if you are happy." Senxia's mouth twitched, how should I say this kind of thing.

As I said, now Qianjia actually wants to make a serious animation. What kind of trouble is this!

"Forget it... by the way, what is the name of that supervisor?"

"Master, there is your call."

At this moment, Iki came to Morika with his mobile phone.

Before going to the hot spring, Morinka had already changed into a yukata, so the phone was not on her.

Senxia nodded, then went over and picked up the phone: "Mosimosi?"

"Teacher Xia Sen! Please come and have a look! Our "Lelouch" demo is ready!"

Just after Morinka finished speaking, Ichiro Kurojima's excited voice came from there.

"Oh! Have you already done it?"

After hearing that Ichiro Kuroshima had already written the script last night, Morinatsu also shined.

"Hi! Although the graphics and other aspects are still very rudimentary, this game is indeed very interesting!"

Senxia looked at the time, it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and it didn't seem to take too long to go back and forth.

"Now, Morinatsu, I am going to Musashino, are you coming over?" Qianjia's voice came over there too.

"No, I'm going to the club now to see if it has been made!" The magic version of Lelouch, Senxia really wants to see how much this game can achieve.

"Okay, let's act separately." Qianjia nodded.

"Brother, can you let me add it to the back part of Yuan Zhikong?" And Xue Nao is still interested in the pit of Yuan Zhikong at this time.

"Is it a new novel? I am also interested." Ji Ye is also very concerned about Morinha's novel.

"Yo Xi, so be it!"

After everyone said it, they split up.

Mori and Chika were on the same road, so the two got into Iki's car together. Under the leadership of the old driver, the two came to Musashino first.

"Then, we will see you later." Qianjia said goodbye to Senxia after getting out of the car.

"Hi, see you later." Senxia was already a little impatient at this time. After he finished talking with Qian Jia, he left here.

Looking at the back of Senxia's departure, Qianjia shook her head: "Really, I wanted to go and see this powerful supervisor with Senxia."

After saying this, Qian Jia took out a note, which Qian Jia hurriedly wrote down on the phone before, about the information about the supervision.

On this, I remember "madhouse" and the words "_blue".

"I heard that this animation is very interesting before. It's a pity that I didn't watch it at the time. After I have a chance, I will go to see Xiajun with Mori..."

Qianjia murmured, then turned around and walked into the Musashino animation. After meeting with Ma, they will go to Murai Sadayuki together, and then meet the supervisor together...

Senxia didn't know who Qianjia was going to meet. When Qianjia set off to find Mr. Supervisor, Senxia was already in the animic club.

Then, Mori Xia noticed that at this time the animic club seemed to be immersed in the game world and couldn't help it.

"This is our demo?"

However, after seeing the picture, Morinya was shocked.

Obviously Kuroshima Ichiro's tone was so excited before he left the manor, obviously he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

But why did it become like this?

The humble picture, simple ui, the only thing that can be said to be more brilliant, probably only the bgm of zun.

However, this thing... completely below my expectations!

Then Morinatsu looked at Ichiro Kurojima beside her.

Since he came in, Ichiro Kuroshima has been looking at him with this eager gaze.

Hey, does this guy want to pit himself?

No, isn't this kind of thing only Qianjia senior sister can do?

In other words, the guy who has the problem is actually himself?

Black Island! Unexpectedly you are such a black island!

Morinha felt her chrysanthemum tight.

"Mr. Xia Sen, please give it a try. The fun level of this game is absolutely beyond your imagination!"

Black Island is still very excited.

"Uh, I will try my best." After Morinia finished speaking, he came to the computer and clicked on the game.

In fact, from the perspective of this era, Mori summer’s games are actually good, whether it’s 3D effects or the way of fighting, but it’s not wrong to say that it’s simple, because the graphics of the game are indeed very simple. ——Have you seen the square leaves? The ones in this game are.

After seeing this demo version, although I found that the other party did realize part of his own ideas, seeing this kind of picture, Mori Xia still feels-I am generous, oh no, I am so panic.

He sat down and started the game.

"Huh?" But just after two rounds, Senxia discovered something very subtle: this game ai...not ordinary!

In the game, some terrains can hide characters, such as building ruins, and places like rivers and woods.

Red Moon Karen, controlled by Senxia, ​​was justly opened the door and killed after entering the woods.

This group of enemies was hidden at the gate of the woods. They did not leave the woods. Instead, three mechas squatted here and let Senxia rush up and hit the south wall alone.

"He's meowing!"

What is even more exaggerated is that Senxia discovered that this group of enemies was still very witty. They went up in his army, and then when Lelouch squatted in the back, he discovered that he was killed by the opponent in a roundabout way!

This ai is perfect! After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was clearly not allowed to be refined... Uh, it seems that this place is from Japan.

"Targeted ai." After Morinya thought for a while, he came to a conclusion.

This ai is designed for the terrain, they are in this picture, it is such a solution.

"This difficulty has exploded!"

Senxia was quickly overthrown by ai.

But Senxia did not intend to let it go. After being overthrown by the opposite side, Senxia continued to start the second round. In this round, Senxia was However, Morxia found that when she adopted After this strategy, the enemy simply evaded the expansion of Senxia's forces, and instead used ambushes to fight harassment.

In "Lelouch the Rebellious", the game map itself is very large, so even such a harassment war can be done.

Soon, Senxia followed in the footsteps of the chairman and was encircled by the opponent.

That's not right, because the quantitative advantage seems to be the opposite ai.

"It's not scientific! I must have opened the game in the wrong way!"

After Senxia made a comment, immediately started the third one.

There is no doubt that Senxia was pushed back by the opponent again.

There were more than ten games in a row, but the fate of Senxia has not changed. In the end, the opposite side still killed the sad Senxia in minutes.

"Ms. Xia Sen, this game is not bad!" Ichiro Kuroshima leaned over to Senxia.

"Well, it's enough to be a demo." Although it is outrageous, how should I put it... Why is this feeling of being unable to stop at all!

"But how do you make such a difficult ai?" Senxia asked.

"This is done by Miyazaki... Oh, he is a college student at school, temporarily working here as a temporary worker." Ichiro Kuroshima motioned for Miyazaki to come over.

Miyazaki was still a little nervous after seeing Morinka, he bowed his head towards Morinka, "I am Hidetaka Miyazaki, please give me your advice!"

After hearing the other party's name, Senxia's expression became very subtle. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind:

Hidetaka Miyazaki, the temporary worker of God tm!


This is the first update today.

I learned the news that the leader of Azeroth actually hung up qaq behind the new version of the big transfer, my leader! (To be continued.)

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