Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 745: Sega: I'm invincible

When Morinka is distressed by the role, on the other side, the Christmas holiday is coming soon.

At this time, Sega, who had been in the best for a month, fell into tension and anxiety.

The reason is simple, because the stock is insufficient.

As a typical pig teammate, he directly gave dc to the pit.

Christmas is definitely a peak sales season, but unfortunately, Sega is unable to increase production.

"...In other words, even during the Christmas holidays, we can only stock up to 300,000 units?"

This is definitely a bad thing. As the director, Masao Chiba is now on Sega's side to understand the situation.

But it is a pity that even Chiba Masao can't change anything, and the directors can only say that they have influence on the president, rather than being able to act on his own will. Fortunately, Okawa Ko is standing in front of Chiba Masao. Side.

"It's almost like this before the Christmas holidays. If you continue to work overtime during the Christmas period, there is probably no problem. Nec will probably be able to solve the yield problem in January, and then the shipment will not be a problem." Answered Chiba Masao Yes, it was Sega’s current president who joined Shoichiro.

Originally, according to the earliest scheduled plan, Sega DC should be listed in 1999, but later in order to catch up with the Christmas schedule and suppress Sony, Shoichiro asked to advance the plan to 1998.

This is not over yet. After the December sales were advanced, he felt that this time was too tight, so he moved the time forward again to November 27.

And, in order to allow Sega to concentrate on the development of the ast game console, Shuichiro announced that the Sega Saturn ss game console will withdraw from the historical stage.

Among the so-called old game players who most want to be killed, Shuichiro is definitely among the top three.

Qianyu Masao frowned upon hearing the other party's report.

"Our expected sales volume is to reach 1 million units before February, but if this is the case now, the situation will be very difficult." He remembers Sega's plan. This is definitely not something that can be done easily.

One million units, if you follow the initial plan, it is not difficult to achieve, but after a month of shortage, things become a little more subtle.

"Big husband, cute milk!" Zhaoichiro was very confident, he said, patted his chest, "Now, our ast is the best machine on the market! Moreover, our previous hunger sales strategy was also very successful, dc The enthusiasm is always there, and none of this is a problem!"

In 1998, when players were still playing n64, ps and ss, a new generation of Sega DC appeared.

The newly born dc, the players scared the players.

This is the real next era, a truly outstanding game console.

Shoichiro Nikoku has absolute confidence in their host. At this level, their host has an unmatched advantage.

Moreover, DC was a high-standard hardware from the beginning. Shoichiro knew that Sony would definitely develop the second generation of PS, but he was not afraid.

Sony can win once, can it still win a second time?

I can fight back!

This belief is not just about getting into Shoichiro. Many people within Sega hold the same view.

But after hearing the news, Chiba Masao over there frowned.

Sega is now very confident in their new machine from bottom to top. At the beginning, many people were panicked because of insufficient production. But after that, the advantages brought by hunger marketing even made ast's popularity and popularity increased by a whole.

At this time, many people began to swell.

Masao Chiba came to talk with Shoichiro Nikoto today, and originally wanted to clarify this issue with the other party, but now it seems that the situation is a bit uncomfortable.

"Although Mr. Okawa and I have the same ideas, the other directors' ideas..."

Sega’s directors have no strategic concept.

This is what Chiba Masao realized after entering Sega.

Compared with Sega's interests, these people are more concerned about whether their own interests have been lost. If their own interests are not harmed, Sega will suffer some losses. In their opinion, this is acceptable.

After moving into Sega, Chiba Masao discovered that Sega had many secrets.

For example, Tom Kalinske, the former vice president of Sega's North American division, proposed the strategy of developing new game consoles with Sony in the earliest days.

At that time, Sony happened to be put together by Nintendo, and was furious. If Sega had cooperated with Sony at that time, the PS game console was probably produced jointly by Sega and Sony.

——In fact, it was not Sega who came to Sony at that time, but Sony came to Sega.

The group of people headed by Tom Kalinske strongly agreed with the cooperation with Sony. They prepared a lot of information to demonstrate the superiority of cooperation with Sony. Its persuasiveness made Qianha Masao see it and felt that it would cooperate with the other It's a good idea.

In fact, at that time, Tom and others had already negotiated with Sony. As long as the board of directors approved, they would celebrate with champagne, and then devote themselves to a greater cause.

——But Sega’s directors felt that Sony would share the profits and might also affect their own arcade industry. So when Tom and others felt that their plan could be passed, they were unexpectedly rejected .

Everyone knows what happened afterwards-play_ turned out, punching Nintendo, kicking Sega, and became the unmatched great game console of the next era.

In 1996, Tom Kalinske, who could not bear it, finally chose to leave Sega.

——By the way, this Mr. Tom is not an unknown person. He also has a nickname called "The Father of Barbie."

"If the cooperation with Sony were successful at that time, there wouldn't be so many things..."

Qianyu Masao murmured in his heart.

He looked at the acquaintance Shoichiro in front of him, the president of Sega, and now he is very optimistic about DC. In his opinion, the next Sony will be crushed by them every minute.

"There is another problem. When our third-party developers are developing, they all bypass the environment for development. In the absence of the ce environment, the development difficulty becomes very difficult, which greatly affects the development progress. Very unfavorable. What strategies do you have to deal with this?"

The question that Chiba Masao said made Shoichiro Nikoku frowned.

The environment is a very good development environment. For now, it is no problem to determine the development environment of dc as the best platform for the whole host.

——However, the pitfall is that the current Japanese manufacturers have chosen to bypass this environment for development. The characteristics of the Japanese funny characters are fully displayed at this time. They deliberately chose to bypass this environment to develop games, just to avoid it. Not to mention the increasing difficulty of development, the progress of many games has also been affected.

Mainly use the environment for development, mainly North American game manufacturers, in Japan, use this environment for development, very few.

It's another troublesome thing.

But afterwards, Shoichiro was still very confident when he joined: "Don’t worry, Mr. Chiba. We have Capcom as an example. Their next generation of Resident Evil will be on sale on our dc platform. The killer work that is being developed on ss will also be developed on dc. We have a great advantage!"

However, when he heard Shoichiro Nikoto say these words, Masao Chiba suddenly thought of what he heard from his daughter, Morinka Amami, about Sega:

ast this is going to end!

Although at the beginning, Animic chose to hold Sega’s thigh, but from his daughter's side, Chiba Masao knew Mori's true attitude towards DC.

Although he is also playing games on dc, but a closer look reveals that whether it is "Plants vs. Zombies" or "Crown of, these are all transplanted from other platforms.

Chiba Masao also heard that they are going to develop a new work recently, and they will invest a lot of manpower and money to produce this work.

However, this work is not just going to be invested in dc platform vendors. In fact, this work is for sale on both PC and dc platforms. The reason why it is not on the ps platform is entirely because the platform is really unable to run. Their new game is nothing more.

Not only that, Chiba Masao also knows that Moriha is very concerned about Sony's movements.

Chiba Masao has no doubt that if ps2 is really out, no matter how his daughter stops it, Mori summer should run into Sony's embrace!

After talking with Shoichiro Iriko, Masao Chiba became even more worried.

If it were to change to his own company, he would definitely not allow someone inside to drag each other back, but Sega was Okawa Gong’s painstaking efforts after all, and Qian Ha Masao could only restrain his temper.

Moreover, Mr. Okawa Ko is not in good health recently, and the other directors and the upper management have their own plans. At this time, Chiba Masao could not suppress the frenzied emotions within Sega.

"Maybe Mori-kun has any unique insights about Sega?"

Chiba Masao thought of Morinatsu. He was only a high school student, but he seemed to have seen Sega thoroughly. In some cases, he had clearly learned about Sega for a long time after entering Sega’s investigation. But looking at Morinka’s appearance, he seemed to have known that he would. what happened.

Maybe he will have unique insights?

So, do you want to continue to talk to him?


First today~

There was a power outage today, but fortunately there is an ups power supply, so hurry up and write the second chapter of the code~ (to be continued.)

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