Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 798: Sega is sure of pills

"ask me?"

When Senxia learned from Qianjia what Qianyu's father Masao Chiba wanted to do, Senxia's expression was strange.

——Simply put, it is that Masao Chiba wants to know what strategy he will adopt when DC starts to go on sale in North America, and then there is Morika's current view of Sega.

"I'm not from Sega, so why ask me?"

Senxia looked inexplicable.

"Because Mori-kun, you have predicted almost everything that happened to Sega’s dreamcast before. Not only Dad, but even Mr. Okawa Ko, were surprised by your eyesight. And even though you were finally caught by Sega People are self-defeating, but your strategy really helped them in the beginning."

Just as Qianjia said before, Morinya is a mouthful of integrity.

Obviously I have been complaining about dc before, but Morinia has read all the news about dc without missing anything.

Not only that, Senxia, ​​a tsundere who looks like a black fan, has also helped Sega with strategies-and it's quite easy to use.

Now Shoichiro and others are ready to focus on Suzuki Yu, wanting to make a big news, but the game has not been made after all. At this time, they are still looking for breakthroughs in other aspects.

"If I want to see, the best way is to invest the money used to make this masterpiece into other small manufacturers. 7 billion yen, 70 games invested, at least a few boutiques will be available. I think Things are better now."

What else do you think?

The simplest way of thinking is, don’t be desperate, why don’t we have the money to invest more in two games?

So hello, hello everyone, how good is this?


But after hearing Morinha's words, Qianjia's face showed a subtle expression of contempt.

Obviously, Qianjia's view is different from Senxia.

Senxia looked at Qianjia with a hate for iron and steel: "Senior sister, you are the typical Japanese thinking! I want to finish my work, I want to play a final battle game, and then let everyone like it. This kind of thing is simply Not the right way~"

"...I just like to make big news and make a good game. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Qianjia raised her eyebrows, and then stared at Senxia.

"" Okay, Senxia confided.

"Then what do you think?" Qianjia asked again.

"What do you think? I don't have any opinion on DC going to North America. As long as Sega doesn't die, there is no problem in North America, right?"

If it's in Japan, Morinia can still find some brainstorms to help DC carry out publicity and promotion.

However, in North America, DC started to sell very well just after it went on the market. At this time, Senxia didn't have any special strategies for them.

——Can you give dc a keyboard and mouse and pretend to be a pc?

Just kidding, this is simply impossible.

After being so troubled by Qianjia, Morika didn't have the interest to continue writing the script. After he saved the document, he opened the Internet and jumped to the Yahoo website in the United States.

Although the websites in the United States are all in English, this is not a problem for Morinka and Chika. If there is any problem, it is probably the painful Internet speed of visiting foreign websites.

Senxia's home was originally a very rare tall network, but after all, it is through submarine fiber to be able to access US websites, so the network speed is still a bit painful.

"Ah, well."

The various forums on the US side are much more interesting and energetic than those on the Japanese side.

Japanese people prefer to mix in anonymous forums and post all kinds of strange comments, but in the United States and other regions, everyone’s discussions are a lot more serious. On the Internet, everyone’s quality is very high-but this is probably not because of the United States. The quality of people is high, because in this era, most of the people with a high proportion of Internet access are relatively high-quality. Those with low quality probably don't even know how to access the Internet.

"Comparison of dreamcast and revealed parameters."

Look, Senxia randomly clicked on a game forum, and then clicked on a dc-related post, and found that this is such a serious discussion!

On the forum, the author of this post made a comparison with the current dc based on the news disclosed by Sony.

As Moriha said, everyone is looking forward to the dc game console.

After all, this is a next-generation home machine that can already be seen, and although the ps2 announced the news, it is actually far from it.

"PS2 and dc are probably not the same in terms of performance. The performance of ps2 should be slightly higher than that of dc, but it will definitely not be several times that of dc as Sony announced last Christmas. The biggest difference between the two parties may be That is, ps2 will use dvd, and dc will have the hard disk storage."

PS2 uses DVD as the medium. This storage capacity, dc, is about a quarter of that of PS2, or even less.

But this man also said that Sony has expressed disdain for dc's use of hard disk storage, which may mean that ps2 should not have hard disk storage space, which is probably the biggest difference between the two.

"PS2 also announced that it will support dlc content. I am curious about what kind of storage media ps2 will use to store dlc content. I have two ideas. One is that the optical drive used by ps2 has a burning function because of the capacity of dvd. It’s huge, so it can be left blank, and dlc functions and system patches are stored by burning. Secondly, ps2 uses a new storage system that can reduce the storage cost of dlc, but I personally think that this system’s The capacity will probably not be large."

Not to mention, although from the perspective of later generations, this man's analysis is somewhat unreliable, but from the perspective of this era, these insights are actually still possible!

Senxia feels that her brain is actually very good, but people in this world seem to have a good brain.

Not to mention, this person's statement is really feasible, dlc burns directly to the CD, this trick is a brainstorm, it is really good. It's just that the cost of burning optical drives this year is much higher than in the future.

As for the new storage system...Well, Moriha, in any case, can't figure out what other storage system in this world can replace hard drives...

"Look, dc isn't that hot~" Senxia said.

"Well, foreign players are indeed more rational than ours..."

Even Qianjia has to admit that foreign players are indeed much more rational than domestic Japanese.

But Qianjia was also curious at this time: "By the way, Senxia-kun, what do you think ps2 will use to deal with dc? Burning optical drives? New storage media? Or is it unexpectedly using more wonderful methods?"

"Bringing bragging." Senxia said briefly.

"...Huh?" Qianjia didn't reflect, she turned her head and looked at Senxia.

Morinya repeated: "Sony will use the tactics of ‘boasting’ to fight DC."

Morinya made a concise summary.

"If I look at it, there will be no revolutionary things in ps2 at all. The overall system should be an upgrade based on ps, but nothing special will appear."

Although Morinka doesn’t like Nintendo very much, Nintendo sometimes produces wonderful things. Wii, ndl, 3ds, these machines have fundamentally subverted people’s traditional game modes, and they have also achieved success. In addition to the wiiu of the egg, Nintendo is indeed right to kill the Quartet in the future.

Compared with ps, ps2 is indeed a very extraordinary improvement, but its mode of sitting in front of the TV and then playing games with the handle remains unchanged.

As for dc, the model is actually the same, but whether it is "historical" or in the current reality, dc is the first host to use the Internet. For this, Morinia would like to like it.

"But Mori-kun, are you very optimistic about ps2?" Qianjia asked again.

"Of course, I have said the reason before?" After Senxia read the main post, he found that there are still many people who have put forward their own brains, but in general, Americans are more concerned about dc The attitude is more tolerant.

Because of Japan’s hunger and thirst for sales, it was then used by others, so DC’s current reputation in Japan is not very good. Players are criticizing DC and Sega.

But in the United States, some people can realize that this should be a compelling sales method brought about by insufficient output in the initial stage of dc, and they can also understand this matter.

Not to mention, in terms of attitude, they are much better than Japan.

"But the players in North America can understand Sega, which is great." Qianjia also nodded.

"By the way, senpai why do you care so much about this matter? Although this is your father's business, it has little to do with you, right?" Senxia was very curious.

" because it is very interesting, Senxia-kun, don't you like DC?" Qianjia asked Senxia.

"...There is no way to deny this." This is not easy to deny, because Morinia really thinks that dc is very good, "but I also firmly believe that dc is not saved-as long as it is still in Sega's hands."

But at this point, Senxia still insisted.

"When Mr. Suzuki develops this next-generation game, let's talk about it!" Qianjia rolled her eyes towards Morinya, "Tsao Jiao, placed in the real world, is not a good attribute!"

"It's not Tsundere!" Senxia complained, "Well, look, I personally think that after Sega DC landed in the United States, it might still be able to enjoy a glorious look, but after that... Well, I can only say take one step at a time. ~"


Pills are the same as "to finish"

3k, this is a moral...

I'm so sleepy, I can't hold it anymore. I will get up tomorrow to write (to be continued.)

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